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*Encrypted* To the Newest Gateway| CEO ||From "Ghost's from the Past" - Printable Version

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*Encrypted* To the Newest Gateway| CEO ||From "Ghost's from the Past" - Aereon - 02-02-2021

[Image: L8YyXHi.png]

Murdock here,yes you heard me right.

I'll start with the Obvious first :

  1. No your Transponder is not malfunctioning.

  2. No it has not been hacked.

  3. Yes this is an Official Gateway Frequency, just with an older encryption.

  4. The Original members of our Prestigious and Fierce Blackwing Squadron can vouch for who I am.

Happy ? Actually scratch that it doesn't matter, I'm carrying on anyways, this is Important.

You don't personally know me, but rest assured you soon will.

Alan Shepard was a dear Friend and one Hell of a Business Partner,after the departure of Miles Stuart,we were well-led by him and overcame many challenges together as result.

As such the reports that he was MIA, presumed KIA didn't sit well with me, especially when referring to those wonderful smugglers' routes that we'd both traveled far more than we should admit.

After a very long journey with much searching and spending much time with Freelancers, Daring Junkers and the local IMG ,now years later I finally found him, and only now do we both realize actually how many blasted years have since past.

The passage of Time truly waits for none.

Alan and I are currently docked on Kensington Whilest repairs and modifications are done to my Ship, the Triebfeder ,a rather unique Vessel that further serves to authenticate me, again the Black Wing would know it, I'm proud to say it was and most likely still is the only ship of it's kind in our entire roster.

Anyways enough waffling ,down to a spot of business.

I have no idea who's taken the reigns since then, I assumed it would have been Mr Stark ?

Now I personally would like to Officially return to the Fold as The Director of Public Relations & Marketing, I.e My current title whilst Alan will be taking a more Advisory role , the crash has unfortunately taken it's toll along with some side effects .

Alan will send his own transmission in due time about all of this.

And that just about sums it up, it's alot to take in so we'll give you some time.

Be seeing you.

Murdock Out

[Image: ySiDE5Q.png]

RE: *Encrypted* To the Newest Gateway| CEO ||From "Ghost's from the Past" - Aereon - 02-05-2021

[Image: 3Q3gqbG.png]

**Static**yelling can be heard in-between the bouts of static**Static**

**Static**Oi! Allen you think they got the Transmission yet?**Static**Send it again you say ?**Static**

Foot steps can be heard as Murdock approaches the Terminal

Murdock Glares Intently at the Terminal and Rubs his temples and sighs deeply before speaking : Well clearly this blasted thing started transmitting by itself, so If you get this bloody mess of a Transmission, respond to my initial transmission damn it! Whilst I get this piece of space junk in order.

Murdock Out!

[Image: e6eUPdG.png]

RE: *Encrypted* To the Newest Gateway| CEO ||From "Ghost's from the Past" - TheShooter36 - 02-07-2021

[Image: gateway_new_oceanastark_by_hunorgateway-daqnk3m.png]

Murdock? Robert here.

Good to hear from you, old friend. Where have you been all these years? Are you well and how did you even manage to show yourself as a valid user into our comm system with creditentals from last decade? In any case, I recognize the comm ID, the vessel and I think you are not hacked. Good to see you kept that Rheinlander junk in working condition.

About Alan... that I am not sure yet, not until he shows his face here. I hope you did not mistake a stranger for him and I too hope he suddenly returns and makes our lives easier. He was a friend to me more than a boss. At the same time Olson's report was convincing enough to presume him as KIA.

I have to disappoint you about the business side of things. You have been far away for too long, you should not suddenly expect to shake the existing order of the company to regain your position. Unlike your expectations, I am not the CEO anymore since I passed the reign to Hashani Chandrasena. Come visit Oceana and I am sure we can arrange a position where you would still be useful.

Stark, out.

RE: *Encrypted* To the Newest Gateway| CEO ||From "Ghost's from the Past" - Aereon - 02-07-2021

[Image: 3Q3gqbG.png]

Robert! Good to see you are still alive and kicking after all.

Where haven't I been is more like it, needless to say my ship suffered heavily for for the Comms...well lets just say it's amazing what you can pick up after hanging around Junkers and Freelancers for so long, still pleasantly surprised it did indeed work, had no Guarantees

Olson's report was pretty damning stuff I agree, your skepticism is welcome and I'd expect no less, I'll let you judge for yourself when you see him.
You passing the reigns ,that is unexpected and to an unfamiliar name at that... "Hashani Chandrasena"...I trust you didn't make that decision lightly ,mighty big shoes to fill after Miles and Alan's legacy...

What have I returned to I wonder ? Everything seems just slightly off-center yet significantly different, I suspect the sheer sight of us on Oceana will shake things up and probably not make your life any easier, probably the opposite ,well for those that recognize us anyways but very well let us see what has become of the company since my time away and meet this new CEO.

Murdock Out

[Image: e6eUPdG.png]