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Building links into signatures - Printable Version

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Building links into signatures - 13CentKiller - 03-27-2009

I was once taught how to build a link into a signature to make it clickable, but I can't remember how to do it.

Also, how do you set up a signature with clicky sections in it with different links? Is there a tutorial or something on this?

Cheers guys:cool:

Building links into signatures - tazuras - 03-27-2009

You cut up the image into slices and put them in a table. So the code for each slice would look like:
As for how to do the table look up a reference on google, I forgot how to do it, probably because i hate html tables, css rocks.

Building links into signatures - LA-384 - 03-27-2009

It's really easy if you have some basic understanding of bb-codes.

[url=]Google search[/url]
-> Google search
-> [Image: biggrin.gif]
-> [Image: biggrin.gif] <- linking to google

So as tazuras said while i was typing. You slice up your signature in equal parts, say a 700x250 signature becomes 4 parts of 350x125. Part 1 = top left, part 2 = top right, part 3 = bottom left, part 4 = bottom right.

Part 1, Part 2
Part 3, Part 4

Building links into signatures - 13CentKiller - 03-27-2009

Cool! I'll have to try it out later!

Thanks to you both!:)

Building links into signatures - Leo - 03-28-2009

This is my signature in BB Code. There is the first picture, the main one with -[SC]- at the top and a majority of the picture with my character, then I hit enter and put in the links in the right order with image and URL tags. After that I hit accept and they came together to form a signature.

