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To: Front de Libération de Gallia - Printable Version

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To: Front de Libération de Gallia - Étendard Noir - 01-20-2021

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My name is Étienne Sechy, I have been active in a Maquis cell called the Étendard Noir for around two years. Our relations with the movement were always troubled due to our admittedly extremist ideology. I am not sure how interested you are in cooperation, but despite my organization's raison d'être, I'm not fundamentally opposed to ties. I would like to know what you have and where you intend to bring it, if you are willing to share that.

RE: To: Front de Libération de Gallia - Lionel Bourcher - 01-20-2021

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Author:Lionel Boucher aboard of [FLG]Fantôme-1
Subject:More Maquis?
A Maquis? I can cut the m***** then, no time to lose.

We found a massive Royalist Refugee Convoy in Orkney trying to rejoin the abomination of The Gallic Union with powerful escorts.

Let's face it - those families will not bomb themselves. We have no base in the system, we met some "Nemesis" people that want to assassiner the traitor refugees too and are willing to let us on their base. I won't ask why, but they have an immediate goal just as noble as ours - kill the former Enclave people aboard these transport ships and liners. In as spectacular fashion as possible. Who am I to look a gift horse in the mouth.

If you can hold yourselves back from shooting The Nemesis, manage to work with us on blowing up the refugees for the greater good of Gallia, then we can talk about what we can do for each other next after the deed is done.

You boast about being extremists? Prove it by sending your most, passionate, radicals - to help us blow up the convoy.
You say you aren't opposed to ties? Prove it by working with The Nemesis and us in blowing up said convoy.

Are you in, or are you in!?

Terminer l'émission,

Lionel Boucher

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RE: To: Front de Libération de Gallia - Étendard Noir - 01-20-2021

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M Boucher;

Straight to the point? I appreciate that. I cannot count the times I've had tiresome conversations gone on for far longer than they must have, just to get pleasantries out of the way. I'm refreshed by your dispensation of those.
Maybe I can find some banners to join your strike force, but I am still curious about your motivations. You never did answer my original question.

The Standard can be there to break, break until everything shatters. But when we look at the pieces, where will you be?

RE: To: Front de Libération de Gallia - Lionel Bourcher - 01-20-2021

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Author:Lionel Boucher aboard of [FLG]Fantôme-1
Subject:Get to the point?
You ask this after Mazagran? After The Gallic Union completed the threatchery and enslaved Gallia?

I want to see the Royalists and their collaborators burn. I will not rest until all of them are gone. What will I do with the charred pieces of their bodies? I will put on a big wide smile and a let out a sight of relief. My job will be done.

You claim to have radical convictions, yet you speak like one of the scheming spineless Council politicians that betrayed us and Gallia. I am showing you thousands of Royalist lives that we can snuff out in one fell swoop. Any Maquis with a pure heart would make that their priority.

Join our immediate goal, as equal partners, in killing these Royalists. Or stay our of our way. Just don't distract me with useless questions you so claim to not like in the first place.

Terminer l'émission,

Lionel Boucher

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RE: To: Front de Libération de Gallia - Étendard Noir - 01-20-2021

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M Boucher;

Very well. You've shown where you want to start, and I will be there for it. You haven't yet shown where you want to end, preferring to delegate that to our future selves with accusations. But that is fine as it is, we will find out. I will be there, and we can pursue the destruction of the Council together, before we look at each other and wonder what else we might find. That time will come.