To: Academic Community of Sirius ;; From: Tenmei University of Honshu - Shimamori - 11-15-2020
Tenmei University of Honshu
We are pleased to announce that thus year Tenmei University of Honshu (本州天明大学) will be hosting "TM Future Visions 827" academic conference. We humbly call for papers of researchers from all across Sirius to be presented on the Conference. Both students and professors are invited.
The following broad panels will be included:- Applied and Theoretical Physics
- Civil Engineering
- Medical and Bio-sciences
- Chemistry
- Political Science
- Economics
- Stellar Law
- Computer science & Cybernetics
- Mathematics
Each will be sub-divided into specialised presentation groups. Additional panels might be included based on the profile of papers received.
The requirements for participants:- Representing an entity not considered illegal by the Kusari Empire authorities
- Not being on criminal record in the registers of the Empire of Kusari
- Being legally capable of acquiring a valid visa of the Kusari Empire and/or having visa-free access to the space of the Empire of Kusari
- Not having falsified, forged, fabricated, or plagiarised any materials in the papers to be presented
- Having submitted the application for participation in advance
- Consent to publishing article presented on the Conference in Tenmei University Academic Journal
Not meeting any of the requirements above automatically disqualifies an applicant, or a participant should it be found out post factum. By submitting application you agree to the terms and requirements presented above.
The Conference intends to gather bright minds from all across Sirius to discuss the ongoing developments in their fields, share their findings, and contribute to peaceful academic progress of humanity. A wide scope of panels and sub-panels is to recognise and appreciate the academics with the narrowest fields of studies, and to enable any researcher to come and join us in this celebration of science. While Tenmei University specialises in humanities, we have invited prominent researchers from other universities of Kusari to assist in organising this event and serve as qualified moderators for relevant panels. So come join us, and let us together present out visions of the future!
Details on the Conference:
Venue: | 〒254-85-0113 "Mori Tower" complex, 1-18-3 Sumida-machi, Tanegashima-ku, Minamimito, Waseda Island, Planet Honshu (〒254-85-0113 本州惑星早稲田島南水戸種子島区墨田町1丁目18番3号). - floors 42-48. A luxurious business centre in the city Minamimito. This venue is proposed instead of Tenmei campus to facilitate more people in greater comfort while collaborating with local businesses. |
Date: | 20-23 November, 827. |
Fee: | 50,000 SC (Presenter), 26,000 SC (Visitor). |
Visa sponsorship: | yes (in case a participant belongs to a faction with no diplomatic relations with the Empire of Kusari or to a faction that has not amicable standing with the Empire of Kusari, Tenmei University can serve as guarantor for visa purposes. Such cases will be reviewed personally and submitted to the local Kusari State Police agency. In case of approval of the later, Tenmei University bears the visa costs for the applicant in question) |
Dress-code: | business-casual. |
Entertainment programme: | Tenmei University is planning to organise excursion to local sightseeing spots for the attendees. Participation is voluntary and free of charge. |
Residence: | Tenmei university will book places in two local 5-stars hotels ("Kurihama resorts" 1-19-23 Sumida-machi, Tanegashima-ku, Minamimito, Waseda Island, Planet Honshu, and "Kounusagi" - 1-18-6 Sumida-machi, Tanegashima-ku, Minamimito, Waseda Island, Planet Honshu). The hotels are located in walking distance from the venue and are well known locally for high quality of their services. |
Travel: | each participant is to arrange itinerary to Honshu individually. Tenmei University shall not reimburse the travelling expenses. Thank you for understanding. |
If you have more questions, do not hesitate to contact us.
Code: [indent][indent][align=justify][font=Segoe UI][color=#DA9B67]
[align=center][font=Agency FB][size=22][color=#FFFFFF][b]APPLICATION FOR "TM FUTURE VISIONS 827" CONFERENCE[/b][/color][/size][/font][/align]
[float=right][table][tr][td]>>Insert Picture Here<<[/td][/tr][/table][/float][font=Agency FB][color=#FFFFFF][b]Full Name:[/b][/color][/font] -
[font=Agency FB][color=#FFFFFF][b]Affiliation:[/b][/color][/font] - (Academic or Public Institution, Company, non-affiliated, etc. + faction under legislation/auspices of which the institution/individual operates)
[font=Agency FB][color=#FFFFFF][b]Title and Specialisation:[/b][/color][/font] - (e.g.: MSc in Civil Engineering, Ph.D. in Bionics, etc)
[font=Agency FB][color=#FFFFFF][b]Presenter or visitor:[/b][/color][/font] -
[font=Agency FB][color=#FFFFFF][b]Panel of Interest:[/b][/color][/font] -
[font=Agency FB][color=#FFFFFF](for presenters) [b]Topic of Presentation:[/b][/color][/font] -
[font=Agency FB][color=#FFFFFF][b]Participation in entertainment activities:[/b][/color][/font] - (yes / no)
[font=Agency FB][color=#FFFFFF][b]Proof of Payment:[/b][/color][/font] (//to SC-Zuiryu)
[indent]I hereby accept the terms of participation in TM Future Visions 827 (Signature)[/indent]
[indent]Cover letter (optional)[/indent]
For Businesses: If you desire to support the conference by becoming a sponsor, feel free to contact us via this or separate channels. General provisions for sponsorship presume promotion of the company by inclusion of the logos and/or other promotional materials throughout the course of event, however special provisions can can be discussed.
Approved for print by the Tenmei University Academic Council