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OS&C Bounty Board Registration for Factions. - Printable Version

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OS&C Bounty Board Registration for Factions. - Orbital Spa and Cruise. - 05-22-2021

[Image: RNLifTx.png]

Bounty Board Registration*
Spa-SEC, the security division of OS&C

Are you Part of a Groupe or Faction that Hunts the Enemys of OS&C? Do you want to avoid to Proof your Reputation at each Claim? then Register here for the Spa-Sec Partner Program. after a Successful Registration, no Further Proof or Reputation is needed when your Groupe or Faction Claims a Bounty or Contract.

Register today, to become a Member of the Spa-Sec Partner Program.

you can find The Registration Papers Below

To Be Registered we need.:
- Faction or Groupe name
- Faction or Groupe tag
- visual proof of your ID
- visual proof of your Reputation towards Orbital.**
- Reason why you should be a Partner of Spa-Sec

* Only for Factions.
** Only Factions with Neutral or Friendly Reputation towards OS&C are alowed to Register.

Registerd Factions
Sisu JaegersBounty HunterSisu~
Bounty Hunters GuildBounty HunterBHG|
46th FleetLiberty Navy46th|
Liberty ViceLiberty Police Inc.LV]
Union CorseUnion CorseUC~


[font=Cinzel][color=#00BFFF]Faction or Groupe Name:[/color] [color=#FFFFFF]---[/color]

[color=#00BFFF]Faction or Groupe Tag:[/color] [color=#FFFFFF]---[/color]

[color=#00BFFF]Your ID:[/color] [color=#FFFFFF]---[/color]

[color=#00BFFF]Proofs:[/color] [color=#FFFFFF]---[/color]

[color=#00BFFF]Reason:[/color] [color=#FFFFFF]---[/color][/font]

[Image: Go5hvP5.png]
Orbital Spa & Cruise

RE: OS&C Bounty Board Registration for Factions. - Solo Wing Sagume - 05-22-2021

Faction or Groupe Name: Sisu Jaegers

Faction or Groupe Tag: Sisu~

Your ID: ID Proof

Proofs: Reputation Sheet

Reason: The Sisu Jaegers already cooperated with your pilots from OS&C before and told about good reports and the oppurtunities for cooperation with your corporate. We are glad to get one more potential contractor for us to hunt down criminals and terrorists all around the regions in Sirius and look forward for more business with Orbital Spa and Cruise. We are interested in offering our services and to protect your Liners and Installations. Hyvaa paivaa - a good day.

RE: OS&C Bounty Board Registration for Factions. - Orbital Spa and Cruise. - 05-22-2021

[Image: RNLifTx.png]

Bounty Board Registration
Spa-SEC, the security division of OS&C

Orbital Knows and Honors the Work of the Sisu Jagers that have Proven to be Reliable and Trustworthy Business Partners The Sisu Jagers are Herby Accepted Partners of Spa-Sec

RE: OS&C Bounty Board Registration for Factions. - Kanzler Niemann - 05-23-2021

[Image: 2aYaEOq.png.png]

[Image: UcZ063w.jpg]

»»» Encryption: HIGH
»»» Location: Planet Manhattan, New York
»»» Sender ID: Darnell "Warrior" Rees
»»» Recipient ID: OS&C
»»» Subject: Business


Name's Darnell "Warrior" Rees, Guildkeeper of the Bounty Hunters Guild. It came to my attention that you have created a bounty board and I am here to provide the service of the guild on a closer relation. I have filled out the form you have provided.

Faction or Groupe Name: Bounty Hunters Guild

Faction or Groupe Tag: BHG|

Your ID: ID

Proofs: Reputation

Reason: As mentioned above.

[Image: 1st6jsM.png]

Signed, Darnell "Warrior" Rees

[Image: mnGWY6l.png]

RE: OS&C Bounty Board Registration for Factions. - Orbital Spa and Cruise. - 05-23-2021

[Image: RNLifTx.png]

Bounty Board Registration
Spa-SEC, the security division of OS&C

Greetings Mr. Rees we are Happy to Hear from your Guild the Bounty Hunters were always good and Reliable Business Partners. we are looking forward to seeing your Good Work in the Future to make the Routes safer for our Passengers. The Bounty Hunters Guild are Herby Accepted Partners of Spa-Sec. Please Check our Board for the Newest Updates and Bounties.

RE: OS&C Bounty Board Registration for Factions. - sharkboy - 05-29-2021

Faction or Groupe Name: Liberty Navy 46th Fleet

Faction or Groupe Tag: 46th|

Your ID: Liberty Navy

Proofs: Relations

Reason: The 46th Fleet consists of highly-trained and dedicated operatives that are willing to risk their lives to carry out their duty under any circumstance. We are currently the most active fleet of Liberty and have handled many of the threats that have been crawling around. I believe that having us registered on your bounty board would be beneficial to both Orbital and the 46th Fleet as we would be cleaning up most of the troublemakers that operate within Liberty. Ensuring safety for both Independent and Private corporations that travel along, that includes your company of course.

RE: OS&C Bounty Board Registration for Factions. - Orbital Spa and Cruise. - 05-29-2021

[Image: RNLifTx.png]

Bounty Board Registration
Spa-SEC, the security division of OS&C

46th Fleet we gave indeed heard from you and your Work already and we are happy to pay the Protectors of Liberty a little Bonus for their Work and helping them to Build a "Retirement Fund". The 46th Fleet is Herby an Accepted Partner of Spa-Sec. Please Check our Board for the Newest Updates and Bounties.

RE: OS&C Bounty Board Registration for Factions. - The Vice Department - 06-05-2021

Faction or Groupe Name: Liberty Vice

Faction or Groupe Tag: LV]

Your ID: LPI

Proofs: ID Neutral to OSC

Reason: We care deeply about duty, honor and justice and will gladly serve to protect a fellow corporation. The money is just a nice side effect to the warm feeling of doing our duty that drives our actions.

RE: OS&C Bounty Board Registration for Factions. - Orbital Spa and Cruise. - 06-05-2021

[Image: RNLifTx.png]

Bounty Board Registration
Spa-SEC, the security division of OS&C

The LPI was always a Protector of the Civilian Shiping and Passenger Transport. It seems there is a New Unit out there to Protect and Serve and we are Happy to Pay those that Protect us some Nice "Bonus", to honor that they risk their lives for us. The Liberty Vice is Herby an Accepted Partner of Spa-Sec. Please Check our Board for the Newest Updates and Bounties.

RE: OS&C Bounty Board Registration for Factions. - Kherty - 07-01-2021

[Image: 18Yf0xE.png]
[Image: LHbOM0L.png]


RECIPIENT: Orbital Spa & Cruise's Spa-SEC
SENDER: Principal Alfredo Orsini
SUBJECT: Interesting find

Saluti, OS&C.

I'm Principal Alfredo Orsini, we already made some deals with your organization. Time to make some more. I suggested to the rest of the Corse to be part of this bounty board, and they accepted. Here's your form, below:

Faction or Groupe Name: Unione Corse

Faction or Groupe Tag: UC~

Your ID: ID

Proofs: PROOF

Reason: You are in need of protection, and vengeance, and we can offer you that in exchange for money and improving our public relations with your organization.

Principal Alfredo Orsini