>>>: Shogun Tsuya - Wesker - 04-26-2021
薔薇龍 | こんにちは。
From: Kano Kamiyama
To: Shogun Tsuya
Subject: Mercenary Evaluation
Point of Origin: Kyoto
Encryption Level: 重畳
Importance: 重畳
Konichiwa Shogun,
The Mercenaries will be a decent investment, they can fight - though obviously, they are not Dragons. I came out on top in the duel, critiquing it in depth - they rely heavily on explosive ordnance. Their training definitely throws off the concept that they are connected with the Blood Dragons. I have attached logs from the encounter below for your convenience. I am willing to supervise their assignments as they come and go, should you decide to employ their use.
ありがとう, Arigato
神山狩野 | Kano Kamiyama
玄武 | Genbu
[25.04.2021 22:03:32] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama: Alright.
[25.04.2021 22:03:34] >BD<Ubukata;Tsuya: In any case, it appears your tester has arrived.
[25.04.2021 22:03:36] Eidothea-[Fae: Seems my duelist has arrived.
[25.04.2021 22:03:42] Eidothea-[Fae: What are the rules?
[25.04.2021 22:04:10] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama: I won't kill you, as your nanobot count diminishes, I will call off the duel.
[25.04.2021 22:04:26] Eidothea-[Fae: Are there weaponry restrictions?
[25.04.2021 22:04:32] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama: I put that in grim terms, but if you can prove me wrong - do so.
[25.04.2021 22:04:35] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama: No.
[25.04.2021 22:04:43] Eidothea-[Fae: So we shoot until one gives up?
[25.04.2021 22:04:45] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama: Your opponent will use everything in their arsenal to win.
[25.04.2021 22:04:49] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama: I expect you to do the same.
[25.04.2021 22:04:51] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama: Hai.
[25.04.2021 22:05:00] Eidothea-[Fae: I understand, my combat systems are ready.
[25.04.2021 22:05:05] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama: As are mine.
[25.04.2021 22:05:07] >BD<Ubukata;Tsuya: Alright. Seems you've got this under control, Kano-san.
[25.04.2021 22:05:10] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama: Hai.
[25.04.2021 22:05:17] >BD<Ubukata;Tsuya: I will take my leave now. Sayonara.
[25.04.2021 22:05:20] Eidothea-[Fae: Well let's get to it.
[25.04.2021 22:05:25] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama: Sayonara, shogun.
[25.04.2021 22:05:25] Eidothea-[Fae: Goodbye Shogun.
[25.04.2021 22:05:26] 2021-04-25 22:05:25 SMT Traffic control alert: >BD<Ubukata;Tsuya has requested to dock
[25.04.2021 22:05:35] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama: Show us your skills.
[25.04.2021 22:05:42] Eidothea-[Fae: Well, lets get into this
[25.04.2021 22:05:45] Eidothea-[Fae: Going in hot.
[25.04.2021 22:13:24] Eidothea-[Fae: Well...
[25.04.2021 22:13:27] Nymph-[Fae: Julia: Ugh... You are a tough pilot, dragon.
[25.04.2021 22:13:47] Eidothea-[Fae: Well... they surely took quite the beating too.
[25.04.2021 22:13:48] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama: Going easy on you was a mistake.
[25.04.2021 22:13:56] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama: Still.
[25.04.2021 22:14:14] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama: You did well.
[25.04.2021 22:14:39] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama: I will pass the news along to the shogun.
[25.04.2021 22:14:52] Eidothea-[Fae: Well, usually I'm more the explorer... not really aquainted in this ship yet...
[25.04.2021 22:14:59] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama: For now, I suggest you repair your ship.
[25.04.2021 22:15:00] Eidothea-[Fae: Still was a pleasure...
[25.04.2021 22:15:03] Eidothea-[Fae: Yeah...
[25.04.2021 22:15:10] Eidothea-[Fae: would say so too, hehe.
[25.04.2021 22:15:28] Eidothea-[Fae: May I dock on Kyoto for this for repairments?
[25.04.2021 22:15:30] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama: Howdy.
[25.04.2021 22:15:33] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama: Hai.
[25.04.2021 22:15:41] Eidothea-[Fae: Thanks, it is a honour.
[25.04.2021 22:15:49] 2021-04-25 22:15:49 SMT Traffic control alert: Eidothea-[Fae has requested to dock
[25.04.2021 22:16:15] Nymph-[Fae: Julia: Well, it was really good event.
[25.04.2021 22:16:37] Nymph-[Fae: Julia: You are maybe the best pilot on my memory, dragon.
[25.04.2021 22:16:41] 2021-04-25 22:16:41 SMT Traffic control alert: >BD<Kano.Kamiyama has requested to dock
[25.04.2021 22:16:57] Eidothea-[Fae: Well the Dragons are known for their experienced brave pilots.
[25.04.2021 22:17:08] Eidothea-[Fae: That was indeed quite intense...
[25.04.2021 22:18:05] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama: Adapting in battle is what separates many of us from our enemies.
[25.04.2021 22:18:28] Eidothea-[Fae: I surely respect your skills dragon... phew...
[25.04.2021 22:18:34] Eidothea-[Fae: that was really intense.
[25.04.2021 22:21:11] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama: Well, for now, there's nothing much I can do besides talk to the Shogun.
[25.04.2021 22:21:36] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama: I suggest you occupy yourselves with something to do in the meantime.
[25.04.2021 22:21:39] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama: We will be in touch.
[25.04.2021 22:21:44] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama: Sayonara.
Transmission Cut... Connection Failure.
薔薇龍 | さようなら。
RE: >>>: Shogun Tsuya - ellipsis - 04-26-2021
薔薇龍 | こんにちは。
From: Ubukata Tsuya
To: Kano Kamiyama
Subject: Mercenary Evaluation
Point of Origin: Kyoto Base
Encryption Level: 重畳
Importance: 重畳
I thank you for taking the time to test them.
Seeing as you are one of our elite pilots, I saw fit to delegate the task to you. It seems my judgement was not misplaced. You have done well. When the time comes, I hope we can make good use of the Fae. They seem to be a small band of mercenaries that have recently developed a civilian society in the Baffin system. It may be useful to keep them as an ally since it would allow us a bit of sanctuary within the Taus, with people to come to our aid should it be necessary. I am also curious of their black market connections in Gallia. We are already allied with the Maquis, but let us see how much we can push into the Gallic underworld. Their enemy is our enemy.
Sayonara, Kano-san.
生形 艶 | Ubukata Tsuya
将軍 | Shōgun
Long live the Blood Dragons.
Transmission cut... Connection failure.
RE: >>>: Shogun Tsuya - Wesker - 04-29-2021
薔薇龍 | こんにちは。
From: Kano Kamiyama
To: Shogun Tsuya
Subject: Gallic Royal Navy
Point of Origin: Kyoto
Encryption Level: 重畳
Importance: 重畳
Konichiwa Shogun,
It seems we may already have a use for these mercenaries.
The war with Gallia ended shortly ago, but to my understanding the conflict with the Gallic Crown ended further back in time. Today, Miyazaki and myself ran into a raiding party of Royal Navy pilots in Kyushu. They claimed to have deviated from their route on the hunt for Imperial Navy wings, they weren't quick to target us. Natrually, I decided to have Miyazaki and I hold back. Times have changed, and the Shogun's stance on the Royalists is unknown to me.
The Royalists left empty-handed, they attempted to disable an Imperial Navy pilot, but he escaped before they could finish him off. The group had a common factor in their IFF: "Ori".
ありがとう, Arigato
神山狩野 | Kano Kamiyama
白虎 | Byakko
[28.04.2021 21:53:46] Ori|Celice.Sylvianne~: Mm.
