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Washed Ashore - Megaera - 01-29-2021

Ship Hangar 3, Sector 1, Kinkaku-ji, Shikoku

The humming sound gradually decreased when the Fuyuzora's engines died down. The iconic ship that has been one of the Gen'an Chrysanthemum's primary battletransports ever since the dawn of the organisation, had just finished carrying 4850 slave women to Kinkaku-ji.

They were transfered to the Fuyuzora when its captain, Miyazaki Rin, encountered 2 transports who claimed the women were freed from the slave market on Planet pittsburg. On the way back Rin had contemplated on how she got in that situation. She had looked forward to breathe in the Maltese atmosphere again in a few weeks from now, but now she had to make a detour of a few days towards Kinkaku-ji. She also wondered if it was the right thing to sacrifice some of the cardamine for the women. She concluded that it can't be helped anymore and make the best of it. After all, The last time she was caught with male slaves in her cargo hold, there were certain Golden Chrysanthemum elements who wanted to execute the entire Gen'an movement. The irony of it all made her smirk and feel disapointment over the current state of the Golden Chrysanthemum movement at the same time.

She disembarked the Akegata class transport and walked towards the cargo doors. After reading the manifesto handed to her, she gave the order to open to cargo hold. Between the large airtight sealed crates of cardamine, were the slave women. Most of them were hurdled together in the corners of the hold or hiding behind crates. She spoke Libertonian with traces of both Kusarian and Maltese accents.

"I am sorry for the discomfort, but the Fuyuzora isn't really designed for the comfort of personel transportation. I am Miyazaki Rin, captain of the Fuyuzora. You now stand on one of the installations of the Gen'an Sisterhood." And I will likely get alot of crap for this, she mumbled to herself. "You will all receive a proper medical check and food. After this, you will be transported to the nearest freeport and you will have to see for yourself what you want to do with the rest of your life. Any questions?"

RE: Washed Ashore - DkJericho - 01-30-2021

Akasuki presses down on her new outfit. She stares ahead at a long corridor hearing music playing towards the end. As she make her way, head tilt down looking at the floor she wonders is this real am I truly free?

Stopping at the door she pauses taking everything in then the door slides open to a bunch of females laughing and drinking, it almost puts a smile on Akasuki's face. Making her way to a table she make eye contact with the bartender.

"Ummm I...Ill have a water please."

RE: Washed Ashore - Lord Helmchen - 01-30-2021

Kiri was the Youngest of the 4 Sisters that made the Crew of the Winterblossom. she was about 1.60 meters tall, Not that big for a 20-Year-Old. And even when she was a Gen'an Minarai for some time had no one ever seen her Face so Far. she was always Hideing it under the Hood of her Kitty Heard Hoodie. Only her sisters Yuki, Sayaka, and Yuriko knew how she Looked under the Hood. Normally Kiri was Realy Shy and never Left the Winterblossom alone, but today something Drew her out into Kinkaku-ji. Most Gen'an Sisters she Came across were Suprised to see Kiri alone, as she walked towards the Bar of the Station something Drew her there.

as Kiri Entered she Saw another Girl Sitting at a Table, she Looked alone and Lost and Kiri felt the Urge to Cheer her up. she didn't know why or how but she wanted to try it. Kiri moved over to her and Sits next to her, the Face as Allways Hidden Deep inside her Kitty Eared Hood. as she Pulled at the New Girls Sleve to say hello to the new Girl.

Are you New here too?

RE: Washed Ashore - DkJericho - 01-30-2021

She pulls her arm back quickly into her chest startled and afraid.

"I...Im sorry you startled me."

Almost afraid to bring up the abuse she just recently came from she tilts her head down

RE: Washed Ashore - Lord Helmchen - 01-30-2021

Sorry, I didn't want to scare you. i....well you just looked a bit lost.

Kiri had some Blue Jeans and her Beloved Grey Kitty heard Hoody on. she moved a bit back from the Girl as she Realized that she had Scared her. she had a Litle Bag With her that looked like it could Contain a Laptop, on it were all kinds of Buttons and Patches that showed where she was in her life. most of them were from Kusari but there were also some from Liberty and the other Houses. some Showed Anime and Manga Motives and others were just funny things like Animals or a Sunrise, the Bag Looked old and Used but also as if Kiri would take good Care of it. there was more than one place on it that was Repaired in the Past on the Bag.

