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To: Premier Tykovkin || From: OS&C - Printable Version

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To: Premier Tykovkin || From: OS&C - Lord Helmchen - 03-07-2021

[Image: 68teG9q.png]

- - - - Incoming Transmission - - - -

ID: Caitlyn Cross
Location: Samson Resort, Planet Curacao, System Cortez
To: Premier Gregor Tykovkin
Encryption: Neptune Spear
Subject: A Good Start with a Bad End.

Premier Tykovkin

First, I wanted to thank you for the Warm Welcome and Protection by your Navy during our Maiden Voyage to New Moscow (Omega 52). Your Naval Officers were Kind Hosts and Showed us the Beauty and Wonders of your Home that is Open for Touristic Visits. I have heard a lot of Ideas from my Capitans about the Potential Benefit of a Cooperation between Orbital Spa and Cruise and the Sirius Coalition that Benefits Both Sides. From Ideas to Station Liners, to Opening Resorts for Both Locals and Gusts on the Planet of Jiangxi for Various Purposes I heard almost everything. But this is Plans for the Future and needs the Approval of Both sides.

That brings me back to Today and the Problems our Uninvited "Guests" made. we know the Gaians and their Misbelive that Orbital Would Ruin the Environment of Planets for Years now, a Claim I can Ensure you is without any Truth. Orbital would Shoot itself if we would do that, our Guests Pay for the Beauty of Nature and the Relaxation it Brings them. We would be More than Stupid if we Damage the Nature of a Planet Beyond Repair with our Touristc Business. now to the Attack of Yesterday, First of all, we want to thank you and express our gratitude for the Help by your Navy in the Defense of our Guests and Liners. Thanks to Regular Emergency Drills and Safety Regulations we were able to Prevent the Loose of Life. Sadly we can't Say the Same about our Ships, while most of my Fleet were Able to Leave Omega 52 on their Own after some Repairs already we have one Liner that Suffered Critical Engine Damage and won't Move on its own so Fast. the Ship is a Pilgrim Class Liner that is under restoration right now, but the Capitan saw this short Cruise as an Opportunity to test out some new Features of his Ship. His Onboard Engineers told me that the Damage is too Severe for them to Repair on their own. we hope you can help us out with the Repairs. Of course, we will compensate you for your Help and Resources.

Altogether we See this First Cruise as a Success and the Begin of a Wonderful Business Relationship between the Coalition and Orbital Spa and Cruise. Please tell your Brave Navy that we are Greatly Thankful for their Protection.

Safe Skys,
Caitlyn Cross
Captain Red Velvet Club
Director and Chairwoman of OS&C

> > > > Closing Transmission < < < <

[Image: PojtqNs.png]

RE: To: Premier Tykovkin || From: OS&C - Commandantt - 03-16-2021

[Image: xYNh7Zd.gif]
[Image: h3xjRTS.png]

Sender: Premier Gregor Tykovkin
Recipient: Caitlyn Cross
Source: Volgograd

Priority: HIGH
Encryption: I.S.K.R.A

Comrade Cross.

Gaians our guests for a long time. While I know about their conflict with Bretonia, I have nothing about your history with them. We allow them to be in our space. They almost don't have safe places for their projects about helping creatures from Planet Gaia, which they deliver to us from the whole Sirius.

Not each Gaian put fight as the main target of his life. They still have a lot of researcher among them.

But as I said before. If someone will not follow our laws in our homeworld, we always have a forceful way to change their mind.

Pilgrim Class ships not a rare guest in Coalition and the Omega sector. We have enough parts and industrial powers to produce new for these ships to maintain them in good conditions.

We will bring his ship to our shipyards, and since he gets damage due to our misfire, we will make the free repair, and our engineers will look at other ship systems too maybe it will help in the restoration project.

[Image: h3xjRTS.png]

Gregor Tykovkin,
The Coalition

Signal lost..
Closing Display..
Transmission ended..

RE: To: Premier Tykovkin || From: OS&C - Lord Helmchen - 03-18-2021

[Image: 68teG9q.png]

- - - - Incoming Transmission - - - -

ID: Caitlyn Cross
Location: Samson Resort, Planet Curacao, System Cortez
To: Premier Gregor Tykovkin
Encryption: Neptune Spear
Subject: We are Thankfull. And a Light on Gaian OS&C Relations

Premier Tykovkin

I thank you for your Generous Offer, the Capitan of the Damaged Ship will Contact your Engineers Soon. We are Thankful that your Engineers Have Experience with this type of Ship then to be Honest this Knowledge is Quite Rare these days. Maybe we can Arrange an Exchange of Knowledge in the Future then the Pilgrims get more and More Popular among our Guests.

as for the Gaians let me shine a Light on the Relations between them and OS&C. as you Maybe know had Orbital Spa and Cruise the Liner Shetland in Orbit of Planet Gaia before the Outbreak of the Gallic war, and the Occupation of the Planet by the GRN and Later the Enclave. Even Trough Orbital had always Maintained the Highest safety and Environmental Standards and there was only a Limited Number of Tourists allowed on Gaia itself each year the Gaians saw this as a "Crime against Nature". as you could see at our Visit in Orbit of Planet Jiangxi, is that the "Fanatic" Gaians have no scruple to Attack a Fully Booked Passenger Liner and Kill the Innocent Guests on Board to "Protect the Nature". But we also know about their Peaceful and not "Fanatic" Members, and in the Past, we Found some ways to Corporate with them. we Would Prefer it if the Complete Gaian Organisation was Like that so that we could work in Peace for the Preservation of the Ecosystems of Gaia and many other Planets.

nonetheless, will we Honor your Laws as we Doo it in any of our Partner-houses. but we will also Claim the Right to Act in Self Defense should we are Attacked again in your Space and no Coalition Ship is nearby. But I hope it won't come to such an Attack again, and who knows maybe you could help us to Negotiate with the Gaians in the Future.

