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Harvester Cruiser.. - Cosmos - 04-01-2009

Ok bassically ive just been reading the stats of the Cruiser for our faction, Considering what us as a faction have too come up against, Considering the likes of Being ganged by Bounty hunter battleships... The cruiser is actually quite Weak... and cannot even defend itself..

Here are the stats:
Price: 180m
Armour/Hit points:265k
Bots/Bats: 650

Now when i see this i think the Cruiser is actually quite underpowered compared too Factionised cruisers.
Earlier i tested my Harvie against a Rheinland Cruiser(Player) And got my ass handed too me.
So i look at the Rheinland Cruisers stats:

Armour/Hit points:390k

Now All i want to ask is that the Harvester cruiser gets a little buff, This is what i think it should be.

Power: 2200000 (Now this is where it comes down too, This is what it needs the most, currently for a faction that does get pvp whored we can hardly defend ourselves When 2 or more cruisers are firing 2 Light mortars at a time at us.)

Now please leave Feedback, as too what you think of the Suggested stats.


Harvester Cruiser.. - Varyag - 04-01-2009

Harvey cruiser is actually pretty nice. Considering the faction cruiser used to be the kusari Talarca (sp) I think you guys did pretty well.

It is not made to go toe to toe with some of the heavies like the rhein and the hessian cruisers.

Harvester Cruiser.. - Jinx - 04-01-2009

"Considering the likes of Being ganged by Bounty hunter battleships..."

the above stirs rather the opposite of symphaty - it is no argument for a better ship at all - it doesn t work for any faction, no matter how exclusive they are.

other than that rather biased argument that suggests how unfairly treated the faction is - the harvester cruiser is fine the way it is.

it is small, it is fairly agile, it has 11 turrets and generous firing arcs. - it is VERY powerful. i have tested it for a long time... compare it to :

- BHG destroyer ( 8 guns )
- order cruiser ( 8 guns )
- kusari destroyer ( 9 guns ... i think )
- bretonian destroyer ( a brick in the sky )
- liberty cruiser ( a good anti-cap ship... but really - in order to use the front gun, you need an enemy that is mostly stationary )
- corsair cruiser ( another brick )
- outcast destroyer ( well... 12 guns, flat and larger than it might look ... similar to the harvester cruiser )

what you do NOT do is....

- compare it to battlecruisers, casue they are another shipclass
- compare it to battleships for the same reasons

to make it clear again

no one gets better gear "cause they face greater odds" - if you re a harvester you WANT to fight many enemies, otherwise you d not be a harvester ( same appplies to all other factions that either consider everyone an enemy or have many enemies by lore )

so - lets compare the harvester cruiser with the rheinland cruiser..

- 265.000 hitpoints
- 0.4 turn rate ( the more the better ) at 0.46 till max rotation rate
- 1.800.000 energy ( medium cruiser plant )
- 11 turrets

rheinland cruiser:
- 390.000 hitpoints
- 0.33 turn rate at 0.46 till max rotation ( thats ~18% slower than the harvester cruiser )
- 2.250.000 energy ( large cruiser plant )
- 11 turrets

the rheinland cruiser turns considerably slower - and is a larger target

and lets just peak at the nasty BHGs

BHG destroyer:
- 260.000 hitpoints
- 0.4 turn rate ( vertically ) - 0.46 till max rotation
- 1.400.000 energy ( small powerplant )
- 8 turrets

the harvester doesn t look too weak anymore - of course, the BHG destroyer is smaller, but not really more agile... at the cost of 3 turrets, 5000 armour, 400.000 energy.

Harvester Cruiser.. - Cosmos - 04-01-2009

The Current Harvie Cruiser, No matter how awesome it is... Is alot larger than the Rheinland Cruiser... Its a heck of a lot longer.. Fatter and just a tad shorter which means the Harvie cruiser is a big ship, compare it against it and you will see.

And the BHG Destroyer is not made too go against Cruisers, And have you seen how slim the BHG Dessie is? when you're chasing it You cannont hit the thing, compared too the harvie where as if you chase it, its fat Buttox is right there.

Harvester Cruiser.. - SevereTrinity - 04-01-2009

First of; Harvesters picked their enemies, not the other way around, nto our problem on that.

Secondly, you tested vs the wrong cruiser.

You tested vs the heaviest ingame cruiser. Harvester is a light cruiser. A Gunboat killer.

Harvester Cruiser.. - Jinx - 04-01-2009

[Image: compareharvester.png]

here is a size comparison - the harvester cruiser is really not larger as you can see.. not even its hitbox...( lib cruiser )

Harvester Cruiser.. - Cosmos - 04-01-2009

Hmm i thought it was Bigger than that, specially when i was fighting the RNC.

Its a Gunboat killer? Well it may as well be rendered useless then... as gunboats arent as common as they used to be.. As they get completely downed by nearly everything.

When i first bought the cruiser i thought it was going too be a Anti cap ship as it looked like it was a Heavy cruiser which is what we needed the most but like Trin said its a gunboat killer so i guess i'll just keep it in liberty then as every other faction rarely uses the Gunboats.

( Also i thought a Destroyer was supposed to be a Light cruiser? Why not call it the Harvester Destroyer, But then the name would contradict itself.)

Harvester Cruiser.. - Primus Avatar - 04-01-2009

I think the cruiser is fast, hard to hit, puts up major damage and can down almost all other cruisers.
+ we have the Marsflyer to keep extra pressure on our unlucky victims.

Overall, its great.

P.S. instead of asking for cruiser buffs we should ask for a Gunboat. :ylove:

Harvester Cruiser.. - SevereTrinity - 04-01-2009

Another thing, it's an AI cruiser, not a harvester cruiser :P

Harvester Cruiser.. - Primus Avatar - 04-01-2009

' Wrote:Another thing, it's an AI cruiser, not a harvester cruiser:P

and I'm glad no Indie will fly something called "Harvester ...."