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Diplomacy Developments: Front de Libération de Gallia - Printable Version

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Diplomacy Developments: Front de Libération de Gallia - Front de Libération de Gallia - 04-18-2021

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RE: Diplomacy: Front de Libération de Gallia - Front de Libération de Gallia - 04-20-2021

Other Maquisard factions
The Front is an inclusive Maquis faction. There is potential from eventually arising xenophobic Maquis cells to find issue with The Front's largely pro-Sirian policy. Having said that although The Front has Ex-Council commander led military arm and liaison arms it's most populous contingent are still extremists that will work with anyone who use extreme means against the Gallic Union. Whether they also attack (and kill) The Front's Sirian allies or not.

Gallic Brigands
The Brigands helped the Maquis kill thousands of Enclave refugees and Gallic Union forces in Orkney during The Noble Funeral. The Brigands run an all-important Martinique Base along with The Maquis and Corse - the main source of the vital Ex-Council tech in the form of military salvage Maquisards patch their damaged ships with. The Brigands also openly join Maquis raids and fights, and are an indespensable source of supplies, logistics and resources for The Front.

Unione Corse
Many Maquis hardliners find issue with the Corsicans openly working with the Gallic Union as well as them, and the self-serving profit driven rather than ideological motivation of the Corsicans often puzzles the Maquisards. Nevertheless, after the Maquis were betrayed by the Council and lost most of their logistics they had no choice but to get accustomed to the Corse, and grew to respect them and work with them closely.

The Front often smuggles Corse's signature drug where Corsicans can't risk hauling it in the open - Nox, deals with varied other mutual business interests and assaults their archenemy The Outcasts hand in hand, prefering to leave the Corsicans to strike the final blow in order to claim generous bounties on the Outcast heads.

Despite the frequent joint operations there is certain uneasiness about the Corsicans. Rumors are flying around that they make people that count them as friends disappear - Gallia is littered with wrecks of EFL, Gallic Navy and even Brigand ships in far flung nebulas that are frequented by the Corsicans. The Maquisards can't be sure if some of their people never came back home from distant missions because of perils of normal duty or because the Corsicans pursued their ruthless self interests. Nobody so far lived to tell the tale to confirm said rumors however.

Gallic Royalists
The newly emerged Gallic Royalists splinter cell are in many ways respected by The Front way more than the Gallic Union forces. Both factions oppose the Gallic Union. Both factions are ready to forgo comfort and even die for what they believe in. Even Gallic Royalists' splinter cell's methods of combat are largely similar to old school Maquisards, contrasted only by The Front's slowly developing military arm that has strong recent Ex-Council commander influences. Unlike the treacherous Confederacy and collaborating ex-royalists within the Gallic Union they are also straightforward and transparent with their beliefs, much like the Maquisards are. Nevertheless, they are The Front's enemy by default - being the opposite side of the same coin, these in many ways similar proud royalits and anti-royalists are destined to be rivals. They are currently not The Front's main focus due to their limited resources, numbers and lack of any controlled territory.

Gallic Navy
The Gallic Navy is the primary focus and enemy of The Front. The main protectors of The Gallic Union, their resources are vast, technology modern and ranks numerous. Seeing them as a disgusting cacophony of Confederate traitors that turned on the Maquis in the most brutal way possible at Mazagran, war criminals, ex-royalists and collaborators that bent their morals, The Front will stop at nothing to weaken the Gallic Navy.This includes ignoring collateral civilian damage and deaths, infiltration, terrorist plots and hit and run tactics as The Navy is too powerful to be faced directly in the open currently.

Although the memories of Mazagran, Leeds, Enclave, Kusari war and the King will never fade, The Front's motivation is likely to slowly shift from the current spiteful vengeance against the people in the Navy more towards their role as enforcers of the oppressive military state that The Gallic Union is.The Front will attempt to build up their military arm to be one day ready to face the Gallic Navy directly in an open battlefield.

Gallic National Intelligence
The Front's extremist arm is locked in a never-ending battle of wits against the GNI, as they are the main Gallic Union force tasked with sniffing out and countering the Maquisards' elaborate bombing, infiltration, assasination and other intricate extremist plots.

Gallic Metal Service

The GMS are the most apolitical corporation in Gallia. They have covertly supported the Council on a large scale in the past, and care more about their own profits than ideology or loyalty. Nevertheless, they play a large role in keeping the Union Government afloat. Due to their (lack of) ideology and their willingness to interact the approach of The Front is that of acquiring resources, influencing them with propaganda and getting information from the GMS rather than violence aimed at the corporation directly.

Ile-de-France Shipping

The IDF are the exact opposite of the Gallic Metal Service. Royal loyalist to a fault, they have been willing to incur massive losses, good business be damned, to further their ideology. They show no regard for their own life, and The Front even declared IDF|Loire as a kill on sight vessel with a reward on their head.

EFL Oil & Machinery

The EFL Are the backbone of the Gallic Union, and unlike GMS tend to be loyal and with a well funded security force.
Current Front approach is somewhere between that of GMS and IDF - EFL are targetted primarly for resource and information acquisitions, but their transports become targets of executions and destruction if they refuse to cooperate and/or try to stall to get their numerous security division chance to catch up.

RE: Diplomacy: Front de Libération de Gallia - Front de Libération de Gallia - 01-02-2022

The Gaians

The Gaians have been by far the closest Sirian allies to the Maquisards historically. They have been frequenting each other's bases - namely the Charost Outpost, Islay base, and Kirkwall in Okrney, the sole base not under lawful or corporate control in the system. In March of 744 AGS they have jointly struck a Royalist convoy fleeing Orkney and Gaia that was trying in rejoin the Gallic Union in A Noble Funeral and more recently have clashed together against current splinter Royalists in Roussillon. The Maquisards owe Gaians in a big way for their current control of the Roussillon system, as it was joint Gaian and Maquis strikes that drove the Gallic Royal Enclave away from the system.

Although the sun has always been shining on the relationship and the two factions are even working on combining their technology there is room for clouds rising over who the Maquisards are willing to work with in their overwhelmingly desparate underdog situation in Gallia. Maquisard neutrality and occasional cooperation with the Bretonian Armed Forces has the potential to raise Gaian eyebrows, and should the Gaians cash in on the favours they provided against Maquis' Gallic enemies and ask to be repaid against the Bretonian Armed forces it will put The Front into an uncomfortable position. The Maquisard distrust of The Order and their isolation in Gallia also makes them oblivious to the threats the Nomads pose and there already have been incidents that involved the Gaians the Maquisards struggled to navigate in.

The Mollys

Wide open - no signifficant contacts yet. Although the "core" extremist Maquisards arm of the FLG could find common ground in ideology only time will tell how the relationship will develop given Maquis' link to those Mollys would not call exactly friends, like the Gaians.