[28.04.2021 21:53:50] Ori|Celice.Sylvianne~: Bonsoir.
[28.04.2021 21:54:17] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama.: Konichiwa.
[28.04.2021 21:54:20] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: Dragons.
[28.04.2021 21:54:23] >BD<Miyazaki.Yuyuko: Konnichiwa.
[28.04.2021 21:54:32] Ori|Augustin.Clair.: Salut, Dragons.
[28.04.2021 21:54:35] >BD<Miyazaki.Yuyuko: My, Gauls here?
[28.04.2021 21:54:36] Ori|Augustin.Clair.: And terrorist.
[28.04.2021 21:54:46] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama.: Gauls here it seems.
[28.04.2021 21:54:52] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: You're observant.
[28.04.2021 21:55:00] >BD<Miyazaki.Yuyuko: Hm, what are you doing out here if I may ask?
[28.04.2021 21:55:00] Ori|Celice.Sylvianne~: What is our standing with these... Dragons, Capitaine?
[28.04.2021 21:55:09] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: I'm not entirely sure we /have/ a standing.
[28.04.2021 21:55:17] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: Our quarrel is not with them, is it?
[28.04.2021 21:55:20] Ori|Celice.Sylvianne~: It is not.
[28.04.2021 21:55:21] Ori|Augustin.Clair.: Non.
[28.04.2021 21:55:25] Ori|Celice.Sylvianne~: Scanners are picking up something else, too.
[28.04.2021 21:55:34] Ori|Celice.Sylvianne~: Corse. Not of Gallia.
[28.04.2021 21:55:34] UC~Emily.Anderson: They lie to you...
[28.04.2021 21:55:44] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: We're here because we have a problem with your government - or at least her law enforcement.
[28.04.2021 21:55:47] Ori|Augustin.Clair.: I guess the Corse got scared off.
[28.04.2021 21:55:54] Ori|Celice.Sylvianne~: I've seen them before.
[28.04.2021 21:55:58] Ori|Celice.Sylvianne~: Did not end well for them.
[28.04.2021 21:56:03] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: And, quite frankly, because cutting off traffic headed to our traitorous kin back home is.. A welcome diversion.
[28.04.2021 21:56:06] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama.: So if not us then who is your quarrel with if I might ask?
[28.04.2021 21:56:06] >BD<Miyazaki.Yuyuko: Seems you caused quite a mess here, hm?
[28.04.2021 21:56:12] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: A little.
[28.04.2021 21:56:16] >BD<Miyazaki.Yuyuko: Well if they bring down Samura vessels they help us...
[28.04.2021 21:56:17] Ori|Celice.Sylvianne~: Not enough.
[28.04.2021 21:57:00] Ori|Augustin.Clair.: Maurice already mentioned it, but, our quarrel is with the law enforcement.
[28.04.2021 21:57:02] >BD<Miyazaki.Yuyuko: Seems we are somewhat in a similar situation with each state has betrayed us, hai?
[28.04.2021 21:57:05] >BD<Miyazaki.Yuyuko: Thinking of it.
[28.04.2021 21:57:13] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: Somewhat.
[28.04.2021 21:57:29] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: We have stabbed in the back not once, but twice. And both are fresh wounds.
[28.04.2021 21:57:39] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama.: Not often do we see Gauls travel this far to settle quarrels with policemen.
[28.04.2021 21:57:51] Ori|Celice.Sylvianne~: We don't discriminate. It matters little what colors transports fly. They all help the economy of this... House.
[28.04.2021 21:58:00] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama.: He probably meant to say the Empire
[28.04.2021 21:58:04] GC-Nishihara.Myako: So french Corsairs, gotcha
[28.04.2021 21:58:06] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama.: And or it's military.
[28.04.2021 21:58:22] >BD<Miyazaki.Yuyuko: Hm, unsure how to feel about this Kano-san.
[28.04.2021 21:58:28] GC-Matsumoto.Hotaru: you can call them French Sairs only if they like women with beards
[28.04.2021 21:58:38] >BD<Miyazaki.Yuyuko: In a way they help us but seem also to cause a mess...
[28.04.2021 21:58:41] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama.: To what end are you willing to take this quarrel of yours?
[28.04.2021 21:58:51] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama.: Wait, Miyazaki.
[28.04.2021 21:58:52] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: As far as we have to.
[28.04.2021 21:58:59] GC-Triad-4: Konnichiwa
[28.04.2021 21:59:01] Ori|Celice.Sylvianne~: Far enough for it to sting. Hard.
[28.04.2021 21:59:16] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: Kusari, however, is not our main priority. Far from it.
[28.04.2021 21:59:25] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama.: And why must you go about as you are then? The Empire has crumbled after it's failed invasion.
[28.04.2021 21:59:28] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama.: Or so I have learned.
[28.04.2021 21:59:31] Ori|Celice.Sylvianne~: More contacts, Capitaine, Commodore.
[28.04.2021 21:59:41] >BD<Miyazaki.Yuyuko: Hm, I am merely waiting for your word Kano-san I will do nothing else.
[28.04.2021 21:59:52] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: We're familiar with the terrorist. She's a fool.
[28.04.2021 21:59:53] >BD<Miyazaki.Yuyuko: But hai, better to go in dialogue for this.
[28.04.2021 22:00:11] >BD<Miyazaki.Yuyuko: Just have a bad feeling what to expect.
[28.04.2021 22:00:29] Ori|Celice.Sylvianne~: This must be the first time you've laid eyes upon real soldiers, Dragons.
[28.04.2021 22:00:31] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama.: They traveled this far to settle a tertiary dispute with the Empire.
[28.04.2021 22:00:43] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: I have little interest in meddling in your affairs, Dragons, to be honest. Our main priority is Gallia.
[28.04.2021 22:00:52] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama.: Then why are you here?
[28.04.2021 22:00:53] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: We have already patrolled the Taus.
[28.04.2021 22:00:54] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama.: In Kusari?
[28.04.2021 22:00:56] Ori|Augustin.Clair.: We just took a little detour today.
[28.04.2021 22:00:59] Ori|Augustin.Clair.: So to say.
[28.04.2021 22:01:00] >BD<Miyazaki.Yuyuko: Well with that they show some motivation and bravery. To travel this far.
[28.04.2021 22:01:02] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: As you said - a tertiary concern.
[28.04.2021 22:01:05] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: We may as well.
[28.04.2021 22:01:46] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: We ran into minimal resistance closer to Gallia's borders.
[28.04.2021 22:02:00] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama.: Hmm, it's my place to decide what to do here and now. The shogun would be interested to hear of this.
[28.04.2021 22:02:14] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama.: Our defenses were minimal, but you've still done your damage.
[28.04.2021 22:02:14] Ori|Augustin.Clair.: Another contact.
[28.04.2021 22:02:51] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama.: I can speak for myself and Miyazaki-san that we will not resort to violence. But I can do little more than "ask" the Gen'an to-
[28.04.2021 22:02:55] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama.: Do the same.
[28.04.2021 22:03:05] >BD<Miyazaki.Yuyuko: Hai.
[28.04.2021 22:03:09] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: They've yet to open a comms channel.
[28.04.2021 22:03:11] Ori|Celice.Sylvianne~: You'd do well to strike violence from your mind.
[28.04.2021 22:03:12] GC-Triad-4: I just want to know their business here
[28.04.2021 22:03:18] Ori|Augustin.Clair.: I have very little interest in resorting to violence myself.
[28.04.2021 22:03:29] GC-Triad-4: That UC there called on bounty hunters to kill us last time
[28.04.2021 22:03:36] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: You're free to tear it apart.
