Discovery Gaming Community
To: [*USI*], Subj: Repairs - Printable Version

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To: [*USI*], Subj: Repairs - Interstellar Beacon - 11-28-2020

[Image: UNAGbne.png]

Raul Golden appeared on screen, while running last calculations in his holographic tablet

Good day.

Our station is in need of maintenance and we are currently out of supplies to perform it. A quick table to cover all our needs and payment to cover the work was made which I hope you find satisfactory. It is based on 117mils per hour salary, where we estimated 48 minutes to do the job. With the addition of a necessary sum to acquire materials from distributors, we would be required to pay 137 million credits.

Time in sec7070150150
Base price2504560810
Price per unit70550010351785
Required amount100000200002000020000
Payment mils70,51020,735,7
Time spent1400280600600
Need materialsFree spaceLeft spaceSum paid in milTime used in min

Will you be up to the job to do it?

P.S. The time to bring our food and water supplies could be used to deliver Reinforced Alloy to your own station on a way back. Additional time to get alloy and going from Planet Erie to Elemton station was not included as payable.

Raul Golden closed the video channel.

[Image: g3OzRD6.png]

RE: To: [*USI*], Subj: Repairs - JCPC - 11-28-2020

[Image: 20110920060754%21USI_Logo.png]

  • -- Encryption: Standard
  • -- Name: Julios Camios
  • -- Subject: Repair Supplies

Greetings, Mr Golden,

More work for us? Of course we can complete this. These prices are plenty adequate and thus we will be able to begin deliveries later in the day. Inform me when the station is ready to go and we'll get it done in short order

We're always happy to work with your station and aid in keeping it in buisness

Julios Camios
Vice President,
Universal Shipping Incorporated

[Image: qcAwCM9.png]

RE: To: [*USI*], Subj: Repairs - Interstellar Beacon - 11-28-2020

[Image: UNAGbne.png]

Raul Golden appeared on screen with smile on his face

Nice to meet you again Mr. Julios Camios.
Everything was prepared in advance, so we are already ready.

Likewise, it is always pleasurable to deal with you.

Raul Golden closed the video channel.

[Image: g3OzRD6.png]