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To: [*USI*] | From: Leon, Starflier Base - Printable Version

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To: [*USI*] | From: Leon, Starflier Base - Starfliers - 06-21-2021

Connection Established ██
Transmission Opens ██
Technocracy x Starfliers Hybrid Encryption
[Image: starfliers_logo.png]
Leon, Starfliers ██
Charles Kemp-Smith, Universal Shipping ██

Seems the crew on board Starflier Base has either moved, changed or misplaced the transmission signature of our previous conversation. Otherwise, this message would be sent along that signal. Perhaps it's an error with the physical upgrade of our communications equipment.

I have to congratulate you again! Both Phase One and Phase Two of Starflier Base's contract has been completed. The last hull segment was applied not too long ago and our base is operating at 100% efficiency. All thanks to the dedicated pilots who have sent over everything I have requested. At this time, I have further plans that will require yet again a big list of resources. If your Transport Captains are not busy, I can send over the list of items and quantities needed.

With our last contract - would it be possible to renew it and say... add on extra "Phases"? It seemed breaking it up this way made it very easy for both of us to keep up with everything. Although if you have something else in mind, please be sure to let me know.

21.06.828 ██
Transmission Closes ██
Connection Terminates ██

RE: To: [*USI*] | From: Leon, Starflier Base - TheDoctorXI - 06-23-2021

[Image: 20110920060754%21USI_Logo.png]

  • -- Encryption: High
  • -- Name: Charles Kemp-Smith
  • -- Subject: Contract

Dear Leon,

I'm glad to hear from you so soon. Funnily enough, I recently met up with that Rex fella you sent over to Housten to acquisition that transport you needed for your group. Interesting fellow, I have to say.

I'm glad you found our quality of service to be to your expectations with the recent repair of Starflier Base in Kepler. Our transport captains were pleased to be stopping by there, it's not somewhere they seem to frequent, apparently.

Anyway, down to business again it would seem. I think the easiest way of sorting this out, would be to have you tell us what you need, then we'll get in to the financial and the such afterwards. Sound good?

I look forward to hearing from you.

Charles Kemp-Smith
Vice President
Universal Shipping Incorporated

[Image: qcAwCM9.png]

RE: To: [*USI*] | From: Leon, Starflier Base - Starfliers - 06-23-2021

Connection Established ██
Transmission Opens ██
Technocracy x Starfliers Hybrid Encryption
[Image: starfliers_logo.png]
Leon, Starfliers ██
Charles Kemp-Smith, Universal Shipping ██

Rex was assigned trading duties to keep our operations costs in the green. The Albatross-Class will serve us well and I hope Rex was respectful when he met you on Planet Houston.

Now, onto business, as per usual between us. With the repairs that have been swiftly completed by my team, we are preparing to get ready for another expansion. Our paperwork has not been finalized yet for this, however it doesn't hurt to be ready for when I do get them done and signed. Below you will find an extension to the previous two phases. Phase Three is to be completed now, and Phase Four happens after my paperwork gets finalized and the expansion is complete. All the commodities for Phase Three will be brought to Cargo Bay 5, as it's not being used at the moment. I'm not sure how long it will take me to look through all the paperwork, you'll find a message on your personal terminal saying when Phase Four is ready to be started.

I may have gained an anonymous cargo hauler or two. The quantities are lower than what was expected. Oh well, I'm sure you will deliver the rest safely and securely. Would you kindly start with the Hull Segments? My crew assures me that it will make the rest of the trips easier for you if you start with those. As stated before, once my paperwork has been finalized and signed, Starflier Base will be ready to accommodate for Phase Four. This Phase will finish off any other extensions and repair any leftover areas that need reinforcing.

I hope this is as straightforward as the previous list I gave you. I'll hear from you soon.

24.06.828 ██
Transmission Closes ██
Connection Terminates ██

RE: To: [*USI*] | From: Leon, Starflier Base - TheDoctorXI - 06-24-2021

[Image: 20110920060754%21USI_Logo.png]

  • -- Encryption: High
  • -- Name: Charles Kemp-Smith
  • -- Subject: Contract


I had my PA dig up the previous contract just as a reference and have taken the liberty of modifying to include what is now to be phase 3 and 4. Phase 3 to supply required materials for further extension of Starflier Base and Phase 4 of a similar, larger expansion with regular maintenance supplies in addition.

