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TO:NSE;; FROM: Miningfactory Neuss - Printable Version

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TO:NSE;; FROM: Miningfactory Neuss - MFN Neuss/Helmut Schmid - 07-17-2021

...User: [Director Helmut Schmid]
...Password: [**************]
...NNet_CorpConn: Searching
...NNet_CorpConn: Searching
...NNet_Route_Scan: Searching
...NNet_Route_Scan: Secure

[Image: 6lJvfQG.png]

From: Herr Helmut Schmid
To: NSE Director
Subject: Delivery of Food/Water/Oxygen and Repair Materials

...NNet_Route_Node: [Open]

Guten Tag Director of NSE,

First of all, let me introduce myself to you:
I am the director of the Miningfactory Neuss and have been managing this base since it was founded and I am happy to have contacted you.

Our company, which belongs to the DaumannHeavy Construction Group, but which operates independently of the aforementioned company, mines aluminum ore in Frankfurt and sells it on our basis at good conditions.

In order to be able to expand our company further, we still need a reliable company that continuously supplies our base with the materials listed below.

Materials needed:

These materials are needed because we are about to complete the expansion of the base and we need repair materials to finish the base so that it will function properly.

Let us know if the prices are right for you and if you would like to make any changes.

We hope that the loading of the aluminum ore will go smoothly.

We are waiting for an answer from you and we wish you a pleasant day.

Best regards:
Helmut Schmid
Director Miningfactory Neuss

...NNet_Route_Node: [Close]

...NNet_Trace: Searching
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...NNet_Trace: Secure

RE: TO:NSE;; FROM: Miningfactory Neuss - Hina Nakamura - 07-18-2021

[Image: Incoming-Transmission-blue.png]
[Image: befcc93fe56b929a6fb12faf3837103e.jpg]
[Image: 5fa67e64c8919765727404.gif]

- ENCRYPTION »» 星雲の暗号化

- RECIPIENT »» Miningfactory Neuss
- SENDER »» Hina 陽菜 Nakamura
- LOCATION »» Nebula Shipping Express
- SUBJECT »» F/O/W & Repairing materials

Greetings Herr Helmut Schmid,
Miningfactory Neuss Director,

First of all, let me introduce myself to your respected station administration. My name is Hina 陽菜 Nakamura, Intergalactical logistics director of Nebula Shipping Express located at the orbit of planet Cambridge at the Cambridge system. It is a pleasure to receive some business contracts from your respected group at the Rhineland space. We are willing to fulfill your request indeed but we need more information so we can initiate our transporters as soon as possible. We need you to send us the exact location of your installation.

  • x5,000 Robotic Hardware for 1,250 credits/unit
  • x5,000 Reinforced Alloys for 1,000 credits/unit
  • x10,000 Hull Segments for 1,500 credits/unit
  • x5,000 Food Rations for 1,500 credits/unit
  • x5,000 Water Containers for 500 credits/unit
  • x5,000 Oxygen Tubes for 500 credits/unit

[Image: NSE-tb-e.png]

RE: TO:NSE;; FROM: Miningfactory Neuss - MFN Neuss/Helmut Schmid - 07-18-2021

...User: [Director Helmut Schmid]
...Password: [**************]
...NNet_CorpConn: Searching
...NNet_CorpConn: Searching
...NNet_Route_Scan: Searching
...NNet_Route_Scan: Secure

[Image: 6lJvfQG.png]

From: Herr Helmut Schmid
To: Hina 陽菜 Nakamura
Priority: Very High
Subject: F/O/W & Repairing materials

...NNet_Route_Node: [Open]

Guten Tag Hina 陽菜 Nakamura,

First of all, we are very pleased to hear that you like our offer.

We also need this form on your part. This form is required so that your company can dock with our base.
Docking Access Request:

The location of the base is sector F5 in Frankfurt, on the left and on the edge of Hausenfeld.

We would be very happy to receive a quick response from you, as stocks are slowly becoming scarce on the base, but the crew prefers synth paste.

