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To: Taurus Corsairs - Printable Version

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To: Taurus Corsairs - RedEclipse - 03-14-2021


First of all, let me introduce myself. My name is Christian Burton, I represent a group of Zoners known as the Phoenix.

It has come to my attention about the growing family of the Crete known as Taurus. I won't hide that our predecessor groups had a very complicated relationship with different Corsairs groups in the past, which would reminds you mostly like of roller coaster, but also I still remember the Benitez family, they always seem to be very reasonable and we managed to build up a fruitful cooperation between our groups which is worked for the good for both parties. It's always been our keen to keep friendly behavior with our neighbors, so that’s why I’m sending this transmission.

While I understood the nature of the Corsairs, their impulsiveness to the foreigners, I want at least a mere open communication channel between our groups, where we could discuss any matter.

RE: To: Taurus Corsairs - Enkidu - 04-01-2021

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Taurus Corsairs

[Image: 1f02MPm.jpg?1]
Papa Guerrero, D.L.Cabrera. ☦

Errant Ident: Pope-Errante Dessaglene Linhares Cabrera
Errant Outbound Node: Xenotreasure Galleon Medel y Celedon
Topical Proclamation: A Response.

Yuma, we are not similar men.

That has always been the shatterpoint between ourselves and your people - two parallel vectors at an impasse, and the Corsairs comfortable that we can bare the collision. We hold the Houses to the fire for the judgement they made of the Hispania - and Zoners are drawn from those in the houses looking to start ex nihilo in the far black - in the stellar nurseries at the solar brink.

We were born into this void. Where Zoners seek to live in the margins, we tear at the heart. These are not compatible worldviews.

Some of our people see you as perpetuators of the same squalid mistakes away from those you would denounce - bringing the lie of civilisation to a territory that already has its own way of life. A repeat of the Colonial mistake. Others see you in pragmatism - successful Zoner colonies attract wealth, technology, the kinds of men who can be held to ransom against their own acts. A way to raid the value of the houses without leaving our home stars. Yet others, see Zoners as cowards; zoners are men who see the errors of the houses, but refuse to fight or change. By simply running to the next system, you create colonies, civilisation - the very forces you try to escape, in your wake. You have done so first in Pensylvania and Magellan, and then in the Canarias, and every time the Houses have pushed you to the next world. Perhaps in a hundred years they will force you from your roots on Pygar, still further out into the darkness.

Many corsairs fear the civilisation you bring. We see you as part of the problem. The inoffensive harbinger of change to come. There is truth in this view; you cannot deny that wherever the Zoners go, the houses will inevitably follow. That makes your biodomes a source of sorely needed food, your whales a source of ill-defended resources, and your colonies and Freeports simply stopping-off points for bounty hunters, slavers, and Cardamine addicts.

And there are men such as the Benitez familia. They saw your value, as you've mentioned yourselves. The Zoners are as much a vanguard against the Wilde as they are a source for their recruits. Without the Zoner expeditions, John Brown; the first artifact Smuggler, never would have found Omicron Gamma. Zoner adventurism in Omicron Kappa led to the creation of a new species - the Gammuian race, a race which seems honourable. And, whilst we may not agree with your methods - we have reaped their value; The Zoners are still the most reliable source of domestically produced food in the Omicrons. Zoner produce sustains the population of Crete. As shipbuilders and technologists, your feats are worthy of respect. You have aided us in understanding our own homeland - and the second largest population of residents on Pygar itself, apart from the your own people, are Corsairs. Despite our divisions, our history has been tied together for as long as Omicron Theta has been known to human eyes.

The word of the Phoenix carries a sense of heritage and respect - we will honour that. We Tauri, as you have probably heard from your own pilots, have increasingly ventured into the Alien systems, hoping to understand and know the the nature of the threat, and to map the unknown. You are premier explorers, and we have the vast resources of the artifact trade behind us. Equally, the Core's history of attempting to dominate and control the Zoner populations in Delta has earned rancour amongst our people. The drive to reclaim Nauru and push the enemy back will right this historic wrong. I am sure you can sympathise with our motivations.

Your capacity as shipbuilders is also well-documented. We Corsairs may not be starving by the droves, but we have an ever-expanding population and we are in need of infrastructure to support them. The Zoner innovation of mobile, self-sufficient colonies may one day suit our own needs if we could develop a domestic alternative. Your own shipyard, in the fringes of the Empire's territory, has not gone without note over the past decades. There's a reason why we tolerate dreadnaught-scale production facilities within our own borders, and your own variant of the ancient persephone curiosity has not gone without notice as well. Whilst our populations have not yet mixed formally - we corsairs rarely marry outside of our own, and almost never within the praxis of tradition - that may, someday change. The segregated communities of the Canarias do not exist in Omicron Theta. There is a future for both of our peoples, and it lies deep within the Omicrons.

But there are also shared security concerns. As recent action has shown, Theta is not the haven that it once was. Direct connections between Omicron Alpha and Gamma have made Theta the lynch-point for strikes into Omicron Alpha. On rare occasions, the Outcasts have even ventured into Theta and attacked the Empire directly. I, along with much of my homeland, are committed to pushing the Outcasts back as far as we possibly can. To the crust of their homeworld, if our faith bears fruit. No more will a stalemate of proxies define the Hispanic division - true finality is coming to Hispania, and it is intensifying by the week. Just yesterday, a Tauri strike wing scoured the spaceborne defences above Malta, and a week before that Outcasts were spotted as far in as Xi.

I'm warning you of this reality as you may need to fortify your newfound home.

