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To: The Kusari Government CC: Kusari Intelligence Forces Subj: Tweet Tweet - Printable Version

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To: The Kusari Government CC: Kusari Intelligence Forces Subj: Tweet Tweet - The Nemesis - 11-17-2020

[Image: avatar_42123.png?dateline=1570034888]
Data Packet Delivery Successful
Sender: Devin Blackwood
Source Encryption: Yes
Subject: The little birdie says "Tweet".

[Image: wzFFeiF.png]

Now before you instantly toss this into the spam folder hear me out,

My name is Devin Blackwood, I represent The Gaian Nemesis one of the more prominent Gaian Cells currently operating within Bretonia. Normally I wouldn't even consider contacting you but I do fear that our mutual..."friends"... in the Bretonian Armed Forces may be in need of assistance.

You see, just a few days ago I received the most interesting of transmissions from one Commodore Isaac Lance of the Bretonian Armed Forces primary fleet.
Now, I am not one to deny a person help when they request it, I am a gentlemen of course hailing from Planet Cambridge and all though when my own government labels me a terrorist for trying to put a stop to the Gallic Enclave? Well that is where common courtesy ends.

Which is why I am contacting you today, it is most troubling that the once "Esteemed" Bretonian Armed Forces would even considered reaching out to a (as their own laws label) terrorist organization to assist them in an attack. It is just pathetic and it seems prudent their allies should know with whom they are cooperating.

Just thought you should know.

RE: To: The Kusari Government CC: Kusari Intelligence Forces Subj: Tweet Tweet - Empire of Kusari - 11-21-2020

[Image: X04Ng2q.png]
New Tokyo system, House Kusari, 827 A.S

[Image: EhfaHMv.jpg]
Foreign Affairs Minister- Toshinori Kojirou

Mister Blackwood.

It appears that a small history lesson is required before we will address the news you bring to us.
Firstly, the Gaian movement is on paper still welcome in Kusari space due to - let us call it - known ties to the Hogosha and Farmer Alliance - while the latter is outlawed, the indirect assistance during the first Tau War of the Gaians was not forgotten either.
This policy did not change yet as so far no complaints about Gaian pilots violating the Kusari Legal Codex or threatening the lives of our civilians reached us.
Secondly, while the Reformed Empire of Kusari judges the genocide conducted by the Royalists of Gallia as a crime of incomparable, cruel bloodlust and supports the Bretonian wish for justice, we are far from friends with the Kingdom of Bretonia or their Armed Forces.
The simple fact that the Bretonians - at least back during the Gallic invasion - proved to be honorary warriors who assisted the cut off Imperial forces and the then exiled and by now deceased Emperor and the usual flow of trade goods among the colonies leads to a relationship you could call a "cold business neutrality" these days.

It appears that the disarray caused by our agenda within Gallia gave the Armed Forces an opportunity to strike and attempt to root out the Royalists of the Hebrides. While we wish them good luck with this operation, we can fully understand your mild, we shall call it "disgust", towards them for reaching out to your organization, outlawed by the Bretonians many decades ago, with only demands and no offers in return.
It is apparent that the Armed Forces are not the best negotiators you will find out there. After the Royalists, it will be them sticking around Edinburgh and from all I understand of your organization, in your eyes their mere presence will become an inevitable threat to Gaia sooner or later again.

The Reformed Empire of Kusari will continue to pursue its current agenda and not intervene with internal struggles in Bretonia.
A hint off records: the Kingdom of Bretonia never rehabilitated the Hogosha and considers them an enemy.

With cordial regards,
Toshinori Kojirou
Minister of Foreign Affairs