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Help needed - Printable Version

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Help needed - pappy the pirate - 04-03-2021

Hello, one of my profiles Pappy the Zoner is in Omicron Beta at Pentacost base.
Every time I try to leave the base I get a please wait message then my game crashes.
Any advice on how to get out of this situation?

RE: Help needed - Contaan - 04-03-2021

An admin should be able to beam you to another station. If you are in the DiscoveryGC Official discord, you can use the Admin Lounge channel to ask. I'll put the thread in there as well.

RE: Help needed - Kalhmera - 04-03-2021

In the discord you can ping an Admin in the Admin Lounge channel and they can move the ship to another base and or check the files to make sure its not corrupted.

RE: Help needed - St.Denis - 04-03-2021

Moved to Freeport 11

RE: Help needed - Lusitano - 04-03-2021

it is not em Beta, but in Theta. It is a bug that is fixed but waiting for new patch or hotpach to be implemented on the game

can see it here