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shutdown -r - Groshyr - 12-26-2020

Few days after the Battle for Languedoc

It's been a late evening on planet Quillan, dark clouds occupied the entire sky, leaving no place for stars to share their shine. All were coloured in grim red, but in the rooms of Admiral Antonin de Lusignan was bright enough with the soft yellow light of several lamps highlight dark wallpapers, several soft chairs, a table and a book cupboard. Two of the chairs were taken, by a late-middle-aged man with thick, a bit brushy beard, and an older man with short moustache and glass on his nose.

"So, Baron Montluc," Antonin glanced on an old man sitting in a chair next to him. "I was told you wanted to meet. It's been a while since we talked last time."

RE: shutdown -r - Monsieur Baguette - 12-26-2020

Few days after the Battle for Languedoc

The older man wearing a pair of old-fashioned glasses, an token to the fashion of the royal nobility and a whole epoch gone, was looking in the window as the question was asked. It was obviously pleasant for Fabian Montluc to be back again on Quillan where his brief yet eventful political career began. Carefully gauging the fortifications looming over the skyline, the baron was smiling to himself.

"You know, Monsieur de Lusignan, these fortifications you can see in the window - I played a role in their construction. What a satisfying sight seeing them standing, damaged yet not penetrated. The Kusarians surely were a surprise for the local garrison, yet the fotress stood firmly.". - The Baron took a sip of a fine Burgundian wine from his glass and froze for a second, savouring the taste - "After all it is good to be home again. I am not sure if my family will be able to return our ancestral fief on Orleans but Quillan will always have a spot in my heart for giving a respite after the collapse of the Kingdom. Yet I suppose you are here not to listen to the lamenting of an old man, so I will get to business. Please, forgive my melancholy."

"As far as I am aware, you are now representing the remaining Royal Forces within Gallia and most likely will be an important person in this new military regime. This gives me hope. It is tough to comprehend that the role of the noble families will be reduced after all, even under the auspices of those who recently served us. Still, the order right now is more important. We endured a treacherous attack by the Kusarians, and the tensions between the republicans and the royalists will not fade away in a fortnight. Even the ex-Enclave members are not to be trusted... - Montluc stuttered and looked down at the floor, his face turning pale. - "They killed my son, you know...". Fabian looked back at Antonin with a more focused gaze, his face still looking grim, having lost the last semblance of joy seen just moments ago during savouring the wine.

"I will not go deep into how or why it happened. The point is, despite all my assistance to the Enclave, they used the earliest convenience to seize my assets when a malaise incapacitated me for a brief period. And my son fell victim to their schemes. I bet those were the nobles, not the soldiers. So now I am facing a different kind of regime. That is my sincere hope, at least. In this regard, I would offer you all the intel and some know-hows that MAE has acquired throughout its existence. Most importantly you, as a person who values intelligence, can use the data on a group of systems we called "the Antilles". I presume, Gallia will not be expanding in the Taus now the war with Kusari is ended not particularly in favour on this direction. Perhaps, these navigational data can benefit Gallia in resistance-less expansion in a completely new direction. In return, I would just ask your support in re-establishing MAE back on Quillan and rebuilding Uxeau-de-Quillan with some governmental support. The war with Kusari and rapid evacuation from Aquitaine was detrimental to our assets. - Fabian looked at the wine in his glass and without looking at de Lusignan added: "We still can be beneficial to the state after all."

RE: shutdown -r - Groshyr - 12-26-2020

Few days after the Battle for Languedoc

"The schemes between Nobles caused a lot of trouble for us, soldiers of the fallen kingdom. Even in the raging war against all, with no allies supplying the Enclave, a very few of those Nobles ceased their schemes for the sake of power and filling the gap created after King's disappear and following the collapse of the Kingdom. I would say it was equal to treason, and I would prefer to see all those who didn't help us to stand but rather disrupted our effort to stabilize the Enclave were punished." Antonin drank a bit of wine just with respect to Baron. It was pretty against his standard to drink on duty, but he made an exception for now. "You are the one of those who put maximal effort attempting to help us, and I appreciate this. I suppose you already know, and even if this doesn't change much; those who stood behind the conspiracy against your son are dead. Executed for treason."

"Nevertheless, you are not right. I am... I was the Admiral to Enclave Defence Authority, which was a conglomerate of various units but wasn't Enclave entire. There still other commanders like me who led other units, and we expect some of them to go against unification and become rogues.The data you want to share with us will find good use. We indeed can't expand into Taus: attempt to may cause another war and this is now what Gallia needs us. We need to rebuild our house, make it stronger than ever before, unite our people by a common idea. Creating foreign enemies helps in this effort, but doesn't help when war is raging for real on yet warm and smoky wreckage." Antonin glanced at baron, thinking for a while before proceeding, "The corporation may indeed be useful in the effort of rebuilding Gallia, but are you sure you are ready to engage in this competition? Perhaps a chateau with a vineyard near it would be something better for you now, at your age, mon Baron?"

RE: shutdown -r - Monsieur Baguette - 12-26-2020

Few days after the Battle for Languedoc

"Executed, you say? This surely bring some joy into father's heart to see the murderers of his son put to justice." - A quick smile appeared on the face of the Baron. "When I am talking about the corporation I am more concerned about the loyal employees and followers of mine who ventured with me into a political adventure, abandoning their stable lives behind. I am not that old to lead the corporation but you are right telling me I would be doing better elsewhere - the death of my son hit me hard and I am devoid of that enthusiasm that drove me a year ago. My recent disease is also a proof of me needing a rest. My political and corporate ambitions might have brought me fame and money but took my son. I already had had the money and was a noble before MAE, I can earn more if I want to, but I cannot afford losing more of my children."

Fabian put the glass on the table and leaned forward to de Lusignan: "I would certainly agree to a chateau somewhere here, on Quillan, or if you help me reclaim my old fief on Orleans which would be even better. As for MAE - the new generation will take care of it here on Quillan, I am just asking the employees to operate without any restrictions if any have persisted since our exile during the Confederacy period. They are fair hard working people, I wouldn't be wise turning their entrepreneurship and ingenuity down. As for me - I will go for a retirement if you allow me to. My play has been staged and there is nothing more for me to show to the Gallic public. Time to live for myself at last"

RE: shutdown -r - Groshyr - 12-27-2020

Few days after the Battle for Languedoc

"I will do my best to help you return to your homeworld, baron." Antonin slightly smiled to the old man. "Perhaps, without your effort and support, we wouldn't reach this point. MAE was important for Enclave, and I'm sorry we didn't manage to prevent the conspiracy against Quentin. However, regrets won't return him."

"MAE personnel shall be justified and allowed to return to their civil duties under the new regime to rise. However, the Gallia shall be strong again, Baron." Lusignan stood up from his chair, "But she will never be like it was."

"Have a nice evening." - with these words said, Admiral de Lusignan left Baron alone.