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To: The Gallic Union - Printable Version

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To: The Gallic Union - Kalhmera - 03-31-2021

[Image: RNk4Rlk.jpg]

[Image: H2R3c77.png]
Chief of Police Jean Holiday Ret.
To: The Gallic Union
Subj: Tourist Visa

Good day,

I would like to inquire about about a tourist visa into Gallic Space. I have recently retired from my post as Chief of Police of the Liberty Police, Inc. and I have always wanted to see Gallia with my own eyes. I have heard rumors about Gallia being open for tourists but I need to ask in advance. There is one thing I did notice in your laws. For some reason The Gallic Union have banned Military Ships and not Military Personal. I feel obligated to inform you I am flying my personal BDR-845 "Avenger" Liberty Very Heavy Fighter. As you know the trip from Liberty to Gallic space is very far and there are quite a few hazards to factor in. As someone who held a prominent position I feel the need to ensure I am safe in my travels. I have put away a lot of criminals in my tenure as Chief. I hope we can come to an accord on my visit?


In Service to the Republic of Liberty
Chief of Police Jean Holiday Ret.
Liberty Police, Inc.

RE: To: The Gallic Union - The Gallic Union - 03-31-2021

[Image: sgPIkRy.png]

The Gallic Union
Ministère de l'Intérieur

Madame Holiday,

We are sorry to inform you that we will not be permitting you the visa to fly in the BDR-845 "Avenger" Liberty Very Heavy Fighter. As you may know from past relations between Gallia and Liberty, weapons of war used by the latter are unwelcome within our territory.

It is however understandable that you would wish to come and visit the boundless beauty of Gallia, and as such we would recommend the use of a civilian ship and defences for your visit.


Ministère de l'Intérieur

RE: To: The Gallic Union - Kalhmera - 08-07-2023

[Image: RNk4Rlk.jpg]

[Image: H2R3c77.png]
Chief of Police Jean Holiday Ret.
To: The Gallic Union
Subj: Tourist Visa

Good day,

With time comes change and I am hoping that policies that were in place at my original request is not as strict today. I would like to reopen my request to have a temporary visa to visit and experience Gallic space and all it has to offer. My request was to also fly my personal BDR-845 "Avenger" Liberty Very Heavy Fighter that is licensed through The Republic of Liberty.

I would like to tell you a bit about myself which might explain why I prefer to use this type of craft. I am formerly the Chief of Police of the Liberty Police Inc. I have made many enemies due to my profession and I was very big on anti corruption. The Avenger I am bringing is modified for my style of flying and it brings me peace knowing I can defend myself properly. In retirement I have a lot of time on my hands, and I have always wanted to explore other houses and enjoy the luxuries they provide. The truth is I want to spend my money in your fine establishments and I want to be comfortable and safe doing it.

I really do look forward to your response I hope this request finds you well.


In Service to the Republic of Liberty
Chief of Police Jean Holiday Ret.
Liberty Police, Inc.

RE: To: The Gallic Union - The Gallic Union - 08-07-2023

Planet New Paris, Ile-de-France
8th of June, 746 A.G.S.

[Image: nKVkB8J.png]
Sender: Ministère de l'Intérieur
Recipient: Chief of Police Jean Holiday Ret.
Subject: RE: Tourist Visa

Chief of Police Jean Holiday Ret.,

We are glad to see even more Libertonians wishing to visit our beloved House.
Now that the cold war between Liberty and Gallia is over: your temporary touristic visa has been granted.

Please keep in mind our customs and laws, even though you were a Chief of Police in Liberty. BIenvenue à Gallia.

We wish you a great holiday.

End of Message

RE: To: The Gallic Union - Kalhmera - 08-07-2023

[Image: RNk4Rlk.jpg]

[Image: H2R3c77.png]
Chief of Police Jean Holiday Ret.
To: The Gallic Union
Subj: Tourist Visa

Good day,

I am beyond words, I thank you for your swift response! I will make my preparations for the long journey! I thank you for your time and look forward to experience all Gallia has to offer!


In Service to the Republic of Liberty
Chief of Police Jean Holiday Ret.
Liberty Police, Inc.