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To: Kusari Gov't ;; from: Shimamori Masahito - Printable Version

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To: Kusari Gov't ;; from: Shimamori Masahito - Shimamori - 02-19-2021


[Image: 5lqJajt.gif]

拝啓改革派帝国政府取締役殿, (//"haikei Kusari Kaikakuha Tengoku Seifu torishimariyaku dono" - Dear representative of the Reformed Empire of Kusari)

I bid you good day. This message is to inquire the possibility of construction of a modular base in the orbit of Planet Honshu under Article 2 Section 7 of Kusari Legal Codex and seek official approval for the project prior to its deployment. For the purposes of Article 3 Section 7 of Kusari Legal Codex, the legal ownership rights of the station are to reserved for Shimamori Clan of Honshu, which I represent. As a law-abiding subject of the Empire, I am not in conflict with the law enforcement agencies and seek to further the local economy to the benefit of the kokka (//state)

The base under tentative designation "Shirosato" is to primarily serve as commercial hub for both domestic and foreign traders entering the system of Honshu, especially from Sigma direction. The secondary purpose is to provide additional maintenance opportunities for ships not desiring or capable to enter the atmosphere of Honshu withoit travelling to other stations. Should the base be permitted, it can also provide extra protection to already existing planetary defense grid infrastructure.

Due to the increased presence of unlawful elements within the borders of the Empire, I seek to place the modular installation in the vicinity of 5 clicks of the planet for the purpose of additional protection under requirements provided in Article 3 Section 7 of Kusari Legal Codex. Should the honourable members of the government commission find it not agreeable and in conflict with Article 7 and Article 7 paragraph 1 Section 7 of Kusari Legal Codex, I am ready to locate the installation further despite the liabilities which such dislocation invokes.

If the esteemed members of the governmental commission find my plea agreeable, I am ready to wire the required sum of 80 million SC to a designated account of your choice and register the base in the appropriate database to conclude the application. The requirements set forth in Article 3 Section 7 of Kusari Legal Codex shall be observed and all law enforcement agencies shall be granted access to the modular installation in case of its successful construction. No elements hostile to the Reformed Empire of Kusari shall be permitted to dock with the base in question.

Availing the opportunity, I would like to inquire if there are any benefits designed for the subjects of the Empire in special economic zones similar to the ones foreign entities are entitles to under Article 7 Section 7 of Kusari Legal Codex, and if those are applicable in case they exist.

Go-seichou arigatou gozaimasu. I am looking forward to hearing from you.

敬具島森正仁 (//"Keigu Shimamori Masahito" - Best Regards, Shimamori Masahito)

[Image: eiqeLns.png?1]


RE: To: Kusari Gov't ;; from: Shimamori Masahito - Shimamori - 02-26-2021

[You have (1) pending message]

RE: To: Kusari Gov't ;; from: Shimamori Masahito - Empire of Kusari - 02-26-2021

[Image: X04Ng2q.png]
New Tokyo system, House Kusari, early night of the 21th of December, 827 A.S

[Image: 421.jpg]
Chief secretary - Yoko Nagai

To the esteemed Shimamori Masahito.

Your case has been reviewed and I am glad to announce that a hopefully positive decision was reached.
Due to the low interest in the Honshu region by foreign entities in recent times, a small alteration to the existing regulations can be made to promote more businesses to settle down in the specified zones. A drone was sent out to estimate an acceptable location for your installation and here are the results.
Upon payment of the 80 million credits to the bank account: Shiroyama - and the registration in the database, you may start the construction of your modular station at the designated location. Slight deviations of 500m in any direction are deemed acceptable.

With cordial regards,
Yoko Nagai
Chief Secretary, Kusari Cabinet

RE: To: Kusari Gov't ;; from: Shimamori Masahito - Shimamori - 02-28-2021


[Image: 5lqJajt.gif]


I am pleased to receive this decision. The base will be registered shortly under KSP IFF. Please, find hereunder proof of payment. Be assured, this base will serve beneficially to the people of Honshu and to the Empire.

敬具島森正仁 (//"Keigu Shimamori Masahito" - Best Regards, Shimamori Masahito)

[Image: eiqeLns.png?1]
