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» Isla Nazumaki - Vesper Stirling - 04-02-2021

» Establishing network access . . .
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[Image: wpgUlJY.png]

» Recipient: Director Isla Nazumaki
» Subject: Yesterday's incident


Stirling here. I hope you have cleared the medical exams and recovered at least somewhat from your recent encounter with the K'hara. I have some questions about it that I hope you may answer despite the amnesia I imagine you are still suffering from.

How close did the K'haran form approach you and Reyes?

How long did the mental assault last?

What did the form share with you? Did it communicate directly or employ imagery?

Were you able to discern its intentions?

Do you feel noticeably different since the assault? Are you experiencing any residual thoughts or images in your mind?

I can understand if these questions are uncomfortable for you. Close encounters of any kind with the K'hara are unpleasant to say the least, but any information you can provide me with would be of immense value. As for trusting me, I can only offer that my employer and I have a vested interest in combating the K'hara. If you have any questions for me in return, I will gladly answer what I can.

- Stirling

RE: » Isla Nazumaki - Tenshi - 04-02-2021

[Image: Isla18.png]
Liberty Police Department
Marshals Service

Sender: Isla Nazumaki
Recipient: Vesper Stirling
Subject: Re: Yesterday's incident


Hey, Stirling,

Thanks for contacting me, I am doing alright since yesterday. Finished all my exams at the hospital and decided I'd spend the night there, I was too scared to return back home at that hour. Regardless, the amnesia that came after it seemed to be completely natural as it faded out a few hours later. I remember most of the stuff that took place, perhaps not too detailed though.

The K'Hara form was what we'd call gunboat-sized, it never got too close to me or Trish, it remained about eight kilometers away but considering the effect it had over me even in that distance it really doesn't seem like the distance itself made any difference.

I don't know.. It could be anywhere between ten minutes to an eternity, I can tell you it sure felt like an eternity. I think Trish would have more luck answering this question.

At first I kept hearing footsteps behind me, in front of me.. everywhere around me. Then for a few moments everything disappeared and I was at my apartment, someone knocked on the door. I could hear my mother's voice begging me to go open the door, shouting at me to do it after a certain point, and through all this I could hear Trish's voice trying to snap me back to reality and not letting me drift away.

It's intention was to either take me with it or kill me. After it realized that it's attempts were in vain it spoke to both me and Trish, it was taking pride in bending my mind like that.. referring to me as 'theirs' and what not..

I fainted just after the form left the vicinity. After waking up you were there, you saw what I was like. I wasn't seeing any more images but I lacked any memory of the events that happened. Other than that and as far as today goes I think I'm normal.

As long as my answers to these questions serve a good cause it's fine, I guess. If there's any bit of 'care' in those questions and they're not just business, then thank you for caring about me. I don't have anything to ask you back, at least for the time being. If anything comes to mind you will know.

That is all.

Isla Nazumaki
Director of the Marshals Service
In service to the Republic.