'\S/' Invoices Server - Starfliers - 05-30-2021
Starfliers Invoices Server
We record invoices for every assignment we complete
Access Level: Internal Only
Starfliers Invoicing Template
Required: - Name and Organization
- Issued Date
- Any Relevant Reports
- Pricing
Code: [table]
[align=left][size=11][color=#80FFFF]Starfliers Invoice[/color]
[/size][size=9]Issued To: [i][color=#80BFFF]Client Here, Organization Here[/color][/i]
Invoice Date: [i][color=#80BFFF]DD / MM / 835 AS[/color][/i][/size][/align]
Requested Cartography Report(s):
[*] [color=#DADEDF]System 1 or NONE[/color]
[*] Service Charge: [color=#80FF80]1,000,000 sc[/color]
Requested Expedition Report(s):
[*] [color=#DADEDF]Subject 1 or NONE[/color]
[*] Service Charge: [color=#80FF80]500,000 sc[/color]
[*] Total Service Charge: [color=#80FF80]1,500,000 sc[/color]
[*] Deposit Into: [color=#80BFFF]Starfliers|CreditVault[/color]
RE: '\S/' Starflier Base Invoice History - TheKusari - 05-30-2021
Client:- Client: Caitlyn Cross
- Faction: Orbital Spa & Cruise
- Location: Planet Curacao, Cortez System
- Invoice ID: A - 001
Order:- Planet New Berlin, New Berlin System
- Planet New Tokyo, New Tokyo System
- Planet New London, New London System
- Planet New Paris, Ill-de-France System
- Planet Manhattan, New York System
- Planet Curacao, Cortez System
- Planet Baden Baden, Stuttgart System
- Luxury Liner Hawaii, Sigma-19 System
- Luxury Liner Barbados, Vespucci System
- Luxury Liner Maldives, Omega-49 System
Payment:- Sub-Total: 100,000,000
- Discount: 21,000,000
- Renewal: 64,000,000
- Balance Due: 79,000,000 credits
- Wire Balance To: '\S/'Vault
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RE: '\S/' Starflier Base Invoice History - TheKusari - 05-30-2021
Client:- Client: Sonja Wilke
- Faction: Med Force Enterprises
- Location: [MFE]~Healing.Heart
- Invoice ID: B - 001
Order:- Freeport 11, Omicron Delta System
- Med Force Academy, Omicron Theta System
- Med Force General and Research, Baffin System
Payment:- Sub-Total: 30,000,000
- Discount: N/A
- Renewal: 24,000,000
- Balance Due: 30,000,000 credits
- Wire Balance To: '\S/'Vault
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RE: '\S/' Starflier Base Invoice History - TheKusari - 05-30-2021
Client:- Client: Comandante Fiorella Arianna de Marco
- Faction: N/A
- Location: MNS Amalfi
- Invoice ID: I - 001
Order:- Edinburgh System
- Coronado System
Payment:- Sub-Total: N/A
- Discount: N/A
- Renewal: N/A
- Balance Due: N/A
- Wire Balance To: N/A
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RE: '\S/' Starflier Base Invoice History - TheKusari - 05-30-2021
Client:- Client: Christian Burton
- Faction: Phoenix
- Location: Kadesh Orbital Colony
- Invoice ID: E - 001
Order:- Kadesh Orbital Colony, Omicron Zeta System
- Freeport 11, Omicron Delta System
- Livadia Shipyard, Omicron Kappa System
- Planet Pygar, Omicron Theta System
- Rarotonga Dock, Omicron Nu System
Payment:- Sub-Total: 50,000,000
- Discount: 6,000,000
- Renewal: 36,000,000
- Balance Due: 44,000,000 credits
- Wire Balance To: '\S/'Vault
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RE: '\S/' Starflier Base Invoice History - TheKusari - 05-30-2021
Client:- Client: Lionel Boucher
- Faction: Maquis
- Location: [FLG]VG-Revolutionnaire
- Invoice ID: C - 001
Order:- Chalons-en-Champagne Station, Champagne System
- Maintenon Shipyard, Orleanais System
- Battleship Pamiers, Roussillon System
- Ames Research Station, Kepler System
Payment:- Sub-Total: 40,000,000
- Discount: N/A
- Renewal: 32,000,000
- Balance Due: 40,000,000 credits
- Wire Balance To: '\S/'Vault
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RE: '\S/' Starflier Base Invoice History - TheKusari - 05-30-2021
Client:- Client: Caitlyn Cross
- Faction: Orbital Spa & Cruise
- Location: Planet Curacao, Cortez System
- Invoice ID: A - 002 (Renewal of A - 001)
Order:- Planet New Berlin, New Berlin System
- Planet New Tokyo, New Tokyo System
- Planet New London, New London System
- Planet New Paris, Ill-de-France System
- Planet Manhattan, New York System
- Planet Curacao, Cortez System
- Planet Baden Baden, Stuttgart System
- Luxury Liner Barbados, Vespucci System
- Luxury Liner Maldives, Omega-49 System
Payment:- Sub-Total: N/A
- Discount: N/A
- Renewal: 64,000,000
- Balance Due: 64,000,000 credits
- Wire Balance To: '\S/'Vault
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RE: '\S/' Starflier Base Invoice History - TheKusari - 05-30-2021
Client:- Client: Rear Admiral James Reyna
- Faction: Liberty Navy 46th Fleet
- Location: Norfolk Shipyard, New York System
- Invoice ID: D - 001
Order:- Warzone, Cortez System
- Cordova Shipping Platform, Magellan System
- Open Space, Vespucci System
Payment:- Sub-Total: 30,000,000
- Discount: N/A
- Renewal: 24,000,000
- Balance Due: 30,000,000 credits
- Wire Balance To: '\S/'Vault
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RE: '\S/' Starfliers - Invoice History - TheKusari - 06-02-2021
Client:- Client: Taurus|CNS-Naxos
- Faction: Taurus Corsairs
- Location: Planet Crete, Omicron Gamma System
- Invoice ID: J - 001
Order:- Planet Gran Canaria, Omega-49 System
Payment:- Sub-Total: 15,000,000
- Discount: N/A
- Renewal: N/A
- Balance Due: 15,000,000 credits
- Wire Balance To: '\S/'Vault
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RE: '\S/' Starfliers - Invoice History - TheKusari - 06-15-2021
Client:- Client: Comandante Fiorella Arianna de Marco
- Faction: N/A
- Location: MNS Amalfi
- Invoice ID: I - 002
Payment:- Sub-Total: 15,000,000
- Discount: N/A
- Renewal: N/A
- Balance Due: 15,000,000 credits
- Wire Balance To: '\S/'Vault
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