Safe Skys,
Caitlyn Cross
Captain Red Velvet Club
Director and Chairwoman of OS&C

> > > > Closing Transmission < < < <

[Image: PojtqNs.png]

RE: To: Premier Tykovkin || From: OS&C - Aereon - 03-31-2021

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ID: Rick Masters
Location:The Flying Dutchman,Moored Next to Luxury Liner Shetland,Poole
To: Premier Gregor Tykovkin
CC: Caitlyn Cross
Encryption: Neptune Spear
Subject: Engine Repairs

Good Day to you Esteemed Premier Tykovkin,

Rick Masters, Subdirector of Triton Expeditions here, please to make your acquaintance Rick tips his hat and bows

Cait, kindly opened up this comm to me , I'm the Captain of the ship that suffered engine Damage, we barely managed to escape the system before the Cruise engines failed, and we barely managed on impulse to reach the Luxury Liner Shetland, Poole, where I'm currently Moored.

Now there's not much life left on this engine but my crew and I can do one final Hail Mary with it through some Junker ingenuity and assuming I don't get blown to Hell and gone in the process ,we should be able to get to one of your shipyards , though the engine will be beyond repair at this point and will need to be replaced in its entirety.

I trust you can assist with this matter ?

Rick tips his hat and bows

respectfully yours

Rick Masters
Subdirector of Triton Expeditions

> > > > Closing Transmission < < < <


RE: To: Premier Tykovkin || From: OS&C - Commandantt - 03-31-2021

[Transmission Begins]
From: The Office of the Premier
To: Orbital Spa and Cruise
Priority: MEDIUM
[Image: Coalition_flag_2_on_1.png]
[Message Begins]
"Right now Premier Tykovkin not available.

Your ship has temporary access to Red Area. Shipyard where you can receive repair placed in New Moscow sector F2.

If needed we can send a tugboat to your location or meet you in New Moscow."

Sirius Coalition
Сириус коалиция
[Transmission Terminates]

RE: To: Premier Tykovkin || From: OS&C - Aereon - 03-31-2021

- - - - Incoming Transmission - - - -

ID: Rick Masters
Location:The Flying Dutchman,Moored Next to Luxury Liner Shetland,Poole
To: Premier Gregor Tykovkin
CC: Caitlyn Cross
Encryption: Neptune Spear
Subject: Engine Repairs

Roger that Message received.

My Crew and I will patch things up then head to New Moscow sector F2, exact ship identification is OS&C|TE-Flying-Dutchman.

-Rick out

PS :The Ship may or may not be spewing Nuclear induced Hell-Fire on approach.

Rick tips his hat and grins

respectfully yours

Rick Masters
Subdirector of Triton Expeditions

> > > > Closing Transmission < < < <


RE: To: Premier Tykovkin || From: OS&C - Aereon - 04-01-2021

- - - - Incoming Transmission - - - -

ID: Rick Masters
Location:Coalition Red Area
To: Caitlyn Cross
Encryption: Neptune Spear
Subject: Engine Repairs

Ello Cait *coughs rick*

Rick here !

Rick tiped his hat and grins, resulting in a Pile of Ash falling down on him, he looked like he'd just been up a Chimney

Well I Hope this goes through to you, but We made it to the Red Zone...that's all I can say for the location...anymore and they might just throw me in the *gulag*.

As you can tell by my appearance, the Patch job worked about as you no doubt thought it was great at first... Overclocked the Power Reactor, Safety's off, Maximum power to the Engine's...think we Manged to hit light fighter speeds at first, Hurtling through Space at those speeds in this Space Brick well...I can already picture your reaction to how that turned...for you know full well what happens next...Yeap...the Ship caught Fire! rick grins

Anyways it was great, though the Engineers here wholeheartedly disagree and Muttered many things in Russian about my stunt, Not sure if they were telling me off or Congratulating me, they sounds so angry when they talk!.

The Ship is under repair and I'm under their Stern Watch and trying to be on my best behaviour.

Hopefully I'll be back soon, I could do with a Luxurious Shower right now....

Be Seeing you!

- Rick Out

PS Don't let Larry near the Vodka..

respectfully yours

Rick Masters
Subdirector of Triton Expeditions

> > > > Closing Transmission < < < <


RE: To: Premier Tykovkin || From: OS&C - Lord Helmchen - 04-01-2021

[Image: 68teG9q.png]

- - - - Incoming Transmission - - - -

ID: Caitlyn Cross
Location: Samson Resort, Planet Curacao, System Cortez
To: Rick Masters
Encryption: OS&C Alpha One
Subject: Good To know you are allright.


It's good to hear from you, my Friend. I knew that a Born Junker like you would even manage to get a Dumpster to Fly with Lightspeed. But really the ship caught Fire? I have to tell you if you had Rerouted the Secondary Engine Cooling through the Air Condition system of the Empty Passenger Cabins she would have just a bit overheated. Our New Friends are Realy Generous and hospitable people, but we shouldn't forget our manners too. Give them Free Acess to all the Amenities that your Ship haves to offer and that for Free. I hope you don't drive them Crazy too much with your Modifications.

And don't worry we have Put the Vodka in the Bunker under the HQ and Changed the Codes to the Door.

Safe Skys,
Caitlyn Cross
Captain Red Velvet Club
Director and Chairwoman of OS&C

> > > > Closing Transmission < < < <

[Image: PojtqNs.png]