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Nova Torpedo.... - DearMatthew - 03-28-2009

So I was under the impression that the Nova Torpedo was a fire and forget weapon?

If that's correct then how do you get to "lock on" because I wasted like 20torps (120k). Only one of them hit so I'm wondering, (1) if they can be fired & forgot or (2) should I just get a SNAC? Which I must know if that can be fired & forgot.

Nova Torpedo.... - Derkylos - 03-28-2009

Honestly? Just get a SN. Novas have pretty awful tracking, plus they do nothing against cap shields. Even with their increased durability, they are still a secondary weapon.

Nova Torpedo.... - Andrew_Bonesovich - 03-29-2009

Get SN+Nova torp :-P My BAF bomber has that loadout and it works good, especially against cruisers/dessies and above. SN the shield and then the Novas.

I feel even more useless against fighters though.

Nova Torpedo.... - Supern0va - 03-29-2009

I don't get why it dosn't hurt caps sheilds? It says that it has like 20 thousand something sheild damage.

Nova Torpedo.... - Montezuma/Kukulcan - 03-29-2009

To be efective against any ship short of a battlecruiser, all you need is 4 sheildbusters, a SNAC and a nova.
Works beutifully on my praetorian.
It leads to many fun suicides.

Nova Torpedo.... - Tenacity - 03-29-2009

' Wrote:I don't get why it dosn't hurt caps sheilds? It says that it has like 20 thousand something sheild damage.

it does hurt shields, the issue is with extremely large ships (like large battleships) where the nova's explosion doesnt reach the shield generator hardpoint at the center of the ship. If the explosion doesnt hit the center of the ship, no shield damage is done.

Works fine on my carrier if I get hit in the side, but hits on the front and back ends dont do much. Most battleships are fairly immune to novas when their shields are up as well - but any cruiser or gunboat is going to lose shields to a nova.

Nova Torpedo.... - Montezuma/Kukulcan - 03-29-2009

Last i chcked, my praefect didnt recieve any sheild damage from a nova.

Nova Torpedo.... - hribek - 03-29-2009

During the whole time 4.85 is out, I only blew up my ship with a Nova twice - once, on the first day, in the Badlands... the second time when I was fighting a bomber in omicron minor and the torpedo exploded upon hitting an invisible asteroid.

Yes, SN is more effective against newbie fighters. But if you have a light bomber, Nova is actually the weapon of choice, because...

1) it strips equipment
2) it is a LOT more energy efficient than a SN.

So eh.. if you want to use your bomber actually against capital ships? Mount a Nova! Absolutely! It's not as "easy" to work with as a SN, but it's certainly worth it. And about Nova tracking, meh...

With the Nova, I raped a corsair cruiser with 4 of them and the pilot asked me to blow him up.
I managed to kill several gunboats with it, without getting shot down (granted, the gunboat pilots weren't really great, but hey... )

I even blew up at least 1 VHF with the Nova. And it's a huge boom.

Oh and... Traders certainly hate that thing more than a SN. Why? They have less time to run for a base, they lose turrets, they can lose their thruster which just slows them down even more. Oh and... unshielded capitals hate Novas. So if you have a good way to de-shield a capital ship (another capship's EMP, supernova, Inferno, or just fighter guns... ) and know how to handle the real bomber torpeeeeedo ... you're up for some fun, I can guarantee you that.

Also note: the Nova torp will fly 4 seconds just by inertia, in a straight line! So if you can predict where a gunboat will go, you can hit it with the Nova even before the torpedo's motor kicks in (don't forget to hit reverse or you'll be caught in the blast). Yeah, it takes 4 seconds for the torpedo to actually start tracking and accelerating. But erm, bombers can launch there from likr 3K from a battleship and they are going to hit. SN range is like 2K... and you need to be closer for the targeting reticle to appear.

P.S.: Nova hurts shields, you just have to know how. Safest bet is to try hitting the front section of the ship. If that doesn't work, try it from sides/above/below.
P.P.S.: Nova is so cool that I can actually do a 1 million credit mission in a lone Order bomber (it isn't easy in any way!) but I can de-shield an NPC BH destroyer with 3-4 torps, then kill it with two. And I don't have any pulse guns on that bomber.

Nova Torpedo.... - DearMatthew - 03-29-2009

Thanks for the info Hribek! And the rest of you for posting! I got a SNAC to take out sheilds, all I need to know is if you can have it autofire, like CM, or no you can't or no bad idea.

Nova Torpedo.... - X-Lancer - 03-29-2009

' Wrote:Honestly? Just get a SN. Novas have pretty awful tracking, plus they do nothing against cap shields. Even with their increased durability, they are still a secondary weapon.

actually..they do damage to cap shield...but not Battleship's shield..other than's fine..