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FREELANCER equipment restrictions - to ADMINS - slashhammer - 04-02-2009

Hello admins,
hi folks,

I just created a Freelancer ID'ed/IFF'ed char myself and I've been wondering what restrictions
about equipment have to be obeyed.

As the Freelancer is basicly on the lawfull side the ID itself also allows to fullfil unlawfull contracts
and hunt other lawfulls which indicates at least neutral if not friendly relations with unlawfull factions.

So I ask myself if a Freelancer is allowed to use unlawfull weapons and if what mixes are within the
rules and which are not.


FL char ID'ed/IFF'ed
Ship: IMG Spatial


Outcast Kraken guns
Corsair Tizona turrets

to me a no go as both factions are at war with each other nomatter if the Freelancer might have
good relations with both - at least the players of the relevant hostile factions eg. Outcasts or Corsairs
prolly would shoot the Freelancer for colaborating with their enemy.


Outcast Kraken guns
Zoner Fury turrets

maybe, but as the Spatial is an IMG ship IMG certainly wouldn't like to see it equipped with enemies
guns, on the other side the Freelancer is not an IMG member and might have good relations with
IMG and Outcasts at the same time.


Codename guns
Improved Debilator guns
BHG Bugshot turrets

should be ok as it's all neutral, civillian or lawfull, but as the Freelancer also might work for
unlawfulls would the BHG tolerate him to take advantage of their weapons he might also
use to kill BH's?

I'd like to get an answer to this from an admin if any possible, the kind of answer that can be made
sticky and would help all future Freelancers to solve any questions that this ID might bring up.

Finally, what about Gallic equipment, I've heard differnent things, one says go the other one say no,
may a Freelancer use Gallic weapons also outside or Gallia or not, if not, why?

And are there any restrictions about ships a Freelancer can use,
except anything bigger then a gunboat of course?

Thanks in advance for a clear answer.


FREELANCER equipment restrictions - to ADMINS - johnedwards - 04-02-2009

That sheet should cover most of the questions.

As for fancy combinations I'dd say if you can find a solid way of RPing with them I'm sure a lot of combinations can be used.

FREELANCER equipment restrictions - to ADMINS - slashhammer - 04-02-2009

' Wrote:

That sheet should cover most of the questions.

As for fancy combinations I'dd say if you can find a solid way of RPing with them I'm sure a lot of combinations can be used.

This was indeed a more then just usefull link you posted, thx a lot.

About the "must remain in Gallia" rule I expect it to be removed after 4.85 has gone final,
at least after a while, but I may be wrong, time will show.

So only thin I still worry about is the combination of certain ships/equipment,
like said Saptial with Outcast guns etc.


FREELANCER equipment restrictions - to ADMINS - tazuras - 04-02-2009

I would say the spatial with outcast guns would be ok. It is an explorer vessel though so you better have a good reason for it. Be sure you have RP posted on the forums before making this mix I would say.

FREELANCER equipment restrictions - to ADMINS - swift - 04-02-2009

A Spatial is an IMG ship.. and IMG is very much hostile to Outcasts.

It's almost as if you'd have a Wrath with Vengeances.

FREELANCER equipment restrictions - to ADMINS - Derkylos - 04-02-2009

' Wrote:A Spatial is an IMG ship.. and IMG is very much hostile to Outcasts.

It's almost as if you'd have a Wrath with Vengeances.

The conclusion we arrived at earlier was that it's an open market ship, and the IMG actually leaves the Outcasts be, according to rumors on Java...any aggression is on the Outcast's part.

FREELANCER equipment restrictions - to ADMINS - tazuras - 04-02-2009

I'm pretty sure the spatial is not strictly an IMG ship, it is sold on a xeno base after all....

FREELANCER equipment restrictions - to ADMINS - swift - 04-02-2009

Just because IMG does not actively attack the Outcasts, it still considers them hostile, although it won't attack first.
So I'd say with certainty they'd not sell ships to Outcasts.
Same as if I got a Sabre with an IMG char. Technically it's an open market ship, but I'd wager it'd be considered out of roleplay.

And also, Xenos are not hostile to IMG. They're neutral, so the IMG would have no reservations to make some profit by selling Spatials to them, since the Xenos won't use those Spatials against IMG, which can definitely *not* be said for Outcasts.

Quote:E78-12 "Spatial" IMG Deep Space Explorer

The Spatial is often used by members of the Independent Miners Guild while exploring the Asteroid fields of the Taus and Omegas. Larger than most fightercraft, the Spatial packs nearly the same punch as most military bombers, but its real attribute is its extended pilot bay and the full sized geological survey suite and cargobay.

The pilot bay provides living space for five, with an extent of internal access to critical ship systems that is unprecedented in any smaller ship. Boasting six Ageira SM-65 Bretonian engines and an extensive science bay, the spatial has extensive exploratory capabilities, and often makes the same deep space journeys as much larger science vessels.
Does it say anywhere they hand them out like candy?

FREELANCER equipment restrictions - to ADMINS - Leo - 04-02-2009

Re-read that infocard.

"The Spatial is OFTEN used by members of the Independent Miners Guild". It does not say it is only used by them.


FREELANCER equipment restrictions - to ADMINS - tazuras - 04-02-2009

He's not talking about having an outcast ID though. Let's be clear here, I dont think this is a very RP idea, I do think it is possible in RP though. But in general a freelancer should not use unlawful equipment, a merc ID would fit better. But to get the ship in RP you would have to have a good relationship with either the IMG or the Xenos, which outcasts do not, though I suppose it would be feasible to get the ship before the guns.