[28.04.2021 22:03:38] GC-Matsumoto.Hotaru: and I won against his friend
[28.04.2021 22:03:39] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: She is a fool.
[28.04.2021 22:03:40] GC-Triad-4: She is not welcome here
[28.04.2021 22:03:48] UC~Emily.Anderson: *smiles* Oh. you rememeber that?
[28.04.2021 22:03:49] GC-Nishihara.Myako: Oh I remember this, wasn't I with you that day?
[28.04.2021 22:03:52] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: You'd be doing us a favour, if anything.
[28.04.2021 22:04:23] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama.: I'll take up a comm to shogun or something
[28.04.2021 22:04:26] UC~Emily.Anderson: Though I'd be more concerned with a patrol of Royalists, than a single Corse..
[28.04.2021 22:04:32] UC~Emily.Anderson: But hey-ho, that's me.
[28.04.2021 22:04:40] GC-Daitan'na.Aeru: Konnichiwa.
[28.04.2021 22:04:49] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama.: They've shown no interest in attack us, and neither have you.
[28.04.2021 22:04:58] GC-Triad-4: The rest didnt satify our curiosity either
[28.04.2021 22:05:01] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama.: But the history of this conflict remains.
[28.04.2021 22:05:09] GC-Daitan'na.Aeru: What is happening here? Some sort of friendly reunion? *grins*
[28.04.2021 22:05:16] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama.: As far as I know anyways.
[28.04.2021 22:05:22] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: What question is it that you want answered, Chrysanthemum?
[28.04.2021 22:05:27] >BD<Miyazaki.Yuyuko: An interesting meeting indeed.
[28.04.2021 22:05:27] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: I must've missed it.
[28.04.2021 22:05:33] Ori|Celice.Sylvianne~: I'd call it... a moderately unfriendly exchange of words.
[28.04.2021 22:05:38] GC-Triad-4: Well what your business in this system is
[28.04.2021 22:05:54] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: I'd describe it as.. A visit.
[28.04.2021 22:06:27] GC-Daitan'na.Aeru: Moderately, huh? I do not like how that sounds. I prefer the extreme exchange of words.
[28.04.2021 22:06:39] [KNF]Sk.Ji-yeon.Hwang: What in the name of the emperor..
[28.04.2021 22:06:43] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: I'm not sure what more I can tell you-
[28.04.2021 22:06:46] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: Ah, there. At last.
[28.04.2021 22:06:48] GC-Daitan'na.Aeru: Whatever. What are you doing here, Gallia?
[28.04.2021 22:06:52] Ori|Celice.Sylvianne~: At last. Indeed.
[28.04.2021 22:06:57] >BD<Miyazaki.Yuyuko: And a Naval Force pilot on scanner.
[28.04.2021 22:06:58] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: /That/ is what we'd hoped to run into, Chrysanthemum.
[28.04.2021 22:07:01] GC-Triad-4: You mean empress, KNF goon
[28.04.2021 22:07:13] >BD<Miyazaki.Yuyuko: The gathering gets every minute more people...
[28.04.2021 22:07:28] Ori|Augustin.Clair.: This is starting to become almost interesting.
[28.04.2021 22:07:33] GC-Matsumoto.Hotaru: This might be one complicated meeting if this keeps up
[28.04.2021 22:07:34] Ori|Celice.Sylvianne~: Mm? Is the "leader" of Kusari a sexually ambiguous individual?
[28.04.2021 22:07:35] [KNF]Sk.Ji-yeon.Hwang: Why are the gallics here?
[28.04.2021 22:07:38] GC-Daitan'na.Aeru: Oh, KNF just shows up, right on time. Disgusting.
[28.04.2021 22:07:39] Ori|Celice.Sylvianne~: Emperor? Empress?
[28.04.2021 22:08:06] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: You'd expected to launch an invasion with zero repercussions, officer?
[28.04.2021 22:08:11] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: I'm sorry to disappoint.
[28.04.2021 22:08:22] UC~Emily.Anderson: Talk about holding a grudge...
[28.04.2021 22:08:24] [KNF]Sk.Ji-yeon.Hwang: You've heard about the end of the war, yes?
[28.04.2021 22:08:28] [KNF]Sk.Ji-yeon.Hwang: Seriously..
[28.04.2021 22:08:41] Ori|Augustin.Clair.: End of war does not mean you have been forgiven.
[28.04.2021 22:08:50] [KNF]Sk.Ji-yeon.Hwang: What the fuck are you talking about?
[28.04.2021 22:08:52] >BD<Miyazaki.Yuyuko: I must admit you show either bravery or stupidity to show up to this.
[28.04.2021 22:09:01] GC-Triad-4: btw the Ori people gave us permission to end the Emily
[28.04.2021 22:09:01] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: The decisions of the traitors back home do not concern us.
[28.04.2021 22:09:05] >BD<Miyazaki.Yuyuko: I will respect it naval force pilot, but Im on stand by.
[28.04.2021 22:09:20] GC-Daitan'na.Aeru: Gaijin in the middle of Kusari. KNF will not be happy. *laughs*
[28.04.2021 22:09:21] Ori|Celice.Sylvianne~: Your past transgressions have come to hunt you, your kin, and your vile, disloyal Government down like the dregs you act like.
[28.04.2021 22:09:25] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: The Crown does not forgive, nor does it forgive.
[28.04.2021 22:09:32] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: ..Forget.
[28.04.2021 22:10:07] [KNF]Sk.Ji-yeon.Hwang: Right, so what exactly are your issues?
[28.04.2021 22:10:17] Ori|Celice.Sylvianne~: I'm afraid we care little for what the "KNF" think, Chrysanthemum.
[28.04.2021 22:10:18] [KNF]Sk.Ji-yeon.Hwang: You want to keep fighting a war for no reason?
[28.04.2021 22:10:42] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: Hm. No, I wouldn't say so. I wouldn't go so far as to call it a war.
[28.04.2021 22:10:45] Ori|Augustin.Clair.: It will not be a war.
[28.04.2021 22:10:47] [KNF]Sk.Ji-yeon.Hwang: Did you all get a knock on your head during the fighting or what?
[28.04.2021 22:10:50] Ori|Augustin.Clair.: It will be a slaughter.
[28.04.2021 22:10:51] Fukada;Sayuri: this atack might be a reason for them to team up
[28.04.2021 22:11:01] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: There is only one war I care to fight, and that is the war to free my homeland.
[28.04.2021 22:11:04] GC-Triad-4: That specific UC paid bounty hunters to kill us
[28.04.2021 22:11:08] GC-Daitan'na.Aeru: Oh, is that so? Interesting. I would not bother you if you kill each other. *chuckles*
[28.04.2021 22:11:12] GC-Triad-4: It wont leave alive
[28.04.2021 22:11:12] [KNF]Sk.Ji-yeon.Hwang: Then go back to your homeland.
[28.04.2021 22:11:16] GC-Nishihara.Myako.: Yaho Sisters and Dragons.
[28.04.2021 22:11:25] >BD<Miyazaki.Yuyuko: Konbanwa, sister.
[28.04.2021 22:11:25] Fukada;Sayuri: we are not that few
[28.04.2021 22:11:25] GC-Triad-4: Konnichiwa
[28.04.2021 22:11:27] [KNF]Sk.Ji-yeon.Hwang: Surely you'll be more useful there.
[28.04.2021 22:11:29] GC-Daitan'na.Aeru: Konnichiwa, sister. Look at this show.
[28.04.2021 22:11:32] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: Have you looked around, officer?
[28.04.2021 22:11:37] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: What right do you think you have to make demands of us?
[28.04.2021 22:11:37] [KNF]Sk.Ji-yeon.Hwang: As you can see I have enough trouble here.
