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Lack of CM on the BH BS & the Aquilon - Printable Version

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Lack of CM on the BH BS & the Aquilon - Clarkie - 03-29-2009

Hey folks,

I just realised that (according to their info cards) neither the Aquion Carrier or the BH Battleship seem to have a CM slot. Is there any reason for this?

I cant think of any decent balance reason why they wouldnt have a CM launcher, seems a bit strange as they seem to be the only battleship-class vessels that dont.

Intentional or just an oversight?

Lack of CM on the BH BS & the Aquilon - Jinx - 03-29-2009

thats strange - both ships do have a HpCM01 - along with the correct entry in the shiparch. - both ships should have a CM.

Lack of CM on the BH BS & the Aquilon - Clarkie - 03-29-2009

Well admittedly I havent tried to fit one to either ship (not that rich.. yet)/ Only going by the info on the cards/datastorm

Lack of CM on the BH BS & the Aquilon - Carme - 03-29-2009

Cheat yourself some good credits in Single Player mode using Cheat Engine and make one of them to playtest things, mate. thats how most people roll new tech...

Don't bring that cheat engine garbage onto the server, though, you'll be autokicked if you buy something with invalid credits*, possibly auto-banned.
(*This will not happen until you attempt to log-out without launching or launch into space after using the cheat)

Lack of CM on the BH BS & the Aquilon - Muleo - 03-29-2009

Both ships you mentioned do have CM hardpoints. The infocards are handwritten by infocard writers, they aren't generated by the game, so whoever made those infocards simply forgot to add the 'CM' bit.

Lack of CM on the BH BS & the Aquilon - Clarkie - 03-29-2009

Ah ok then, mystery solved