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TO: Admiral of RN Coalition group; FROM: Possible friend. - Printable Version

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TO: Admiral of RN Coalition group; FROM: Possible friend. - SCEC - 12-21-2020

[Image: SieN1Jt.png]
FROM: Alexey Novikov.
RECIPIENT: Admiral of RN.
SOURCE: Mykolaiv, Omega-52.

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I see you find its funny to piss off the most powerful man in New Moscow after Premier himself, right? Or do you think, if you babble about your "highly classified purpose" in the face of commissars and Field Marshal, who commands the entire Army, they will simply eat this?

In the same time, while you stood gaping, enemy provocateurs compromised your identification codes and used it to spread their decay on loyal soldiers. And what was your response to the presumably infected specimen? That is your classified purpose? Applying your thumbs at each other butts?

In the end, we have next variants of who you are: forgotten project of previous premiers, infiltrators linked with Selim or even infected. So, who are you? And why you are so incompetent?

If you would answer honestly, you can find a friend and bits of advice here. But you should cut this show-off. For "classified" guys you already gained too much attention.


RE: TO: Admiral of RN Coalition group; FROM: Possible friend. - Red Nineteenth - 12-24-2020

Sender: Amaya Jahandar
Recipient: Alexey Novikov
Subject: Re: Hello

[Image: RedStar7.png]

Good day Mr. Novikov,

It appears our groups have got off on the wrong foot. I am Chief Secretary Jahandar, I work for Admiral Cherdenko.

Regarding the Red Nineteenth we are a small group, yet our goals are not dissimilar to yours – the overthrow of tyrannical governments that plague the sector. We wish to strengthen this idea by going out into the Houses and show the people we still wish to fight the rule of the governments.

As for the incident in question, I would stress that the singular enemy provocateur was not associated with any of us and was handled with appropriate force by allied Coalition pilots.


Chief Secretary,
Amaya Jahandar

[Image: RedStar7.png]

RE: TO: Admiral of RN Coalition group; FROM: Possible friend. - SCEC - 12-28-2020

[Image: SieN1Jt.png]
FROM: Alexey Novikov.
RECIPIENT: Admiral of RN.
SOURCE: Mykolaiv, Omega-52.

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Greetings, comrade Jahandar. Nice to finally see proper salutation.

Its always warming to observe such enthusiasm from our soldiers. Hope, you liked Premier inauguration speech. But the question was not about this incident. Investigation showed provocateurs, but it didn't answer, who are you.

There are no small groups. There are only people of Coalition, and Premier, chosen by Duma to represent their will. And we are who perform this will. If your goals would've been dissimilar with our people, you wouldn't even step onboard the Coalition ships.

While your courage in combat can be beyond doubts, your attitude cause questions. You seem to forget that we aren't warbands' union, and when Fieldmarshal orders you, you shout "Tak tochno, comrade Fieldmarshal". And definitely not that bullshit which you blabbed to him and commissar around.

For now, question who are you still open. If you have any internal question to solve regarding command chain before open to me, I can wait. I can even provide any help needed.

But first, you should report to Fieldmarshal. Salute him appropriately and by this I mean, your comrade Cherdenko should make it himself to end any misunderstandings. Any personnel of your detachment should report to local Commissariate unit as fast as possible to pass infection tests. That would definitely remove all unnecessary suspicions from you.

Hope you will see a good New Year in Sirius.


RE: TO: Admiral of RN Coalition group; FROM: Possible friend. - Red Nineteenth - 12-30-2020

Sender: Amaya Jahandar
Recipient: Alexey Novikov
Subject: Re: Hello

[Image: RedStar7.png]

Good day Mr. Novikov,

As you say, we are all people of the Coalition. If you are not aware of who we are then unfortunately, it is above your clearance level. As such, I am prohibited from discussing it with you.

As you say, we are all people of the Coalition. And we are in that capacity peers with you and not subservient to you. Please do not continue with the presumption you have unilateral authority.

Our personnel have already undergone the necessary procedures, unfortunately we are prohibited from sharing such information with you.


Chief Secretary,
Amaya Jahandar

[Image: RedStar7.png]

RE: TO: Admiral of RN Coalition group; FROM: Possible friend. - SCEC - 12-31-2020

[Image: SieN1Jt.png]
FROM: Alexey Novikov.
RECIPIENT: Admiral of RN.
SOURCE: Mykolaiv, Omega-52.

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Сomrade Jahandar.

I see you still don't understand who you are talking with and what kind of situation your group is in. There nobody to confirm that you are on our side.

Of course, after all the political incidents, there could be left undocumented units still continuing their mission. Of course, I will continue the investigation on the matter who you are.

But there we have one problem. I can't allow to possible traitors or even worse, infected, freely operate around and make contacts with honest citizens and partners of the Coalition. This is my duty as the Minister of Truth. I'm the man who oversees information right now, so stop feeding me with this rubbish about my clearance level.

If there would've been anybody who could've put in a word for you, think I wouldn't have been informed? I already suggested you the way, which will allow you to continue the mission without unnecessary attention from rest Coalition authorities. If you were isolated for a long time, I offered to wait before you would be ready to disclose details of your mission.

Currently, you look like Houses' spies from kids holofilms, whose trying to hide among Coalition citizens wearing idiotic costumes. Stop to test everybody's patience by your clowning. Otherwise, you all will be arrested until the investigation end. For gross negligence or for betrayal or as infected. Choose any.

I did come to you as a comrade, and what did I get? Now I must act as Minister of Truth. We have no time for this kindergarten, it is last warning.