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To: Charlie Jukins - Printable Version

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To: Charlie Jukins - Darkstar_Spectre - 05-25-2021


USER ID: James "Ulysses" Matthews

It's been a while hasn't it conman? Listen let me know if you are still alive, I may have an opportunity for you to make some money and you can pay me back for watching your back during and after that Coronado mess.

Trust me I think this will be right up your alley.


RE: To: Charlie Jukins - Novascova - 05-25-2021

Sender: Charlie Jukins

Recipient: James "Ulysses" Matthews

Well, this was not what I was expecting to see when I woke up.

Me? Dead? That's insane! Living is my middle name!

Anyway, an opportunity for money you say? Well, the avid businessman in me is always looking for new investments, so I'll hear you out with your proposal. But, I do ask to make it quick I am quite the busy man as you know.

RE: To: Charlie Jukins - Darkstar_Spectre - 05-25-2021


USER ID: James "Ulysses" Matthews

And to think I was worried about you having gone legit. Alright you want it quick here it is, ended up with a price on my head and no it's not the one from the Crayterians, it's somebody else and it's enough of a price to end up with the Bounty Hunters Guild willing to take a shot at me right outside Manhattan.

So long story short how do you feel about being the man who "kills" me? Oh and we can split the bounty after.


RE: To: Charlie Jukins - Novascova - 05-25-2021

Sender: Charlie Jukins

Recipient: James "Ulysses" Matthews

Woah woah, hold on there pal, let me get this straight. You've gone and gotten yourself another bounty on your head AND you think the best idea is to get ME to "kill" you? to be...the BEST idea I've heard from you yet! Of course its not the best idea, but hey you're thinking outside the box its a start.

Now theres just one super tiny problem. I am not really on the best of terms with the LPI as of late, something about me being a thorn in the Navy's side, and selling illegal weapons. The nerve I swear, ruining my legitimate business...ah....anyway...I would be happy to help you "disappear" but I do hope you have some sort of plan for this.

RE: To: Charlie Jukins - Darkstar_Spectre - 05-25-2021


USER ID: James "Ulysses" Matthews

Told you this was right up your alley. I'd heard about your "exploits" from the ever so lovely LPI and a few others and I don't think it will be a problem. Since all my permits in Liberty are still valid I don't think this is an actual government bounty but either a less than legal one or an underworld one.

And of course I have a plan when do I ever not have a plan? Just start looking at the less than legitimate contracts available and see if you can find mine and I'll get back to you when we are ready with the next.


RE: To: Charlie Jukins - Novascova - 05-31-2021

Sender: Charlie Jukins

Recipient: James "Ulysses" Matthews

Hey, I think I found your contract. You caused quite the stir to be wanted for that kind of credits.

Lets get this show on the road!

RE: To: Charlie Jukins - Darkstar_Spectre - 06-09-2021


USER ID: James "Ulysses" Matthews

Perfect, I got everything set up on my end. Let me know where and when you want to do this.


RE: To: Charlie Jukins - Novascova - 04-17-2022

Sender: Charlie Jukins

Recipient: James "Ulysses" Matthews

Knock Knock! Mr. Dead man! You home?

Anyway, I assume you haven't as they say "kicked the bucket" quite just yet. So, how is Liberty and how is life as a wanted man?

As for me, I happened to be passing through New Tokyo on my way to a business meeting, and met an assortment of characters including an Auxesian. They mentioned something about Liberty bearing down on the Insurgency.

You heard anything?

RE: To: Charlie Jukins - Darkstar_Spectre - 04-17-2022


USER ID: James Matthews

I can't believe I'm saying this, but it's good to hear from you Charlie.

As you can see, I'm still alive, and it seems that the same can be said about you, which is quite the surprise, especially considering how much of an effect your charm tends to have on people.

Regarding Liberty and recent events however, I couldn't quite tell you, the last year I have spent more time everywhere else but home, so I have been completely disconnected from current events regarding Liberty, sorry.

But when you say "business" meeting, I assume you refer to your usual business? If that is the case, I'm thinking of coming out of "exile" as it were and the chaos of this last year has depleted my funds.

So, conman? Have you lost your touch?


RE: To: Charlie Jukins - Novascova - 04-20-2022

Sender: Charlie Jukins

Recipient: James "Ulysses" Matthews

See, I knew you weren't dead!

Though, I'm suprised you've been out and about away from Liberty if I'm honest. Guess we are in the same boat on the information front then.

And YOU running out of money? That is not surprising in the slightest! I bet you spent all your credits on exotic women or that ship of yours! I can't understand how you can modify that thing so often...

Anyway, the business meeting I mentioned, wasn't all as glamorous as I made it sound. It was less of a business dealing and more of a looking for employment dealing.

You see, I've been on the hunt in Kusari for some work, but have come up short. Shocking I know... I tried those revolutionary types...the Blood Dragons. For some reason they were not too keen on taking me up on my offer. Or well, they never got back with me. According to them, my name has something undesirable attached to it here in Kusari, some kind of rumor about me... Also, I don't fancy my luck with those Cardamine women and from what I've heard, its always best to keep a weapon handy with them around.

So, if you are really looking to get out of your "early retirement" take me with you...I could do with dusting off my "charm"