[28.04.2021 22:11:40] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama.: This is just a personal vendetta, not a "tertiary" issue.
[28.04.2021 22:11:44] GC-Matsumoto.Hotaru: Oh, Myako-san. You have just arrived for the interesting part
[28.04.2021 22:11:48] Fukada;Sayuri: he can kill one or two of us but if we get all together we will defeat them
[28.04.2021 22:11:50] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama.: Your actions here will make their own consequences.
[28.04.2021 22:11:55] GC-Daitan'na.Aeru: Some Gallics arrived in Kusari. Such a strange move.
[28.04.2021 22:12:03] GC-Nishihara.Myako.: Interesting? Look at all these goods floating about!
[28.04.2021 22:12:10] GC-Nishihara.Myako.: We could build ships with this stuff, lots of em
[28.04.2021 22:12:28] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: The Crown once spared your House, officer. And as thanks you waited, and struck at an opportune time.
[28.04.2021 22:12:30] Ori|Celice.Sylvianne~: I'm afraid punishment has to be rolled out if we are to be considered a people who keep to their word.
[28.04.2021 22:12:33] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: You often speak of honor, but have none.
[28.04.2021 22:12:59] [KNF]Sk.Ji-yeon.Hwang: You can take your grievances to the ministry of foreign affairs or whatever.
[28.04.2021 22:13:02] Fukada;Sayuri: i wont be able to join you there
[28.04.2021 22:13:20] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: Why would I?
[28.04.2021 22:13:26] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: They've never kept their word.
[28.04.2021 22:14:20] Ori|Celice.Sylvianne~: Communicating with foreigners is a mistake. Gallia is strongest when it doesn't concern itself with the very same Houses-
[28.04.2021 22:14:23] [KNF]Sk.Ji-yeon.Hwang: Maybe they will care to hear your stupid shit about revenge or punishment or whatever.
[28.04.2021 22:14:28] Ori|Celice.Sylvianne~: -that betrayed it.
[28.04.2021 22:14:48] [KNF]Sk.Ji-yeon.Hwang: As far as I'm concerned you guys brought home mental issues from the war. Or rather not home, you stayed right around.
[28.04.2021 22:14:58] Ori|Celice.Sylvianne~: Capitaine, this Kusarian is being particularly disrespectful. Downright disinterested in our plight, I have to say.
[28.04.2021 22:15:01] Ori|Celice.Sylvianne~: I'm offended.
[28.04.2021 22:15:01] Fukada;Sayuri: take a pick and share with us at discord
[28.04.2021 22:15:15] UC~Emily.Anderson: Ah, Miss Taylor.
[28.04.2021 22:15:18] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: Don't be so easily offended, then.
[28.04.2021 22:15:24] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: They're not worth it.
[28.04.2021 22:15:33] E.Taylor: Well.
[28.04.2021 22:15:35] [KNF]Sk.Ji-yeon.Hwang: I see the dragons surprisingly see no issue with this gallic invasion, hm?
[28.04.2021 22:15:47] E.Taylor: What the hell is going on here?
[28.04.2021 22:15:50] Ori|Celice.Sylvianne~: Not worth it, no. Yet we communicate with them.
[28.04.2021 22:15:55] UC~Emily.Anderson: Diplomacy, it seems.
[28.04.2021 22:15:56] GC-Matsumoto.Hotaru: Well, if it isn't yet another unsightly and familiar face showing up
[28.04.2021 22:15:57] UC~Emily.Anderson: Or Politics.
[28.04.2021 22:16:04] UC~Emily.Anderson: Probably both. *shrugs*
[28.04.2021 22:16:07] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama.: Well, we are both novices. And this desicion is not ours to make unless you all resort to violence.
[28.04.2021 22:16:24] GC-Triad-4: Kiri is a solaris Ku GB
[28.04.2021 22:16:35] Ori|Augustin.Clair.: As I have said before, I have no interest in violence.
[28.04.2021 22:16:46] E.Taylor: Is there a difference between the two?
[28.04.2021 22:16:49] Ori|Celice.Sylvianne~: Not with Dragons, at any rate.
[28.04.2021 22:16:53] >BD<Miyazaki.Yuyuko: Hm, still we should protect our allies I think if things go hot... Kano-san.
[28.04.2021 22:16:54] Ori|Augustin.Clair.: Until there is a good reason, my wingmen will not engage.
[28.04.2021 22:17:03] >BD<Miyazaki.Yuyuko: Still no violence would be probably the best outcome of this.
[28.04.2021 22:17:04] [KNF]Sk.Ji-yeon.Hwang: No interest in violence? I thought that's why you're here.
[28.04.2021 22:17:10] Ori|Augustin.Clair.: Well, besides /you/ of course.
[28.04.2021 22:17:20] GC-Nishihara.Myako.: Typical Navy always assuming the worst of every visitor.
[28.04.2021 22:17:20] Ori|Augustin.Clair.: We are here for you and your other officers.
[28.04.2021 22:17:27] GC-Nishihara.Myako.: You wonder why tourism plummets in Kusari.
[28.04.2021 22:17:31] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: We're simply not interested in your domestic affairs, officer. We're only interested in you.
[28.04.2021 22:17:48] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: An honor, isn't it? We're here for someone as inconsequential as you.
[28.04.2021 22:18:20] [KNF]Sk.Ji-yeon.Hwang: I think I'd prefer you not being here.
[28.04.2021 22:18:21] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: Though, admittedly, I don't believe you are quite worth the time we're wasting on this chat.
[28.04.2021 22:18:23] GC-Daitan'na.Aeru: I am amazed by how these Gallics insult the KNF. I wonder how this will end.
[28.04.2021 22:18:42] IKN-Kiri: Konnichiwa, what a nice party over here
[28.04.2021 22:18:47] GC-Triad-4: then he changed it
[28.04.2021 22:18:50] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: Contact. A.. Warship? If that.
[28.04.2021 22:18:53] GC-Nishihara.Myako.: it's got pulses and regular gunboat turrets yeah
[28.04.2021 22:18:56] E.Taylor: Gunship.
[28.04.2021 22:19:00] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: Easily dispatched, should it come down to it.
[28.04.2021 22:19:07] E.Taylor: Interesting.
[28.04.2021 22:19:33] Ori|Augustin.Clair.: *Sighs*
[28.04.2021 22:19:34] Ori|Celice.Sylvianne~: Out of the field? How interesting.
[28.04.2021 22:19:39] IKN-Kiri: I believe you woud come for me?
[28.04.2021 22:19:45] Ori|Celice.Sylvianne~: Do you normally skulk in asteroid fields?
[28.04.2021 22:19:46] Ori|Augustin.Clair.: Surely a higher number can be gathered, officer?
[28.04.2021 22:19:57] Ori|Celice.Sylvianne~: Or is that only reselved for the criminals among you, Kusarians?
[28.04.2021 22:20:02] Ori|Augustin.Clair.: I guess that one left.
[28.04.2021 22:20:03] Ori|Celice.Sylvianne~: Doesn't seem like it.
[28.04.2021 22:20:08] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: Oh, please, Clair. You're above these petty insults.
[28.04.2021 22:20:13] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: I'd rather you figure out a course of action.
[28.04.2021 22:20:16] GC-Matsumoto.Hotaru: Naval Forces used to do way better than this, hai
[28.04.2021 22:20:23] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: Surely we've better things to do than sit here chatting up one naval officer?
[28.04.2021 22:20:25] Ori|Augustin.Clair.: Hardly an insult.
[28.04.2021 22:20:25] GC-Daitan'na.Aeru: *laughs*
[28.04.2021 22:20:30] GC-Triad-4: I am just here to spectate
[28.04.2021 22:20:49] Ori|Celice.Sylvianne~: I've been waiting on orders this whole time.