Your movement will have to prepare itself if it wishes to maintain the neutrality of Pygar and prevent the repetition of the Canarias's mistake. It is a neutrality we shall respect. I have seen your Hyperion - perhaps the Phoenix truly contains a fire. We shall see.

As for now, my people have an interest in the study of spatial anomalies. The Corvo deep space explorer is produced domestically in Theta - we wish to acquire several units, so that we may better study the anomalies around our homeworlds. We are a religious community, disparate in lives but similar in desire - the search for knowledge is baked into our flesh. I understand that the Phoenix are consummate researchers, explorers, researchers, and scientists. A shared voyage of discovery would do much to further understanding between the Bird and the Bull. Consider it an honorific to the memory of the Benitez, and all they have done for the two of us.

I hear you have your own agenda. Multiple years ago, a contingent of the Phoenix colony vessels - an entire fleet of souls looking to nurse creation from the stellar nurseries beyond the final stars - left Sirius at large. A true phoenix - blazing away, from the death of the old.

Our empire has considerable resources. The Bull, has faith by the legion. Your tale is one of hope against the odds - exactly the kind of narrative we Corsairs honour. Should you ever seek to find your people again, and you ratify the faith of the Benitez to we Tauri, you have the resources of the artifact trade at your disposal to help you in your quest.

The era of impulsiveness is over, Christian. From one man of God to another - We're at the apotheosis of the age of prediction.

Ofrezco mi carne al cuerpo de Creta. Ofrezco mi corazón a su pasión, mi sangre transfundida al pueblo. Ofrezco mi todo para conocer mi alma; Entonces sabes que estoy realmente vivo.

RE: To: Taurus Corsairs - RedEclipse - 04-06-2021

You are indeed right we are different kind of the people.

Zoners movement getting their ideals from ancient times of the Earth. People are driven by their own goals and ideals, leaving their world to seek for the excitement, usually people are lost in the daily routine so they find a true self in something else, be a modern robinsons. Nothing has changed since ancient times, Zoners are driven to the edge by spacefarers enthusiasts. But where is the need of the services - there’s the business. Fortunately explorers are not a single type of people that Zoners contain - pretty much as any other group we have economists and engineers that are enterprising enough to leave their home planets and bases to build their own business, which is unlikely to do in house space, due to overwhelming house corporations. A wanted place can’t be empty for long, so once places that were consumed only by vacuum, without any significant traffic - now a safe haven for any kind of the people - the Freeports. As you know Zoners welcome anyone - iI can be a lost space farer, a corporate trader or any other type of person, usually Zoners don’t care much about visitors background, as every Freeport is actually a little world that presents different kinds of services that everyone is find useful, like your Corsair brothers do on the Nine. Nevertheless not everyone is happy about that, like you said treat Zoners like cowards, but meanwhile use Freeport services but like true coward cant say that face to face, disrupting Zoners convoys and murder our fellow borthers when no one see them.

Like I said, after explorers come other types of people. Most of the explorers can't stand in one place for a long time, that’s why most of them are quite young people - usually they find their final destiny in a god-forgotten place, without life support systems and scattered ship in the vacuum, with no way to return back.

New, wild and lawless places attract people, they want to get off from the domestic regime with new opportunities to seek for their own goals. Some of them were successful, some not. Zoners are pretty much a group of individual groups united under one banner but splitted among the stars with their ideology. You have mentioned Erie and Gran Canaria, this is soreness for us, though it was an expected move from the great houses, not much our brothers on the Erie can do about that. But they’ve achieved their own goal in a different way, while the orbit now taken under control by the Liberty regime, many settlements and cities are regulated on their own. They are trapped, but are owners of their world. Is it a ghastly? What would be tomorrow? No one would tell but only time. As for Gran Canaria, we were dazedly about Bretonia withdrawal. At least Zoners were able to fight back their very own homeworld, but how long it will remain in status quo? That is a complicated topic that more relies on balance of powers in Omega-49, not many Zoners can resist openly against great houses.

And finally Zoners learnt the lesson. Omicron Zoners now is something else compared to other Zoners. Outworlder Assembly - is a more well organized group, that can bare hold the line, in case of direct threat to the residents. This is shouldn’t be counted as threat to the Corsairs, we are well aware that Pygar is located in outskirts of Corsair space and our shipyard, the Livadia, was evacuated from Omicron-74 before jumpholes went unstable to Omicron Kappa, again at your backdoor. It seem to be a perfect spot for our Building department, stay in the grey area, far from the Core, that organisation had been troublesome for the ages and most likely they are attempting to build up their own empire in Omicron Delta, attempting to surrogate Zoners, the Freeports by their own transport threads to the houses space. Not sure though how they manage to get through wildlands without significant losses along the path, but time will tell how they are prepared, once the enemies now our rivals it seems.

While we are governing all Outworlder installations in the Omicrons, Phoenix per returnal settled down in the orbit of planet Palmyra, creating own place for our relatives and residents' comfortable place to live - you can find a modular base known as Kadesh Orbital Colony. While it may be seen as a harsh environment, many of our people use it as a perfect spot for surface planet studies. I wouldn’t go too far with our expectations, but probably our community finally can find their own homeworld at once. We went through an immense amount of space to find the place to settle down, though bitter losses and by the irony of fate we’ve found our place from the place the expedition was started long time ago.

Nevertheless, back to the concern. The Corvo class ship you have mentioned for now available on the public, so you can send your men to acquire them. Though if it would be required, our specialists could teach your crew how to maintain and use the vessel if they are not familiar with it, also we can guarantee extensioned service time. Please tell me how is it sounds for you, awaiting for the reply.