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'Yari' Class Cruiser - Printable Version

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'Yari' Class Cruiser - SquigglyKey - 04-28-2021

[Image: RRIeQCU.png]

Paramilitary Cruiser Fleet
GMG "Yari" Class Cruisers

The Donau is an old design, created prior to the 80 years war as a mainstay of the Rheinland fleet. It was produced in vast quantities and used extensively during the unlawful invasion of Sigma-13.
After the conclusion of the war and the lack of any subsequent cleanup operation by the Federal Republic that had replaced the Empire, many of these vessels were left within the Crow Nebula and having seen an opportunity to expand their own arsenal, the Gas Miners Guild began to quietly salvage them.

Following the brilliant work of Dr Ito Namura, the Gas Miners Guild had gained a significant understand of Rheinland technological advancements and had became adept at salvaging and rebuilding the remnants of the Imperial fleet within the Crow Nebula. These vessels haven't had any significant deployments to date, as the Gas Miners Guild prefer to keep their most prized vessels close to home as a trump card in the event of any further invasions from foreign sources.

The Gas Miners Guild have made extensive modifications to all systems onboard the cruisers in their fleet, all of them have had their drive-cores replaced with a brand new H-Fuel based engines and their power systems have been completely refitted to adhere to the standard aboard any other GMG vessel, this is to ensure that any technology developed by the Guild in future will remain compatible with these aging warships.

As a further insult toward the Federal Republic, the GMG rechristened their salvaged cruisers, owing to the vast differences between the newly launched 'Yari' class cruiser and the former Rheinland built vessel.

With the re-emergence of the Empire of Rheinland and their withdrawal from sovereign Guild space following the removal of the traitorous Federal Republic, the Gas Miners Guild has sought to reinforce its borders with its heavier assets to ensure that Rheinland vessels are no longer able to breach Guild space with such ease. As part of this new operation, the Guild has spent many months training its crews to properly operate vessels of this class, and has been staging war-games within the Sigma systems to ensure a response to a foreign invasion will be swift and without mercy. The Guild hopes that the adoption of new tactics will ensure that they are able to maintain full control of their space without any outside help.