On behalf of all of the staff at Miningfactory Neuss, I wish you, your staff, and your goldfish the best of health.

Best regards:
Helmut Schmid
Director Miningfactory Neuss

...NNet_Route_Node: [Close]

...NNet_Trace: Searching
...NNet_Trace: Searching
...NNet_Trace: Secure

RE: TO:NSE;; FROM: Miningfactory Neuss - MFN Neuss/Helmut Schmid - 07-18-2021

...User: [Director Helmut Schmid]
...Password: [**************]
...NNet_CorpConn: Searching
...NNet_CorpConn: Searching
...NNet_Route_Scan: Searching
...NNet_Route_Scan: Secure

[Image: 6lJvfQG.png]

From: Herr Helmut Schmid
To: Hina 陽菜 Nakamura
Priority: Very High
Subject: F/O/W & Repairing materials

...NNet_Route_Node: [Open]

Guten Tag Hina 陽菜 Nakamura,

We have updated the list for the food.

On behalf of all of the staff at Miningfactory Neuss, I wish you, your staff, and your goldfish the best of health.

Best regards:
Helmut Schmid
Director Miningfactory Neuss

...NNet_Route_Node: [Close]

...NNet_Trace: Searching
...NNet_Trace: Searching
...NNet_Trace: Secure

RE: TO:NSE;; FROM: Miningfactory Neuss - Hina Nakamura - 07-18-2021

[Image: Incoming-Transmission-blue.png]
[Image: befcc93fe56b929a6fb12faf3837103e.jpg]
[Image: 5fa67e64c8919765727404.gif]

- ENCRYPTION »» 星雲の暗号化

- RECIPIENT »» Miningfactory Neuss
- SENDER »» Hina 陽菜 Nakamura
- LOCATION »» Nebula Shipping Express
- SUBJECT »» F/O/W & Repairing materials

Greetings Herr Helmut Schmid,
Miningfactory Neuss Director,

I would like to thank you for the fast reply and detailed information given. We received the location of your installation and already initiated the first phase of your contact. The requested information is as follows. Here is the proof for the good stance with the Daumann Heavy Constructions. Most of our transports belong to the NSE freelancers company under the supervision of Nebula Logistics Corp. but some of our employees belong to other corporations but we hire them for the jobs. Feel welcome to add out badge NSE|= which will allow most of our ships to dock to your installation. Thank you for your time and business.

We will send a detailed delivery report as soon as possible for all the shipments delivered to your installation associated with digital proof for each delivery. We appreciate very much any contracts coming from our Rhinelander friends. Thank you again for your business and until next time.

[Image: NSE-tb-e.png]

RE: TO:NSE;; FROM: Miningfactory Neuss - Hina Nakamura - 07-23-2021

[Image: Incoming-Transmission-blue.png]
[Image: befcc93fe56b929a6fb12faf3837103e.jpg]
[Image: 5fa67e64c8919765727404.gif]

- ENCRYPTION »» 星雲の暗号化

- RECIPIENT »» Miningfactory Neuss
- SENDER »» Hina 陽菜 Nakamura
- LOCATION »» Nebula Shipping Express
- SUBJECT »» F/O/W & Repairing materials

Greetings Herr Helmut Schmid,
Miningfactory Neuss Director,

In the beginning, I would like to apologize for the delay happened to your deliveries. I am here to inform you that your first three shipments of Synth paste, Water, and Oxygen arrived at your installation at the Frankfurt system, and the rest of the materials will follow shortly. Here is digital detailed files showing the deliveries to your installation.

Miningfactory Neuss Contract
Thank you for your patience and we will come back with another reply soon.

Have a good day Herr Schmid.

