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To: Katherine of the Pennybrooke - Printable Version

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To: Katherine of the Pennybrooke - Kalhmera - 04-02-2021

[Image: 8T85vuH.jpg]

Chief of Police Jean Holiday Ret.
To: Katherine, of the Pennybrooke
Subj: Route to the Omicrons

Good day,

I saw you ended up finding what you were looking for. Quite a shame it ended up in a gunfight. Im sure you made it out ok? Probably wondering why I am messaging you. You seem like a nice person and since your a Freelancer maybe you could help me navigate the Jump Holes a bit easier. I dont have any of this stuff on my maps.

Anyways hope your doing ok! If you dont want to respond no hard feelings!


In Service to the Republic of Liberty
Chief of Police Jean Holiday Ret.

RE: To: Katherine of the Pennybrooke - Karst - 04-06-2021

[Image: Bx6BQRO.png]

To Ms Holiday;

I'm afraid you caught me at the worst of times. I would normally be delighted to show a newly-bound explorer around, but recent times have been harsh.
Nonetheless, if our paths cross again, perhaps we can have an actual conversation, and I might be able to offer guidance on your travels.
I endeavor to always encourage new explorers to seek out the farthest reaches of the sector and give what assistance I can to them.

But my travels are erratic at best, I can't make any guarantees of where I will find myself next, and I would be hard pressed to make arrangements with what is, no offense, ultimately a stranger.

Still, if I can give you any specific advice about exploration, I would be happy to.

~ Katherine

[Image: 7bYxynB.png]