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To: Kimi Takeyama; From: MFN|Neuss - Printable Version

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To: Kimi Takeyama; From: MFN|Neuss - MFN Neuss/Helmut Schmid - 06-05-2021


:::USER ID: Helmut Schmid
:::LOCATION: Frankfurt
:::RECIPIENT: Sirius Suppliers
:::SUBJECT: Supply Request

Guten Tag, Sirius Suppliers.

Miningfactory Neuss is building a Miningfactory in Frankfurt.
In order to keep the base running, we need help from outside companies who could help us with the delivery of food and repair materials.
The materials required are listed below:
Let us know if our offer suits your company.

Best regards:
Helmut Schmid
Director Miningfactory Neuss

See you.


RE: To: all Sirius suppliers;; From: MFN|Neuss - Bunnyborg - 06-06-2021

...User: [KittyKlaws803]
...Password: [***************]
...NNet_Connect: Searching
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...NNet_Route_Scan: Secure

[Image: xVBtvmH.png]
Incoming Transmission
From: Kimi Takeyama
Subject: Supply Request
...NNet_Route_Node: [Open]

Kon'nichiwa Director Schmid,

I represent the interests of a Kusari-based client as the newly appointed captain of one of their cargo vessels, and the oportunity to start up with some inter-house trade is certainly of interest. Having checked out your installation's Neural Net node, I do still have a couple of questions before I would be able to commit to any business with your enterprise though.

Firstly, I am aware that all mining operations in the Frankfurt system fall under the jurisdiction of Daumann Heavy Construction. Do you represent a branch of DHC, or do you represent a third party with exploratory rights in the system?

Secondly, what sort of information do you require before granting docking priviledges at Neuss, or is the facility open to all ships with clean records in Rheinland?

I'll be looking forward to hearing back from you, Director, then hopefully we can discuss some business.


~ Kimi

...NNet_Route_Node: [Close]

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RE: To: all Sirius suppliers;; From: MFN|Neuss - MFN Neuss/Helmut Schmid - 06-07-2021


:::USER ID: Helmut Schmid
:::LOCATION: Frankfurt
:::RECIPIENT: Kimi Takeyama
:::SUBJECT: Supply Request

Guten Tag, Kimi Takeyama.

The Mining Factory Neuss has recently started work again and it seems that some documents have been lost.
We allow all ships to dock as long as they have a clean record with DHC.
For the future we plan to protect our ship names.
So that we can clearly distinguish that we are only a branch and do not officially belong to DHC.

We are happy to discuss everything else in the Neuss premises and at the same time you can convince yourself of the quality of the ore mined.
We Offer Good Prices For Base Delivery.

Best regards:
Helmut Schmid
Director Miningfactory Neuss

We are looking forward to your message, see you.


RE: To: all Sirius suppliers;; From: MFN|Neuss - Bunnyborg - 06-08-2021

...User: [KittyKlaws803]
...Password: [***************]
...NNet_Connect: Searching
...NNet_Connect: Searching
...NNet_Route_Scan: Searching
...NNet_Route_Scan: Secure

[Image: xVBtvmH.png]
Incoming Transmission
Sender: Kimi Takeyama
Recipient: Director Schmid, Miningfactory Neuss
Subject: Supply Request

...NNet_Route_Node: [Open]

Kon'nichiwa again, Director Schmid,

Arigato for your reply to my previous queries, and a shame you were not available for a meeting during my visits to Neuss. I have, though, had the chance to deliver a few thousand units each of reinforced alloys, hull segments, and oxygen, and the recompense appears adequate to me.

We will be undergoing maintenance for the rest of this standard day, so will be unable to complete any further deliveries for the time being. I do however, have a couple of items to discuss with you, if you will indulge me.

In regards to assisting the supply of foodstuffs to your station, I am sorry to say my clients would not find it appropriate for their ship to be seen distributing Synth Paste. If you were to consider our locally-grown Kyushu Rice as an alternative source of nourishment for your workers, I would be able to arrange deliveries for the same price you are currently offering for deliveries of paste.

Another matter seems to be the availability of advertised ore at your installation. I was quite impressed to see that 80,000 units had already been shipped within 36 hours of replenishment, unfortunately meaning there was no product available for export. However, it seems your competition are making cynical use of your open docking-access policies, I would draw your attention to the attached transcript. I have redacted the name of the informant, and other identifiable information, for their protection:

I hope this information proves useful to you, Director Schmid. Perhaps it is time to reconsider your access-policy, before people start thinking Soul Shipping is the only supplier of aluminium ore in the system?