Please note: Due to the scale of this project there will be a slight adjustment to our fee's, both in the upfront contractual deposit and the required payment on delivery for our transport captains. I hope this is agreeable.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

For an on behalf of Universal Shipping Incorporated,

Charles Kemp-Smith
Vice President
Universal Shipping Incorporated

[Image: qcAwCM9.png]

RE: To: [*USI*] | From: Leon, Starflier Base - Starfliers - 06-24-2021

Connection Established ██
Transmission Opens ██
Technocracy x Starfliers Hybrid Encryption
[Image: starfliers_logo.png]
Leon, Starfliers ██
Charles Kemp-Smith, Universal Shipping ██

Ah, thanks to your PA for finding the previous contract! Keeping it all together would make it very easy to look back at the history of our business.

I've looked over the contract you have sent and everything is in the green except a handful of things. Rex tells me an adjustment needs to be made, since he claims he is able to obtain some of these materials himself. I'll list below what we'd like removed from the contract. Once this adjustment is made, I'll be able to sign and everything is good to go! If it was missed before, our crew would like the Hull Segments first and foremost. That way our storage containers get done before anything else and it will help your transports offload the requested items easier.

24.06.828 ██
Transmission Closes ██
Connection Terminates ██

RE: To: [*USI*] | From: Leon, Starflier Base - TheDoctorXI - 06-24-2021

[Image: 20110920060754%21USI_Logo.png]

  • -- Encryption: High
  • -- Name: Charles Kemp-Smith
  • -- Subject: Contract

Not a drama.

I've amended the contract and awaiting confirmation of the removal. Once signed, I will send over the neural tracking in good time and clear our transports to begin the supply runs.

As always, a pleasure doing business with you.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

For an on behalf of Universal Shipping Incorporated,

Charles Kemp-Smith
Vice President
Universal Shipping Incorporated

[Image: qcAwCM9.png]

RE: To: [*USI*] | From: Leon, Starflier Base - Starfliers - 06-25-2021

Connection Established ██
Transmission Opens ██
Technocracy x Starfliers Hybrid Encryption
[Image: starfliers_logo.png]
Leon, Starfliers ██
Charles Kemp-Smith, Universal Shipping ██

Contract looks good to me. Prices have been set, deposit has been made and I give you the green light to let your transports fly, Charles. Godspeed.

25.06.828 ██
Transmission Closes ██
Connection Terminates ██

RE: To: [*USI*] | From: Leon, Starflier Base - Thesacattack - 07-21-2021

[Image: 20110920060754%21USI_Logo.png]

  • -- Encryption: High
  • -- Name: John Kerr
  • -- Subject: Contract

As per our private chat I am formally announcing the completion of Phase 3 and that Phase 4 of the contract has officially begun. Our transports will start moving immediately.

As always please feel free to contact us if there are any issues or anything further that needs to be discussed either with this contract or future ones.

Safe flights.

For and on behalf of Universal Shipping Incorporated,

John Kerr
Executive Administator
Universal Shipping Incorporated

[Image: qcAwCM9.png]

RE: To: [*USI*] | From: Leon, Starflier Base - Starfliers - 07-21-2021

Connection Established ██
Transmission Opens ██
Technocracy x Starfliers Hybrid Encryption
[Image: starfliers_logo.png]
Leon, Starfliers ██
Charles Kemp-Smith, Universal Shipping ██

That's great, Phase 4 will finish off the two research wings we plan on building and that will get everything ready to operate on our own. Be warned, however that I've had deliveries come in from other independent traders and groups. If there's a discrepancy with the logs, the manifest on board my base will show the correct quantities. Let your transports fly, and Godspeed out there.

22.07.828 ██
Transmission Closes ██
Connection Terminates ██

RE: To: [*USI*] | From: Leon, Starflier Base - Starfliers - 07-28-2021

Connection Established ██
Transmission Opens ██
Technocracy x Starfliers Hybrid Encryption
[Image: starfliers_logo.png]
Leon, Starfliers ██
Charles Kemp-Smith, Universal Shipping ██

The station's reinforced plating and research wings have been finished! Thanks to you guys. Universal Shipping has done a sublime job. We can start to produce the technology we need to further our own business! With Phase 4's completion, this concludes our contract. We will see you soon on Trenton Outpost for our virtual sim training.

28.07.828 ██
Transmission Closes ██
Connection Terminates ██