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Stations; Modalarity and custimazation - Printable Version

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Stations; Modalarity and custimazation - tazuras - 04-03-2009

First I want to touch on modularity. For the sake of interchangeable parts it makes sense. However it seems like the people of Sirius have gotten pretty used to living and working in space. I would think at this point we would start to see more custom stations that are meant to awe and impress. One of the many very rich corporations might build one.

The other things that bugs me about this is everyone uses the same stations. They can't use ships manufactured by other factions but they can use stations? Or they just all make stations/components that look exactly the same? This somewhat detracts from the immersive experience for me. One of the prime example in my opinions is Goliath class station (West Point). Everyone uses this thing, outcasts, LN, Baf. I mean who makes this station that is willing to sell it to everybody? And dont even get me started on the Nomad shipyards that look exactly like human ones.

I realize that these things take a lot of time and effort to model and texture but I really think it would be worth it. So much time and effort is put into the making of ships, which is important I know as it's what we're staring at the most when we play the game, but we also spend a great deal of time looking at stations, they are the setting, they are a big part of what make the world real and visceral. I mean I love flying around Gallia because of all the custom planets and planet textures there, and that is relatively minor to how truly awesome truly custom stations would be, ones that arent just the same parts assembly different ways (no offense to any of the assemblers, I think they are much better than just using the vanilla stations and add a good deal of flavor, I just went to Alpha for the first time and saw Valetta, loved it).

//end rant

What do you all think?

PS. maybe i need to start modelling them... gotta learn how to model first... O.o

PPS After doing some more research I found that it's just that no one wants to do it... Guess it's time for me to learn something about modelling and texturing... Oh and to everyone who already knows something about it, please start working on stations, I will love you forever?

Stations; Modalarity and custimazation - tansytansey - 04-03-2009

It's a good idea. The only problem I can possibly see is the game might not be able to handle so many different base types... I'm probably wrong but I mean, there are so many factions. Even if only the main ones get their own bases, that's still a hell of a lot of new stuff. Then are we gonna want individual tradelanes and jump gates next? Where do we draw the line?
I'd be happy with the jellies getting their own bases. But I'm pretty content with the bases the way they are right now. But maybe it's just cause all the Rogue bases are asteroids, except the ones in Cassini which are pretty extravagant.

Stations; Modalarity and custimazation - Silent_M - 04-03-2009

It is quite weird to travel through half the sirius sector into another house and find that the only obvious differences that one can make out are the designs of the ships.

It would be nice if some styling cues could be developed for each house faction so one could simply tell by looking at a station "oh i'm in Kusari".

Now the question of course is where do we get these styling cues from? obvious answer would be the ships, basically to keep the whole game experience as authentic as possible. Also using the colors that represent each house goes without saying in my oppinion.

On the other hand these stations would of course make the mod as itself a lot bigger in package size and other factors like how it affects the server ect needs to be tested. maybe there are other mods out there that did a similar thing so we could draw from their experiences?


Stations; Modalarity and custimazation - Linkus - 04-03-2009

Stations are simply a docking point (The docking bay part) with everything else simply attached on.
If the model is in the game already, it's a simple matter of putting one next to the other and linking them (The shipyard say, is parented to the docking bay central core bit)

Here's what it looks like to make a station in FLExplorer.

It is advised to have Discovery activated in this. When you open FLExplorer, say no to editing a mod. It will load the game files, which will cinlude the Discovery files if it is activated. This will ensure compatibility with the mod.

Firstly, you need to choose a system to modify. Try simply making a new one, it'll stop any issues.

Choose whatever options you wish for this stage.
Click ok, this will come up.

You will be prompted to make a new mod simply because the program needs somewhere to save the changes. Call it whatever you wish.

First a base model is needed.
Click Base on the Object menu to the left and click somewhere on the map.
Next you choose the type of model you want for the station. There are a large number and all can be looked at before you use them by hitting the preview button (Press W when the preview is shown to show the model textured)
For this, I chose space_shipping.

Give it whatever loadout is on the list for now and just hit ok, the other options are for properly setting up a base but for the sake of time, we'll just deal with the basics. Once that is all done, you should have this:

You can see your nice little base there, all on it's own. Can't have that though.
So, click Other Objects in the object list along the left, then click somewhere near your base.
You should see a small menu and then you can again choose what you want to add:

Again you can look at the model before using it by pressing Preview.
Remember to tick the 'Use nearest base as parent'. This will allow you to click on that other object in game and for it to select the base, like the stations in FL.