~ Kimi

...NNet_Route_Node: [Close]

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...NNet_Trace: Secure

RE: To: all Sirius suppliers;; From: MFN|Neuss - MFN Neuss/Helmut Schmid - 06-09-2021


:::USER ID: Helmut Schmid
:::LOCATION: Frankfurt
:::RECIPIENT: Kimi Takeyama
:::SUBJECT: Supply Request

Guten Tag, Kimi Takeyama.

Thank you for answering my previous inquiries and I very much regret that I was not available for a face-to-face meeting.
We are very pleased that you are satisfied with our offered prices.
Our workers would be very happy to have a change in diet, and we are also happy to hear their offer that they can offer supplies at the same prices.
We very much regret that the competition is using our open docking access guidelines for their own purposes, so we decided to take our docking ports offline.
We are currently only allowing selected ships to dock at our station.

We would also like to point out very clearly that we are not affiliated with SoulShipping and reject any allegation that we do business in any way with the owners of this base.

With these measures we hope to have clarified all open questions regarding Neuss and SoulShipping.
We can grant you docking rights if you tell us the name of your ship through a secure channel.
We have already adjusted the price for your rice on the base so that you can sell it on our base under the same conditions as the synth paste.
We hope that we have helped you, that we have cleared up all the inconsistencies and look forward to your message.

Best regards:
Helmut Schmid
Director Miningfactory Neuss

We are looking forward to your message, see you.


RE: To: all Sirius suppliers;; From: MFN|Neuss - Bunnyborg - 06-09-2021

...User: [KittyKlaws803]
...Password: [***************]
...NNet_Connect: Searching
...NNet_Connect: Searching
...NNet_Route_Scan: Searching
...NNet_Route_Scan: Secure

[Image: xVBtvmH.png]
Incoming Transmission
Sender: Kimi Takeyama
Recipient: Director Schmid, Miningfactory Neuss
Subject: Supply Request

...NNet_Route_Node: [Open]

Kon'nichiwa Director Schmid,

I am very pleased to see you were able to take action as a result of the data I provided. I could have ignored it and simply taken my business to Soul Shipping, but you seem an honest businessman and I would rather deal with someone I know can do straight business.

It's a classic tactic they're using, cut profits to grab a monopoly on a product or area, then they can set the prices to whatever they like once the competition is wiped out. And of course, my informant did seem to think that was the case, rather than Miningfactory Neuss collaborating willingly with Soul Shipping.

I also very much appreciate your co-operation in regards to food supplies, and I am certain your crew will enjoy the refreshing change from Synth's offering. Of course, we will be happy to provide transportation for most other materials from within Rheinland, so as not to bottleneck our business due to the distance from Kusari production centres. We are undergoing some final diagnostics on our flight-systems right now, and hope to be signed-off as spaceworthy imminently.

In the meantime, I will send a request for docking access via Neuss's primary Neural Net node, then hopefully we can resume supplies as soon as the ship is ready.

If you have any queries, you know how to contact me. Best of luck with business until next time Director.


~ Kimi

...NNet_Route_Node: [Close]

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...NNet_Trace: Secure

RE: To: all Sirius suppliers;; From: MFN|Neuss - MFN Neuss/Helmut Schmid - 07-17-2021

...User: [Director Helmut Schmid]
...Password: [**************]
...NNet_CorpConn: Searching
...NNet_CorpConn: Searching
...NNet_Route_Scan: Searching
...NNet_Route_Scan: Secure

[Image: 6lJvfQG.png]

From: Herr Helmut Schmid
To: Kimi Takeyama
Subject: Delivery of Kyushu Rice and Repair Materials

...NNet_Route_Node: [Open]

Guten tag Kimi Takeyama,

We have a request or an order for you:

Our crew will increase by 200 over the course of the next week and we will need 2 shiploads of your cultivated rice as well as repair materials as we will expand the base.

These are the materials you will need:

We hope that the loading of the aluminum ore will go smoothly.

On behalf of the entire crew, I thank you in advance and hope to see you again soon.

Of course, this list also applies to all other companies and freelancers.

Best regards:
Helmut Schmid
Director Miningfactory Neuss

...NNet_Route_Node: [Close]

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