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OS&C|TE-Flying-Dutchman | The Retro Experience - Printable Version

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OS&C|TE-Flying-Dutchman | The Retro Experience - Aereon - 03-02-2021

- - - - Incoming Transmission - - - -

Good Day to you,

Our Wonderful passengers !

I Trust you are all faring well ?

Welcome to OS&C's newest Innovative Travel Experience "The Retro Experience"

I welcome and applaud your good taste,for this is unlike our other offerings.

As an added benefit for intrigue ,trips are centred around the Borderworlds,Independent worlds and even the far out edge worlds, using the "Path Less Trodden" routes If you know what we mean.

With a specially trained crew, we can provide you an authentic experience akin to that of the Forefathers of Sirius.

There is also a Special VIP Package for the more Hard-Core Enthusiasts among you or perhaps just those that enjoy playing with chains and being restrained, If you catch our drift.

If you don't catch our drift..then bring a Friend who does,they'll be an invaluable asset on your trip!

For a Limited time you too can experience what it felt to be a "Slave in Transition" or Try out the "Keeper" or "Master" Role if you are so inclined ! - All Of course in a Well Controlled and Supervised environment and Sessions but who says the fun has to end there ? Our VIP's also have the option to take home a "Souvenir" of their time aboard"

[Image: 3wgsxXz.jpg]

We also have a fully equipped Bar to satisfy your other thirsts.

[Image: q6vPcVH.jpg]

Now Make yourselves comfortable..or uncomfortable and enjoy this unforgettable time.

respectfully yours

Rick Masters
Subdirector of Triton Expeditions

> > > > Closing Transmission < < < <

[Image: fa4P6UI.jpg]