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Employment - Printable Version

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Employment - Darkstar_Spectre - 06-20-2021

"I should have asked where this stupid office actually was." Evelyn thought to herself as she sat cross legged on the wing section of her trustworthy Sabre's lower engine, grateful for the protection the old worn coat from her days with the IMG and her olive drab flightsuit offered from the planets cold weather. She opened the black backpack that was sitting beside her on the wing and pulled out the slim datapad inside to check the time and her bank accounts and smiled after seeing the recent transactions from EFL and the Union. Satisfied Evelyn turned off the datapad and put it back inside the backpack and zipped it shut before turning her gaze towards the ground crew who were busy working on an Aurochs class freighter that arrived shortly after she did.

The crew had wasted no time refuelling the Sabre with the H-Fuel pods Evelyn had picked up on Versailles whilst on her way down to Orleans and then set off to work on the Aurochs which seemed to be having some engine problems. Figuring she still had some time left to kill until Corbeil showed up, Evelyn silently watched the crew work at removing the engine covers and inspecting the damaged engine as she waited.

RE: Employment - Groshyr - 06-21-2021

Gaston was returning from his patrol when he received a notice that his guest has arrived at Orleans. Reaching the planet was a matter of time and shortly he was flying through a military airline to the meeting place. Restricted only to the Navy and National Intelligence, airlines like that were nothing new to the Gallic Union, where military needs were set prioritized over civil.

Soon enough, an elegant "Serval" fighter has landed not far from a "Sabre" - such a ship is a rare sign in Gallia, especially so deep into Gallic territories, but yet here it is. Dressed in a standard grey pilot outfit man has left the cabin and stepped toward Evelyn, waiting for his arrival.

"Bonjour Madame Taylor," Gaston nodded to her. "Waited for long?"

RE: Employment - Darkstar_Spectre - 06-21-2021

"Not too long." Evelyn studied the agent for a second before slinging the backpack across her shoulder and getting up from the Sabre. "So where is this office exactly Corbeil?"

RE: Employment - Groshyr - 06-23-2021

"Not far from here. We will use a ferry to reach it." was a short and simple answer from Gaston. "You show quite a good performance as for Sirian."

RE: Employment - Darkstar_Spectre - 06-23-2021

"I didn't realise anyone was actually paying that much attention." The shuttle journey was short and Evelyn decided to wait until they arrived at the Bureau's office to talk about what had brought her here and instead took in the sights of Orleans until they arrived.

RE: Employment - Groshyr - 06-23-2021

"I did." was a short answer. The shuttle entered the military sector, just to shortly arrive to the building occupied by the Bureau - one of the many buildings belonged to this huge complex. Gaston paid to the ferry driver and told Evelyn to follow him.

Together passed the parking lot, the usual shallow lawns of greenery, crossed the sidewalks, and the small square that overlooked the high-rise Naval administration building. There are few such high-rises in the military sector: they tower over areas of lower residential and office buildings, being, in effect, the center of their neighborhood. It is near them that the monorail and air transport stations are located.

"All question when we come to my office." said him before they entered to pass yet another checkpoint they had to go through until they arrived here.

Then they had to go through the complex interweaving of corridors, sector passages, and many elevators passed by the mind in a continuous succession of uniform gray walls and doors. Sometimes the doors were not closed, and we could see the working personnel. The building was crowded; not only the GSB agents but also the Navy, busy with their own business, scurried through the corridors, moving from office to office or gathering in flocks to await the leisurely office elevator.

"Here we are." Gaston said quietly and entered the pleasantly lit room.

RE: Employment - Darkstar_Spectre - 06-24-2021

The office itself had the same grey walls as the rest of the building with a simple desk and office chairs in the middle of the room that seemed to follow the same uniform style of the building which had struck as soulless in Evelyn's mind.

Not waiting to be asked Evelyn dropped her backpack into the first guest chair and then took her seat in the second chair. "So before we get started I must ask why exactly are we here meeting in person? I assume you have a good reason?"

RE: Employment - Groshyr - 06-24-2021

"You have shown quite a performance that impressed the Bureau command." without delays started Gaston as soon as he took a seat. "We would like to offer you working for us directly, aside of being a mercenary to the Union. This does not mean recruitment into our ranks, as you have not passed mandatory 3 years period to Royal Navy, Defence Forces or United Navy, but taking special contracts from the Bureau and enjoying more liberty while pursuing our contract."

RE: Employment - Darkstar_Spectre - 06-24-2021

Gaston had managed to grab Evelyns curiosity and the mercenary had to take a second to formulate answer in her head. "Well it's an interesting offer but I do you need to be more precise as to what you mean exactly by "enjoying more liberty"." Evelyn paused for a second but before Corbeil could answer the first question followed up with another one that was had captured her curiosity. "Also special contracts is a bit vague no? I'll need a little more clarity as to what these contracts will entail."

RE: Employment - Groshyr - 06-27-2021

"More liberty means that we will close our eyes on some side casualties, should they appear, or hardware you use, if you keep doing work well." answered Gaston, looking at the woman with a bit of curiosity in his eyes. "And of course we pay well for our special contacts, although they will be not as often to appear as regular contracts, provided by the Office of Bounty."