[28.04.2021 22:20:51] Ori|Augustin.Clair.: Since Celice is oh so very offended by this Naval thing.
[28.04.2021 22:21:03] GC-Nishihara.Myako.: I have no idea what's even going on to be honest.
[28.04.2021 22:21:05] Ori|Augustin.Clair.: I am sure she wouldn't mind being one to punt it around.
[28.04.2021 22:21:16] Ori|Celice.Sylvianne~: You'd give me the pleasure? How generous of you, Commodore.
[28.04.2021 22:21:22] GC-Triad-4: If he comes here in Kyushu to shoot GC...
[28.04.2021 22:21:25] Ori|Augustin.Clair.: You seemed most eager.
[28.04.2021 22:21:29] >BD<Miyazaki.Yuyuko: It seems they let themselves get resorted to violence by startling them with mere words?
[28.04.2021 22:21:31] [KNF]Sk.Ji-yeon.Hwang: Why again would you care for fighting some random officer here?
[28.04.2021 22:21:37] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: Well no, Dragon.
[28.04.2021 22:21:40] GC-Nishihara.Myako.: I would not be surprised if that was the case.
[28.04.2021 22:21:46] Ori|Celice.Sylvianne~: It's about... sending a message.
[28.04.2021 22:21:46] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: We stated that we came here for exactly this-
[28.04.2021 22:21:48] [KNF]Sk.Ji-yeon.Hwang: I'm almost more confused than worried.
[28.04.2021 22:21:50] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: Your navy.
[28.04.2021 22:21:50] Ori|Celice.Sylvianne~: We'll go with that, oui?
[28.04.2021 22:21:59] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: We'd be fools to skip on this opportunity.
[28.04.2021 22:22:02] GC-Triad-4: Lets just wait and see
[28.04.2021 22:22:08] [KNF]Sk.Ji-yeon.Hwang: From what I could gather, you should be fighting people closer to your home.
[28.04.2021 22:22:30] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama.: He does have a point.
[28.04.2021 22:22:35] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: And so we have.
[28.04.2021 22:22:36] Ori|Celice.Sylvianne~: Oh, we did. And do. But we mustn't let your filth escape the past.
[28.04.2021 22:22:37] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: And so we will.
[28.04.2021 22:23:01] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: Now, please, Lieutenant. Get to work.
[28.04.2021 22:23:04] Ori|Celice.Sylvianne~: Are you ready to meet your maker?
[28.04.2021 22:23:06] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: This is what you do best, isn't it?
[28.04.2021 22:23:11] Ori|Celice.Sylvianne~: Indeed it is.
[28.04.2021 22:23:11] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama.: You're here for revenge, but revenge here will not bring about the change you want.
[28.04.2021 22:23:17] GC-Nishihara.Myako.: are they diposing of the KNF it seems?
[28.04.2021 22:23:19] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: It will not, no.
[28.04.2021 22:23:23] [KNF]Sk.Ji-yeon.Hwang: I really don't feel like this.
[28.04.2021 22:23:31] >BD<Miyazaki.Yuyuko: By the Kamis, seems it unfolds the old ways.
[28.04.2021 22:23:32] Ori|Celice.Sylvianne~: No choice in the matter, I'm afraid.
[28.04.2021 22:23:35] Ori|Celice.Sylvianne~: None at all.
[28.04.2021 22:23:35] Ori|Augustin.Clair.: It will bring satisfaction though.
[28.04.2021 22:23:44] Ori|Celice.Sylvianne~: Is-
[28.04.2021 22:23:47] Ori|Celice.Sylvianne~: Is he running from me?
[28.04.2021 22:23:48] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: Are you sure you would rather fight all of us, officer?
[28.04.2021 22:23:50] GC-Triad-4: oh they simply took distance
[28.04.2021 22:24:01] Ori|Celice.Sylvianne~: How disgraceful!
[28.04.2021 22:24:04] E.Taylor: I have no idea what I am watching.
[28.04.2021 22:24:07] [KNF]Sk.Ji-yeon.Hwang: Shut your stupid mouth.
[28.04.2021 22:24:12] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama.: Let's see how this develops.
[28.04.2021 22:24:12] Ori|Celice.Sylvianne~: How dare you.
[28.04.2021 22:24:15] [KNF]Sk.Ji-yeon.Hwang: I plan to live another day.
[28.04.2021 22:24:17] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: I'm going to see if I can't encourage him to take the one-on-one.
[28.04.2021 22:24:22] >BD<Miyazaki.Yuyuko: Interesting developments indeed, hai.
[28.04.2021 22:24:31] Ori|Celice.Sylvianne~: No no, Capitaine.
[28.04.2021 22:24:32] Ori|Celice.Sylvianne~: I have this,
[28.04.2021 22:24:38] Ori|Augustin.Clair.: Capitaine.
[28.04.2021 22:24:41] GC-Daitan'na.Aeru: I am geniously curious about this.
[28.04.2021 22:24:50] E.Taylor: He has to get 20k to planet without being shot.
[28.04.2021 22:24:56] GC-Daitan'na.Aeru: KNF is having a bad time, indeed. *grins*
[28.04.2021 22:25:03] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: I don't know why you're sparing the Kusarian, Commodore. But very well.
[28.04.2021 22:25:07] GC-Nishihara.Myako.: Not often we get to watch KNF fight someone else
[28.04.2021 22:25:07] Ori|Augustin.Clair.: I am certain Celice can do this herself. She is plenty capable.
[28.04.2021 22:25:09] E.Taylor: Hell that's a race if I ever seen one.
[28.04.2021 22:25:26] GC-Matsumoto.Hotaru: I have to say, it's kind of nice seeing someone else giving Naval Forces trouble instead of us
[28.04.2021 22:25:50] Ori|Augustin.Clair.: Ten clicks left.
[28.04.2021 22:26:31] GC-Triad-4: dont let that Emily leave if she goes away
[28.04.2021 22:26:32] Ori|Augustin.Clair.: Perhaps he will live to tell his men that we will hunt them all down like dogs for what they did.
[28.04.2021 22:26:36] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: Seems she may yet succeed.
[28.04.2021 22:26:40] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: Doubt she would've without my aid.
[28.04.2021 22:26:42] GC-Matsumoto.Hotaru: we could have engaged now
[28.04.2021 22:26:44] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: Gunship, closing.
[28.04.2021 22:26:46] GC-Matsumoto.Hotaru: or not
[28.04.2021 22:26:50] 2021-04-28 22:26:50 SMT Traffic control alert: [KNF]Sk.Ji-yeon.Hwang has requested to dock
[28.04.2021 22:26:53] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: Or not.
[28.04.2021 22:26:53] Ori|Celice.Sylvianne~: Ach.
[28.04.2021 22:26:56] Ori|Augustin.Clair.: Oh so very close.
[28.04.2021 22:26:57] Ori|Celice.Sylvianne~: Infuriating!
[28.04.2021 22:27:15] Ori|Augustin.Clair.: Capitaine, Celice.
[28.04.2021 22:27:19] IKN-Kiri: If you have nothing to say better Gallics
[28.04.2021 22:27:32] IKN-Kiri: Why don't you go for the unlawfuls?
[28.04.2021 22:27:33] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: What is it?
[28.04.2021 22:27:35] Ori|Augustin.Clair.: This target however is to be exterminated immediately.
[28.04.2021 22:27:36] Ori|Celice.Sylvianne~: How unfortunate! He escaped me. What a bother.
[28.04.2021 22:27:40] GC-Triad-4: Where you going?
[28.04.2021 22:27:42] GC-Triad-4 has set UC~Emily.Anderson as group target.
[28.04.2021 22:27:43] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: I doubt we'll catch it before it moors.
