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Mining bonuses! - endlessvoid - 04-05-2009

I've been trying out mining, now that the laser and tag bonus are incorporated, but I had a few issues.

The main problem is that you want to maintain neutrality while mining. Pirates will rarely scan you up before picking up a fight with a lawful patrol. What I mean with this is that the 15% yield bonus on having a non-Independent Miner ID is not worth it... not when you're mining up Diamonds, Gold or another highly valuable item.

Now, these ones usually drop between 1-5, depending on the asteroid field, until you get a mining ship which makes the difference - if you sum up, 80% from the ship and 20% from the laser should make it 100% - this is the other problem, the 15% bonus is useless, because you would get anyways 2-6.

I do understand that I'm not the only one suffering from this problem (I'm not in the official RP server as the latency is somewhat high, I can't engage on fights properly), but I'll be bold and propose the following:

1. 1) The Mining Ship provides an 80% yield bonus.
>> Let's change this to 300%. I know it's a bit high, but we have a big ship with 2,750 cargo. When you're new to mining the income comes fast but the duty of mining becomes tedious as you move on a bigger ship.
2. 1.5) The ALG mover/CSV/Collector yield 20%.
>> Let's change this to 100% for the reasons stated above.
3. 2) The Mining Laser yields an additional 20%.
>> Let's change this to 100%. We're sacrificing defense for work time, this should be part of these big numbers.
4. 3) The proper ID and TAG provide 15% each.
>> I'd say, let's keep it to 100% for Independent Miner's ID, and 500% for the other tags. Here's why: The only reason why would you lose your Independent Miner's ID tag is to get a bigger ship, which involves siding up with an organization, thus losing your neutrality. Besides this risk, you will need to expend more time mining up with 3,600+ cargo space.

I hope this helps someone, and please refrain to use any rude words, I'm just explaining the problems concerning mining and suggestions of what could be a nice change. If you feel the same way about it, please comment! Thanks:)

Mining bonuses! - Grumblesaur - 04-05-2009

Not a bad idea really. I wouldn't mind it, seeing as 1.8mil every 20 minutes isn't exactly profitable. Maybe not to the same extreme as you have it though.

The thing I'd like to see is IMG Guard ID/Tag having some sort of bonus.

If the bonuses were higher, I could put transport turrets back on my mining ship (IMG Guard). :D

Mining bonuses! - hribek - 04-05-2009

Bad idea really. If mining earns more than trading, all would go to hell. I understand that you pulled some random percentages out of your head, but you have to be very careful about this. When mining sucks, no one mines. But no one trading is much, much worse.

Mining bonuses! - AdamantineFist - 04-05-2009

Well, I'd like to see the bonuses go up somewhat, but the numbers you've suggested are rather over-the-top.

' Wrote:If the bonuses were higher, I could put transport turrets back on my mining ship (IMG Guard).:D
Errr... wait a minute... don't the bonuses from the lasers just apply if you shoot the asteroid? My mining ship has only four mining lasers, and I've got pretty much a 360 degree coverage with them.

Mining bonuses! - Grumblesaur - 04-05-2009

' Wrote:Well, I'd like to see the bonuses go up somewhat, but the numbers you've suggested are rather over-the-top.
Errr... wait a minute... don't the bonuses from the lasers just apply if you shoot the asteroid? My mining ship has only four mining lasers, and I've got pretty much a 360 degree coverage with them.
I have all lazers to compensate for the lack of bonus with the guard ID.

Mining bonuses! - Shaka - 04-05-2009

I'd like to say that on my IMG tagged and Iff'd miner in a Camara, I can still pull in 6 or 7 million credits an hour.
Of course, once I get my mining ship, that'll nearly double. Yes, mining could be made more profitable, but I would restrict that increase to 100%. After that point, mining becomes more profitable than trading, and the tradelanes become desolate and boring.

also @ Kurosara, Mining laser bonuses don't stack, it's a flat 15%. And you only get that bonus if the mining laser is the one to crush the rock.

Mining bonuses! - Grumblesaur - 04-05-2009

' Wrote:I'd like to say that on my IMG tagged and Iff'd miner in a Camara, I can still pull in 6 or 7 million credits an hour.
Of course, once I get my mining ship, that'll nearly double. Yes, mining could be made more profitable, but I would restrict that increase to 100%. After that point, mining becomes more profitable than trading, and the tradelanes become desolate and boring.

also @ Kurosara, Mining laser bonuses don't stack, it's a flat 15%. And you only get that bonus if the mining laser is the one to crush the rock.

I wish I'd known that. Off to find transport turrets. >_<

Mining bonuses! - Carme - 04-05-2009

Let the real men speak:

Mining SHOULD be more profitable than trading...
Mining takes effort, also, to compensate, we will turn Mining INTO a form of GROUP trading:

Mining Ships sit in the field pulling everything they can sell, and traders come and bring it to stations several systems away, for the good profits per unit.

This way, traders form teams with miners for a more interactive Cashflow than:
"Click this" "Fly this far" "Click this" "Fly back" "Rinse Repeat"

Mining bonuses! - Recoil9000 - 04-05-2009

I believe that it should be possible for profits of miners and traders should be about equall. This gives players more options. If a player is more patient, then they can take on mining. If they like to be in constant motion, they should trade. This way we could see more miners out in the field, and possibly more interaction between miners and traders as DeiSol said.

Also, the dangers in both situations are close to similar. Sure a trader is constantly at risk of being pirated, but so are the miners. In fact, they are at slightly more of a risk, considering they sit in one location and barely have any defence (except my miners, they use only 4 mining turrets, and the rest are trans turrets).

Edit: Of course there should be some cases where trading should be more profitable. For example, smuggling contraband or moving goods accross emargos. But when compared to normal legal trading, miners should be able to make similar amounts.

Mining bonuses! - AJBeast - 04-05-2009

I agree with mining beeing a group effort. Exactly the reason why i think a few things should change.

Firstly increase the mining bonuses on everything . Id , tag , laser , mining ship , all that stuff.

Secondly get rid of the mining bonuses on all ships that arent made for mining ( This is when you throw your rocks ladies and gents).

Thirdly reduce the cargo capacity of all ships that are made to mine. They are made to MINE not STORE after all.

Sooo yea , those are my ideas. I think it would help to make mining more of a team effort.