Once that is done, click ok.
If you look at your system map now and your base, you will see a small white dot near it. That is your other object that you added.
Not much use as it is now, unless you want a base that is a mess.
So, right click on your base and go down the menu till you get to 'Edit Base Layout' and click it.

This is where my help ends as my editor is having some issues but you should see a small screen appear with the base in it and the other object somewhere near it, zoom out or in as neccessary.
Using the XYZ views, align the other object so that it is touching the other station. They can be inside etc other etc but it might look odd.

Click ok.

Save the modifications or apply changes to the mod (Options in the File menu in FL Explorer.)

Now, double-click on the system you just made.
Right click somewhere in the space and choose Jumphole Start.
Go back to the entire Sirius view, go into say, Pensylvania and right click there and choose Jumphole End.
A small dialog box will come up but just hit ok.
Remember where the Jumphole is in Pensylvania (Or just put it infront of the planet, not in it though)

Save again, or apply changes to mod.
Close FLExplorer if you want.

Once that is all done, go to:
Program Files/Freelancer Mod Manager/Mods/(Whatever your mod is named)
Copy and paste everything there into:
Program Files/Microsoft Games/Freelancer
Overwrite whatever they say.
Go in game, get to your jumphole, go through it, look at your base.

How do you get FL Explorer, use google, not going to do everything for you:P

That was a completely un-needed tutorial but I figure that it's the best way of showing people that making a huge base such as the Munich orbital colony, is actually very easy.
All the above points will become second nature to you after your first try, they simply take a lot to explain to people new to it all.

If I have missed anything, just say.

So basically, more little modules or lego pieces would be nice.
If it has a model, a texture and a surfile, it is able to be used for a station.
Bugs etc can be solved in the creation process, usually it's odd to have a final release of a model/station/ship that has bugs so you don't need to worry about adding too much to Freelancer.

Stations; Modalarity and custimazation - Cellulanus - 04-03-2009

' Wrote:How do you get FL Explorer, use google, not going to do everything for you:P
That was a completely un-needed tutorial but I figure that it's the best way of showing people that making a huge base such as the Munich orbital colony, is actually very easy.
All the above points will become second nature to you after your first try, they simply take a lot to explain to people new to it all.

It might be easy OORP, but remember that it is extremely difficult to in RP for anyone that is doing this.

The Ring in NB was pushing the limits of FL base engineering, the fact it's receiving the same amount of gravitational pull from NB and its moon is the only thing preventing it from ripping itself apart, so large stations should be built away from planets.

Stations; Modalarity and custimazation - Linkus - 04-03-2009

The Ring is incredibly simple compared to some station models in Disco currently.
If it is tearing itself apart, then god help the larger stations out there.

Stations; Modalarity and custimazation - Cellulanus - 04-03-2009

' Wrote:The Ring is incredibly simple compared to some station models in Disco currently.
If it is tearing itself apart, then god help the larger stations out there.

Exactly what I've been thinking, the stations must have a quadruple re-enforced structure just to deal with gravitational stress.

Stations; Modalarity and custimazation - Linkus - 04-03-2009

Freelancer has never been realistic fortunately, so big stations are perfectly fine if they make sense (Can't see a Deathstar appearing any time soon)

Stations; Modalarity and custimazation - cudanny - 04-03-2009

Yes, you have a point but when was the ring built? and surely not every station has to deal with such large gravitational stresses. And if i'm honest the ring looks like a rather feeble structure, surely someone would have built one that doesnt look as if its still made out of modules that nasa use today?

Stations; Modalarity and custimazation - Cellulanus - 04-03-2009

' Wrote:Yes, you have a point but when was the ring built? and surely not every station has to deal with such large gravitational stresses. And if i'm honest the ring looks like a rather feeble structure, surely someone would have built one that doesnt look as if its still made out of modules that nasa use today?

Its built after the connection of all of the first space stations that orbited NB and was the point where Rheinland first entered space. And yes, station built away from planets wouldn't have to worry about gravitational stress, problem is most large space stations have been built in planetary orbit.

Also what's wrong with the look of the appearance of the modules? Its a simple but functional design.