[28.04.2021 22:27:45] UC~Emily.Anderson: Hm?
[28.04.2021 22:27:45] GC-Daitan'na.Aeru: These Gallics are not so bad after all. *chuckles*
[28.04.2021 22:27:58] GC-Triad-4: I remember you called a bounty on us
[28.04.2021 22:28:10] Death: CNS was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[28.04.2021 22:28:12] IKN-Kiri: It is a bit unusual for Royalists to show up
[28.04.2021 22:28:13] Ori|Celice.Sylvianne~: We may be done here, Commodore. Capitaine.
[28.04.2021 22:28:19] GC-Matsumoto.Hotaru: It appears the show has ended. Was good while it lasted... as for some particular eyesore here...
[28.04.2021 22:28:19] GC-Nishihara.Myako.: Yeahy, why the rush Emily.
[28.04.2021 22:28:28] UC~Emily.Anderson: Rush?
[28.04.2021 22:28:33] IKN-Kiri: But I will log the encounter hoping that the Empire can knock on your shoes
[28.04.2021 22:28:33] Ori|Augustin.Clair.: Tsk.
[28.04.2021 22:28:34] E.Taylor: You really have a way with people....
[28.04.2021 22:28:35] GC-Nishihara.Myako.: You seem jumpy.
[28.04.2021 22:28:37] UC~Emily.Anderson: Impulse is hardly a Rush..
[28.04.2021 22:28:40] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: Seems the locals may taking care of the Corse.
[28.04.2021 22:28:57] GC-Triad-4: We shall
[28.04.2021 22:28:57] GC-Matsumoto.Hotaru: You didn't think you would leave unharmed visiting us again after last time?
[28.04.2021 22:28:57] IKN-Kiri: I've always felt a distaste about Gallia, know that
[28.04.2021 22:29:01] GC-Nishihara.Myako.: Have you had issues with the Corse before?
[28.04.2021 22:29:02] Ori|Augustin.Clair.: I welcome you to try and do something about this.
[28.04.2021 22:29:06] Ori|Augustin.Clair.: Since you have such distaste.
[28.04.2021 22:29:11] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: You're in a precarious enough situation without further provoking us, captain.
[28.04.2021 22:29:20] GC-Triad-4: Sisters how about a little payback?
[28.04.2021 22:29:25] [MFE]~Healing.Wings: Sonja: hmm you again the guys that don't like when you help People.
[28.04.2021 22:29:25] UC~Emily.Anderson: Ah... *laughs*
[28.04.2021 22:29:32] UC~Emily.Anderson: Taylor? Same as last time?
[28.04.2021 22:29:34] IKN-Kiri: Trust me, the situation looks good for you but I won't allow it
[28.04.2021 22:29:35] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: Have one of these.
[28.04.2021 22:29:35] GC-Matsumoto.Hotaru: I will gladly have some payback
[28.04.2021 22:29:36] 2021-04-28 22:29:35 SMT Traffic control alert: IKN-Kiri has requested to dock
[28.04.2021 22:29:38] Ori|Celice.Sylvianne~: Excha-
[28.04.2021 22:29:38] E.Taylor: Seems that way.
[28.04.2021 22:29:38] Ori|Maurice'Cornett: There it goes.
[28.04.2021 22:29:40] GC-Daitan'na.Aeru: Sure thing, eternal Yurei.
[28.04.2021 22:29:40] Ori|Celice.Sylvianne~: As expected.
[28.04.2021 22:29:45] GC-Daitan'na.Aeru: You can proceed.
[28.04.2021 22:29:48] Ori|Augustin.Clair.: Rats.
[28.04.2021 22:29:52] Ori|Augustin.Clair.: We are done here.
Transmission Cut... Connection Failure.
薔薇龍 | さようなら。
RE: >>>: Shogun Tsuya - ellipsis - 04-29-2021
薔薇龍 | こんにちは。
From: Ubukata Tsuya
To: Kano Kamiyama
Subject: Gallic Royal Navy
Point of Origin: Kyoto Base
Encryption Level: 重畳
Importance: 重畳
Odd~! I've had a similar encounter in the Taus while escorting one of our flower friends.
Looks like there's some remnants of the Gallic Civil War, hm? Towards them, I don't think our approach will change. Seeing as we are already good friends with the Maquis, we must turn our blades on them for now. That isn't the only reason. These royalists and their predecessors are responsible for the Leeds glassing. I witnessed the results of that massacre firsthand while escorting said friend just recently. That's an event that echoed throughout the entirety of Sirius. While that fate didn't fall on us, I still find it appalling enough for them to even consider continuing down their path. Such a dishonorable act shouldn't be followed up with their continued persistence. It may seem that we and the Royalists are not too different, but we're most certainly cut from a separate cloth. Their deposition wasn't without good reason. Still they would come into our rightful home, standing tall and picking a fight with the Naval Forces as if they never left? These people are out of their minds. I'm sure that the many Dragons under my wing are itching to give them some payback for the wars that threatened to ravage our beautiful home.
We'll put them out of their misery if they show their faces in our homeland again. Is that understood? Their delusion will have the best of them. I'll inform the Fae of their appearance in Kusari.
生形 艶 | Ubukata Tsuya
将軍 | Shōgun
Long live the Blood Dragons.
Transmission cut... Connection failure.
RE: >>>: Shogun Tsuya - Wesker - 05-06-2021
薔薇龍 | こんにちは。
From: Kano Kamiyama
To: Shogun Tsuya
Subject: Unione Corse
Point of Origin: Kyoto
Encryption Level: 重畳
Importance: 重畳
Konichiwa Shogun,
Kusari has been attracting several guests from Gallia ever since the first encounter I notified you of earlier. Another such group we've run into calls themselves the "Unione Corse". We have no idea what they are or what their intentions are. What we do know - based on a previous encounter with the Gallic Royalists and Gen'an pilots - is that they've made some large enemies. The Gen'an cell has it out for them, and the Royalists have referred to them as terrorists in the previous underway mission we discussed.
The "Unione Corse" claim to be here as tourists, and obviously, that answer is vague and unconvincing. Perhaps we could shed some light on this with the help of the Mercenaries we enlisted. Something small and simple for them to prove themselves. With your blessing, I can dispatch them to investigate what this group is and what solutions - or problems - they can create.
ありがとう, Arigato
神山狩野 | Kano Kamiyama
白虎 | Byakko
[05.05.2021 22:21:32] >BD<Miyazaki.Yuyuko.: Konbanwa Kano-san.
[05.05.2021 22:21:34] >BD<Miyazaki.Yuyuko.: A mission?
[05.05.2021 22:21:42] UC~Emily.Anderson: Whatever that means..
[05.05.2021 22:21:49] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama.: Hopefully that wont happen again.
[05.05.2021 22:21:51] E.Taylor: Yeah that and something about not tolerating interference.
[05.05.2021 22:22:57] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama.: Anything interesting so far, Miyazaki?
[05.05.2021 22:23:20] >BD<Miyazaki.Yuyuko.: Well, as I heard by the Corsican the coalition was around here recently
[05.05.2021 22:23:41] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama.: I see.
[05.05.2021 22:23:42] >BD<Miyazaki.Yuyuko.: And seemed secretive about some mission... is that right?
[05.05.2021 22:24:07] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama.: Were they just passing by?
[05.05.2021 22:24:18] E.Taylor: Nope shooting a freighter.
[05.05.2021 22:24:24] UC~Emily.Anderson: Wouldn't exactly say that.. they engaged a freighter..
[05.05.2021 22:24:35] UC~Emily.Anderson: Took three of them though.. so *shurgs*
[05.05.2021 22:24:47] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama.: Just... any ordinary freighter?