You know, you looked a bit like I felt myself as I was new here.

RE: Washed Ashore - DkJericho - 01-30-2021

Being taken back just listening to her perky voice and positive attitude made her comfortable. Brushing back her long black hair revealed sharp green eyes and a bruise on the left eye. A tear trickles down her cheek, lifting her arm to wipe it away reveals more bruising as the sleeve pulls back.

" see.."

She bites her lip unsure how to say it.

"I came from a world where men abused me for the smallest mistakes...."

Pushing her sleeve back down she takes a sip of water that the bartender just dropped off. In shame she tilts her head back down the jet black hair flowing over her face.

RE: Washed Ashore - Megaera - 01-30-2021

A short woman was quietly stood quietly next to the table. Where she came from was hard to tell, but in their conversation they didn't notice her presence until she slammed the tray full of Liberty Ale on the table. Two of the bottles fell over.

"Koooonichiwa! Hello! and something in frogspeak! Any of you want some fresh Liberty Ale? freshly extorted... im mean imported from Planet Manhattan. Both good for making molotov cocktails or to get drunk on. So erm any takers here?"

Misaki looked at Kiri and Akasuki with a wide smile.

"I can also get you something stronger if you like. The booze ship passed by recently and we got enough alcohol to kill every single person on this station."

RE: Washed Ashore - Emiko Sato - 01-30-2021

Emiko was taking a short break, enjoying a kiseru of Gallic tobacco, when she was called. It was usually something medical for her so she took her last puff, grabbed her bag and headed where she was told to go.
She was dressed in her favorite kimono when she came in and saw the masses of.......women. She found Miyazaki Rin and got a briefing on the situation.

"4,850 patients?" she asked in shock. She held up her bag, "I will need more than this."
But before she left for sick bay, she noticed the girl sitting at the bar with hair over her face. Something inside of Emiko said, "look at her first."
Putting a mint in her mouth to mask the tobacco smell, she gently went over to her.

"Konnichiwa," she said kindly. "I am Emiko Sato, a medical officer here."
She had noticed her cover her arm. It was that arm that Emiko approached and took softly.
"Allow me to help you."

RE: Washed Ashore - Lord Helmchen - 01-31-2021

Kiri Smiled at her and then at Emiko. the Doctor was one of the Rare Persons apart from her Sisters that Knew her Face. Emiko was a Good one and Kiri Smiled at her, but she could sense that the Girl Next to her was Nervous and didn't trust her. and so Did Kiri a thing that Needed a Loot of Curage from her side, she Touched the Corners of her Hood and Pulled her off from her Head. Kiri had a Friendly but Shy Smile on her face and looked out of her Green eyes at the Emiko and the New Girl. but the Most Prominent about her was that Half her Face was Covered in a Red Birthmark that looked a bit like it Burned.

You can Trust her, Emiko is a Nice and Friendly Sister and she will Never Hurt you. Emiko is the Doctor here she will help you.

Kiri Hoped that the Girl would let Emiko Help her, she knew how it was to be all Alone and Abused. in her Village she was an Outsider and the Target for Mocking and Cruelty, so she Knew how Akasuki Felt and wanted to Help her.

RE: Washed Ashore - DkJericho - 02-01-2021

Akasuki pulled her arm in and took a deep breath then about flew back out of her chair when a women slammed a bottle on the table.

" thank you.."

After pulling her chair back in she stared back at Kiri and had a feeling that she didn't remove her hood very often, so doing so gave Akasuki some relief.
Pulling back her hair she stared at Emiko then to Kiri then back to Emiko.

"Im sorry if I seem shy its just no one has actually cared for me before..."

Her eyes begin to water up but pulls herself back together.

"These bruises are about a few days old there is no need for you to tend to them, this isn't the first time." she says with a stern voice.
"The women here seem so confident and feels nice for a change." she says as Emiko approaches her.

Feeling more comfortable with Kiri she begins to relax and open up.

"So Kiri the sisters I..I cant thank everyone enough but.....I have no where to go..."