[Image: NSE-tb-e.png]

RE: TO:NSE;; FROM: Miningfactory Neuss - Hina Nakamura - 07-27-2021

[Image: Incoming-Transmission-blue.png]
[Image: befcc93fe56b929a6fb12faf3837103e.jpg]
[Image: 5fa67e64c8919765727404.gif]

- ENCRYPTION »» 星雲の暗号化

- RECIPIENT »» Miningfactory Neuss
- SENDER »» Hina 陽菜 Nakamura
- LOCATION »» Nebula Shipping Express
- SUBJECT »» Repairing materials

Greetings Herr Helmut Schmid,
Miningfactory Neuss Director,

Here is the rest of the shipment. We delivered the requested materials and by that, the contract is fulfilled. We hope that your respected station administration is not upset by any delays from our side. Thank you for your business.

Miningfactory Neuss Contract

Have a good day Herr Schmid.

[Image: NSE-tb-e.png]

RE: TO:NSE;; FROM: Miningfactory Neuss - MFN Neuss/Helmut Schmid - 07-27-2021

...User: [Director Helmut Schmid]
...Password: [**************]
...NNet_CorpConn: Searching
...NNet_CorpConn: Searching
...NNet_Route_Scan: Searching
...NNet_Route_Scan: Secure

[Image: 6lJvfQG.png]

From: Herr Helmut Schmid
To: Hina 陽菜 Nakamura
Priority: Very High
Subject: F/O/W & Repairing materials

...NNet_Route_Node: [Open]

Guten tag Hina 陽菜 Nakamura,

First; Thank you very much for the delivery of the requested goods, and secondly, yours truly and my head of the commercial department are not upset about your delay. But we have a new order for you or your company.

We would be very happy if the required goods arrive as soon as possible, as they are urgently needed.

I will list all the goods you need below for you:

The base needs the following materials:

We hope that the loading of the aluminum ore will go smoothly.

On behalf of all of the staff at Miningfactory Neuss, I wish you, your staff, and your goldfish the best of health.

Best regards:
Helmut Schmid
Director Miningfactory Neuss

...NNet_Route_Node: [Close]

...NNet_Trace: Searching
...NNet_Trace: Searching
...NNet_Trace: Secure

RE: TO:NSE;; FROM: Miningfactory Neuss - Hina Nakamura - 07-28-2021

[Image: Incoming-Transmission-blue.png]
[Image: befcc93fe56b929a6fb12faf3837103e.jpg]
[Image: 5fa67e64c8919765727404.gif]

- ENCRYPTION »» 星雲の暗号化

- RECIPIENT »» Miningfactory Neuss
- SENDER »» Hina 陽菜 Nakamura
- LOCATION »» Nebula Shipping Express
- SUBJECT »» Contract Extension

Greetings Herr Helmut Schmid,
Miningfactory Neuss Director,

I am very grateful that your organization did not get any offense from the previous delays. We accept your contract extension and will initiate another transport to enhance and fasten the shipping process. Thank you for your trust and business. We hope to meet your great expectations.

[Image: NSE-tb-e.png]

RE: TO:NSE;; FROM: Miningfactory Neuss - MFN Neuss/Helmut Schmid - 08-29-2022

...User: [Director Helmut Schmid]
...Password: [**************]
...NNet_CorpConn: Searching
...NNet_CorpConn: Searching
...NNet_Route_Scan: Searching
...NNet_Route_Scan: Secure

[Image: 6lJvfQG.png]

From: Herr Helmut Schmid
To: Hina 陽菜 Nakamura
Priority: Normal
Subject: Miningfactory Neuss Extension

...NNet_Route_Node: [Open]

Guten Tag Hina 陽菜 Nakamura,

It's been a while since we've talked, but I think it's about time our two companies could find business together again.

Our company is currently running a construction project and is looking for support.

All information can be found here.

If you are interested, please contact us via the channel just mentioned.

Please also note the newly added services of our company.

On behalf of all of the staff at Miningfactory Neuss, I wish you, your staff, and your goldfish the best of health.

Best regards:
Helmut Schmid
Director Miningfactory Neuss

...NNet_Route_Node: [Close]

...NNet_Trace: Searching
...NNet_Trace: Searching
...NNet_Trace: Secure