[05.05.2021 22:24:47] >BD<Miyazaki.Yuyuko.: Hm...
[05.05.2021 22:25:17] E.Taylor: Not sure who it belonged to.
[05.05.2021 22:25:26] E.Taylor: IFF wasn't one I ever seen before.
[05.05.2021 22:25:56] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama.: Not a civilian then? Well, hopefully that's the worst of it.
[05.05.2021 22:26:08] >BD<Miyazaki.Yuyuko.: Odd. Maybe not from around here then... well for their ideals the Coalition maybe thought it is a hostile target for them?
[05.05.2021 22:26:16] >BD<Miyazaki.Yuyuko.: foreign corporate pilot mayhaps?
[05.05.2021 22:26:36] UC~Emily.Anderson: Maybe. But needing three ships to take it down?
[05.05.2021 22:26:45] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama.: I don't see the need to entangle ourselves in whatever directive they're undertaking.
[05.05.2021 22:26:51] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama.: As long as it doesn't concern us.
[05.05.2021 22:27:08] UC~Emily.Anderson: Well if they're around Kusari blowing shit up... Thought it would concern you, even a little?
[05.05.2021 22:27:16] E.Taylor: Yeah not ever seen a corporate freighter that required that many to take it down.
[05.05.2021 22:27:25] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama.: They attacked one freighter, non-civilian.
[05.05.2021 22:27:40] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama.: The way I see it, it wasn't even Kusarian.
[05.05.2021 22:27:51] >BD<Miyazaki.Yuyuko.: Did it carry anything of importance?
[05.05.2021 22:27:53] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama.: If it was, you'd both be able to tell.
[05.05.2021 22:28:01] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama.: Right?
[05.05.2021 22:28:09] UC~Emily.Anderson: Guess you're right.
[05.05.2021 22:29:12] UC~Emily.Anderson: Didn't manage to get a scan off before it... well exploded..
[05.05.2021 22:29:24] >BD<Miyazaki.Yuyuko.: I see...
[05.05.2021 22:29:30] E.Taylor: Looked like a random assortment of well...
[05.05.2021 22:29:33] E.Taylor: Loot maybe?
[05.05.2021 22:29:41] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama.: Well, then we don't know.
[05.05.2021 22:31:38] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama.: Last time you were in Kusari, at least... the last time I saw - you were being attacked.
[05.05.2021 22:31:45] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama.: What brings you back now?
[05.05.2021 22:31:57] >BD<Miyazaki.Yuyuko.: Else, my patrol went very uneventful, just saw these two pilots around here.
[05.05.2021 22:32:36] E.Taylor: The beautiful sights?
[05.05.2021 22:32:40] UC~Emily.Anderson: It happens, I do admit. And Kusari is a interesting house to say the least...
[05.05.2021 22:32:40] >BD<Miyazaki.Yuyuko.: I can remember seeing more corsicans around Kusari as of recently.
[05.05.2021 22:32:44] E.Taylor: Or were you asking your friend?
[05.05.2021 22:32:58] UC~Emily.Anderson: Is that such a worry?
[05.05.2021 22:33:01] UC~Emily.Anderson: Good for tourism!
[05.05.2021 22:33:11] GC-Hametsu: These 2 are not in good graces with us for calling a pack of bunters on us
[05.05.2021 22:33:20] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama.: The Gallic Royal Navy pilots we ran into that day referred to you as "terrorists".
[05.05.2021 22:33:27] E.Taylor: I didn't call any Hunters.
[05.05.2021 22:33:37] UC~Emily.Anderson: I don't remember 'calling' any hunters either..
[05.05.2021 22:33:53] E.Taylor: In fact the last Hunter I met cheated me in a race.
[05.05.2021 22:34:04] UC~Emily.Anderson: And, we get called alot of things. Thugs, Terrorists, Goons, Gangsters, Hunters...
[05.05.2021 22:34:08] UC~Emily.Anderson: The list goes on.
[05.05.2021 22:34:47] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama.: So all those titles are for nothing, then.. who are you exactly?
[05.05.2021 22:35:14] UC~Emily.Anderson: Ah! We're... - Many things...
[05.05.2021 22:35:33] >BD<Miyazaki.Yuyuko.: So people can assume many names?
[05.05.2021 22:35:44] UC~Emily.Anderson: Pretty much, but maybe not as extreme as the ones I mentioned...
[05.05.2021 22:35:57] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama.: Many things can earn many different names.
[05.05.2021 22:35:59] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama.: Or titles.
[05.05.2021 22:36:00] >BD<Miyazaki.Yuyuko.: Hm, you current main interests or professions?
[05.05.2021 22:36:13] UC~Emily.Anderson: We do business. Say the least.
[05.05.2021 22:36:16] E.Taylor: Does racing count?
[05.05.2021 22:36:41] UC~Emily.Anderson: Afraid not... though, we should defiantly look into that field aswell.
[05.05.2021 22:36:44] >BD<Miyazaki.Yuyuko.: Any rumor does has its root somewhere mayhaps. Even if a story can be stretched.
[05.05.2021 22:37:02] UC~Emily.Anderson: A story is a story. Told from a certain perspective...
[05.05.2021 22:37:06] E.Taylor: Seriously Gallia could use a race track or two.
[05.05.2021 22:39:55] UC~Emily.Anderson: Which is...?
[05.05.2021 22:39:59] GC-Hametsu: Fuji
[05.05.2021 22:40:06] UC~Emily.Anderson: Foo... Gee?
[05.05.2021 22:40:07] UC~Emily.Anderson: Right?
[05.05.2021 22:40:43] UC~Emily.Anderson: I am pronouncing that right? I'm not acustomed to... your names...
[05.05.2021 22:40:45] E.Taylor: Hello Fuji.
[05.05.2021 22:42:33] UC~Emily.Anderson: Look at us being all friendly.
[05.05.2021 22:43:15] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama.: Blood Dragons have never assumed the worst with everyone we meet.
[05.05.2021 22:43:22] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama.: Respect will be met with respect.
[05.05.2021 22:43:43] UC~Emily.Anderson: Ah! fantastic mindset! I must say.
[05.05.2021 22:44:00] Death: Artimus was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[05.05.2021 22:44:15] E.Taylor: It reminds me of the Hood or Freeport Ten.
[05.05.2021 22:44:39] UC~Emily.Anderson: Keep your head down?
[05.05.2021 22:44:54] E.Taylor: More just the quiet and tense....
[05.05.2021 22:44:58] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama.: Places I haven't heard of.
[05.05.2021 22:45:05] E.Taylor: Uncertainess.
[05.05.2021 22:45:21] >BD<Miyazaki.Yuyuko.: So havent I neither heard of these, gomen.
[05.05.2021 22:45:26] UC~Emily.Anderson: Ah. I can't imagine a Freeport being quiet...
[05.05.2021 22:45:36] UC~Emily.Anderson: Though, I guess I haven't visited one personally...
[05.05.2021 22:45:52] E.Taylor: Guess I'm not the only one who doesn't go too far from home then.
[05.05.2021 22:46:15] E.Taylor: Yeah Hunter and Outcast stand offs have a way off shutting people up.
[05.05.2021 22:46:17] >BD<Miyazaki.Yuyuko.: Well our situation ties us in a way.
[05.05.2021 22:47:02] UC~Emily.Anderson: It does?
[05.05.2021 22:47:05] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama.: Our heritage binds us, you mean.
[05.05.2021 22:47:27] UC~Emily.Anderson: Binds you? Do you not have free will ?
[05.05.2021 22:47:28] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama.: It's a path we all chose to follow.
[05.05.2021 22:47:37] UC~Emily.Anderson: At what cost?
[05.05.2021 22:47:44] >BD<Miyazaki.Yuyuko.: Hai, apologies for my bad wording.
[05.05.2021 22:47:57] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama.: Several have given their lives in the pursuit of a better Kusari.
[05.05.2021 22:48:04] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama.: Or a better world.
[05.05.2021 22:48:30] UC~Emily.Anderson: Ah, you aim to change the future for all?
[05.05.2021 22:48:40] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama.: In a way, I suppose.
[05.05.2021 22:48:44] >BD<Miyazaki.Yuyuko.: for Kusari, hai.
[05.05.2021 22:48:56] >BD<Miyazaki.Yuyuko.: Restoration of order you can say.
[05.05.2021 22:49:06] UC~Emily.Anderson: Oh, a nobel goal...
[05.05.2021 22:49:09] UC~Emily.Anderson: Though I must ask...
[05.05.2021 22:49:12] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama.: these coalition fuckers are just flying in a circle
[05.05.2021 22:49:15] UC~Emily.Anderson: What will this future intale?
[05.05.2021 22:49:28] UC~Emily.Anderson: Order for some, may be chaos for others...
[05.05.2021 22:49:47] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama.: One where the Shogun rightfully inherits leadership over Kusari.
[05.05.2021 22:49:56] >BD<Miyazaki.Yuyuko.: A place where the common man will have a better future in Kusari, not getting blinded and exploited by the lies and ploys of
[05.05.2021 22:50:04] >BD<Miyazaki.Yuyuko.: Samura and their made up government.
[05.05.2021 22:50:09] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama.: It would be chaos for those who have earned that end.
[05.05.2021 22:51:02] UC~Emily.Anderson: Inherits leadership? Correct me if I'm wrong.. but is Kusarian Government not ran by Monarchy?
[05.05.2021 22:51:15] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama.: An Empire.
[05.05.2021 22:51:17] UC~Emily.Anderson: Some royal King.
[05.05.2021 22:51:21] UC~Emily.Anderson: Ah.
[05.05.2021 22:51:29] UC~Emily.Anderson: So... how can one inherit such a title?
[05.05.2021 22:51:44] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama.: Well, by blood of course.
[05.05.2021 22:51:57] UC~Emily.Anderson: Ah... I see...
[05.05.2021 22:52:05] UC~Emily.Anderson: So, violence then?
[05.05.2021 22:52:13] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama.: And by trust. Something the people have little of in their current emperor.
[05.05.2021 22:52:28] UC~Emily.Anderson: Then change is soon then surely?!
[05.05.2021 22:52:40] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama.: Violence is the final course of action, but sometimes it /is/ the only one we are left with.
[05.05.2021 22:52:50] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama.: Surely.
[05.05.2021 22:52:58] >BD<Miyazaki.Yuyuko.: Violence is sadly inevitable at one point...
[05.05.2021 22:53:15] UC~Emily.Anderson: Ever tried creating a sanctuary? Or... migrating?
[05.05.2021 22:53:17] UC~Emily.Anderson: I don't know...
[05.05.2021 22:53:23] UC~Emily.Anderson: I'm just throwing ideas here...
[05.05.2021 22:53:24] GC-Hametsu: I forgot who Aiko was...
[05.05.2021 22:53:33] >BD<Miyazaki.Yuyuko.: A sanctuary...
[05.05.2021 22:53:52] UC~Emily.Anderson: Like... a place for like-minded Kusarians..
[05.05.2021 22:54:12] UC~Emily.Anderson: Where you can go enjoy your lives!
[05.05.2021 22:54:32] Aiko.Matsui: sry I can't log as much as you do guys
[05.05.2021 22:54:40] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama.: We already do enjoy our lives.
[05.05.2021 22:54:47] UC~Emily.Anderson: Of waging war?
[05.05.2021 23:13:51] E.Taylor: Very strange.
[05.05.2021 23:14:27] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama.: Until next time.
[05.05.2021 23:14:33] >BD<Kano.Kamiyama.: Sayonara
[05.05.2021 23:14:35] E.Taylor: Until then.
[05.05.2021 23:14:35] UC~Emily.Anderson: untill next time Dragon!
[05.05.2021 23:14:47] UC~Emily.Anderson: I guess I'll take my leave aswell
Transmission Cut... Connection Failure.
薔薇龍 | さようなら。
RE: >>>: Shogun Tsuya - ellipsis - 05-06-2021
薔薇龍 | こんにちは。
From: Ubukata Tsuya
To: Kano Kamiyama
Subject: Unione Corse
Point of Origin: Kyoto Base
Encryption Level: 重畳
Importance: 重畳
All these visitors from outside of Kusari are beginning to make me nervous. If the Gauls are resuming interest in our homeland once again, it could cause further troubles and roadblocks down the line for us if they decide to meddle in our house again. I give you permission to utilize the Fae's prior mentioned connections to the Gaul underworld to see what they are capable of, as you suggested. We can only hope they'll cooperate, after all we've done for them. To be honest, I've taken a bit of a gamble on them.
The Corse or the Fae themselves don't seem to be a threat to us at the the moment. But I've been in the upper echelons of high society. Hang around in the circles of the elite long enough and you learn to recognize when people are being shady. For now, let's see if we can test the waters. If need be, I can get in touch with the Maquis as well, see if they can inform us about them as well.
生形 艶 | Ubukata Tsuya
将軍 | Shōgun
Long live the Blood Dragons.
Transmission cut... Connection failure.
RE: >>>: Shogun Tsuya - Wesker - 10-05-2021
薔薇龍 | こんにちは。
From: Kano Kamiyama
To: Shogun Tsuya
Subject: Hawthrone
Point of Origin: Kyoto
Encryption Level: 重畳
Importance: 重畳
Konichiwa Shogun,
I've been out of touch for some time, I've spent my time seeing events in and out of Kusari from perspectives other than our own. In simpler terms - learning. Rheinland is a nest of violence. Bretonia, basking in wealth and recovering from abuse. Gallia, living nearly identical to Bretonia as I see it.
The strangest of them all though was Liberty. Liberty isn't as violent as the other places, but it's more chaotic. People there don't respect themselves and pay even less to others they don't fear. The people we hold positive ties with in all these places are a reflection of their homes, this includes Liberty.
I will never judge your decisions, you are the Shogun. I'll simply ask based on my own personal experience rescuing her from Liberty: Do you think one of our new additions, Hawthrone, can be trusted in the long term to uphold who we are?
She's safe back in Kyoto, we were nearly attacked by... Gallic intelligence agents in the middle of New York.
ありがとう, Arigato
神山狩野 | Kano Kamiyama
白虎 | Byakko
Transmission Cut... Connection Failure.
薔薇龍 | さようなら。
RE: >>>: Shogun Tsuya - ellipsis - 10-05-2021
薔薇龍 | こんにちは。
From: Ubukata Tsuya
To: Kano Kamiyama
Subject: Unione Corse
Point of Origin: Kyoto Base
Encryption Level: 重畳
Importance: 重畳
Kamiyama-san. What a pleasure to meet you again. It's been some time indeed.
Your adventures across Sirius treated you well, I hope. And the additional information about the social climate of the other Houses is well needed. As for Hawthorne, time will tell. They've lived amongst us for quite some time in hiding. From what they told me, they were once one of the big shots in a Rogue clique that went in a wrong direction. They left because they disliked this change, and chose to hide far away with us. They've been given ample time to absorb and learn our culture and way of life. To me, this is their chance to prove themselves. If they fail, then they are to be ousted.
Also... Gauls in Liberty? How strange.
生形 艶 | Ubukata Tsuya
将軍 | Shōgun
Long live the Blood Dragons.
Transmission cut... Connection failure.