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The Convergence - Kauket - 08-07-2021

The Technocratic Directorate Chambers upon Elgin. One of the most reclusive and mysterious locations of the sector that hosts many dark shrouded secrets and intentions that the Technocracy holds, with coldness at the core. Quite literally, the building was kept within chilly temperatures. These chambers are adorned with spiralling pillars, engraved with unusually webbed wires, all connecting to the ceiling. The room hosted a mysterious machine, coated in a dark blue metal, a machine that is purposed with predicting outcomes and various algorithms. It was named the Farseer, an enigmatic synthetic machine sitting in the back of the round room, embedding itself like an outbreak of plant growth infested into the depth of the walls, it's very veins of wires sprawled around.

The Directorate had convened to discuss matters that may have impeded their plans. Within the center of the chambers, the room was divided into the courts for these matters. The figureheads of the relevant departments had attended, those leaders being Hachette, Revenant, Stavros and Statuette, some of the highest authority in the Technocracy at this time.

A mysterious autonomous individual adorned in ceremonious attire took the lead of the meeting, present in their own chair. Everyone was rigid and upright. Posture and manners were minded. This room was not a place for emotion. The air was cold and the atmosphere throughout the hallways fogged with a thin icy mist.

"We have been convened here today to assess our future motives, intentions, objectives and resource allocation. Our focus must be adjusted accordingly for clarity.

Session initiating. Recorded participants: Keeper Revenant, Venator Onyx Statuette of the Science Division, Grand Navarch Stavros of the Augment Forces, Grand Navarch Nadine Hachette of the Military Arm

Our first and foremost subject: The Inverness Sector. The Freeport, the hive and the Junker Facilities. Defence measures are also considered.

Proceed with threat analysis of the Freeport. "

Revenant spoke up,

"I believe it to be beneficial for us to subsume the upper echelon of the Freeport to bend them to our will. A direct show of our colours only publicises our power. If we are to prolong ourselves, operating in the dark will allow us a lot of breathing room. We have calculated the possibilities of a direct assault. Some positive. Some negative. We have included the ponders of capturing the facility and its amenities then selling it on. The lashback would certainly put us in the spotlight. Even if we jam all communications and lock down the sector, speculation will only be present. "

Hachette's gaze was deadpan and without amusement for the topic at hand, she lifted the middle and index fingers of her right hand from her crossed arm position when she responded.

"I agree that a demonstration of power is necessary, but there are far less controversial targets of which we can use as kindling. Our neighboring tyrants have a tendency to have a spark of hypocritical spirit ignite within them when they're not the ones causing civilian casualties, I have no objections to our hand choosing the scalpel over the hammer. Convincing a peasant without the mental capacity for political understanding is a waste of time, I find persuading them... far more entertaining."

The ever-disgruntled aged visage of Onyx Statuette was pensive. His gaze was fixated on something or someone behind Revenant's chair. After some time of being silent, grey-headed scientist grumbled and massaged his temple with two fingers and uttered, with creaking metal-sounding voice:

"Evaluate the actual importance of Zoner installation. It's nesting place of squatters, vagabonds and spies. Quick and efficient eviction shouldn't raise any alarm - I doubt anyone in Sirius even knows Freeport was towed to Inverness. Yet their installation is only useful for cannibalizing bio-domes and resources - other than that, it's irradiated scrapyard. Assault it quickly, infiltrate it, whatever, this must be done in any way - the risk to security of Inverness is too big to allow them to stay. The sooner - the better. That carrier of theirs is far more intriguing to me, it can be quite useful for us."

"The specifications of the facilities involve botany capabilities and basic repair bays. As much as we utterly dislike the Zoners uninvited presence, the matter of fact is that travellers will notice. It is vital to remember that the Freeport was mentioned evacuating from Alberta on the Sirian News. They will not forget easily.

We pose a better chance of getting information and supplies if we simply took the administrator and utilised them as our puppet. Power through proxy, our enemies do not need to know. And their supply lines to the facility will only indirectly assist us. Perhaps we could convert more individuals on board as observers to learn more intents. "

Hachette's gaze had fixated on the aged man, watching him as he spoke before turning to look at the woman as they both finished speaking, unfolding her arms and letting out a sigh.

"The Dockmaster and Head engineer would be the most useful aside from the administrator themselves. The dockmaster allows access to ships coming to and leaving the freeport. We would know the exact statistics for daily visits, who would notice and who wouldn't. Then we could eliminate some of those key witnesses when they leave the freeport, ambush them in the fields or nebulae. The Head engineer could help us sabotage the station from within if we are discovered too soon, allowing us to deliver an ultimatum, and corner them like the dogs they are."

Glaring back over to the newest member of the group, Revenant spoke up in approval,

"A wise observation. We would also be able to redirect resources to us, should we decide upon subjugation. The Quartermaster would also be a target of interest.

It would be well to keep in mind that taking out the station would mean elimination of trade interest. Conflict is only necessary to exterminate the infestation of corrupt ideals. "

Stavros, the other representative of the Military branch, remained silent, retaining a harsh stare of vindication towards Revenant. He would forego providing his input for now.

"I would prefer a much more direct, swift and brutal approach... though if shock and awe campaigns wouldn't end in disaster for our resource pools, I imagine you would have already done so before I arrived. Things are much different here than in Gallia, yet the same troublesome and tiring limitations continue to appear...."

Hachette realized she had gone off topic, shaking her head and placing her hand up to her face. Instead of making an apology she put herself back in place by folding her arms behind her back this time and fixing her posture.

"Do we know if they have dedicated guard wings other than that of the Tarafal? Do we know who the guard captain is?"

"I'm afraid the data regarding that is unavailable. The previous administration was under the Omicron Supply Industries. As to the specifications of who runs what ... there simply has been no answered since we hailed them since their arrival. Some Phoenix capital assets have been seen converging momentarily. "

"Tarrafal was noted for its presence during the Bering and Omega-49 resistance. Though formidable, it's main power composed of their allied assets. Alone, they are merely prey.

Perhaps we can see the possibilities of utilizing a proxy to stage an attack on the Freeport to test their resilience? To see who surfaces?"

"I wouldn't count on that, Freeports don't have a habit of being torn apart until they piss someone off. The only people they've stepped on since their arrival has been us as far as I'm aware. There are a few that would do anything for money, but willingly shooting a possible safe haven for them is well beyond most credit value."

"One could maintain an incognito identity... Or perhaps, if we were to somehow hoax another organisation into attacking them. These problems are delicate, and must be handled with utmost care. But diplomacy will get us nowhere if they refuse to speak, we require insiders. Little agents of chaos. Could we perhaps brainwash one of the Crayterian detainees into a suicidal mission?"

Revenant drifted into a trance of thought for a moment.

"I have a... "friend"... we served together, he could... I could... convince him to seek asylum on the Freeport. Test the limits of their hospitality, he was one of the hands responsible for Leeds, we had quite the spark because of it, turned... savory. Manipulation is a tool I'm very familiar with, and it's not like he's been exactly honest with me over the last two years. Naturally he knows me too well so that's a security risk even if he has the mind of a child."

"I don't trust a Traitor, brainwashed or otherwise, and one of the Crayter coming through the area could recognize them and point them out, blowing their identity and our undercover work. We'll need a different solution."

"The presence of a Royalist could perhaps stirr up the regional powers. Perhaps some false propaganda could aggravate some individuals. Though, such a measure is too ... public. Our only options here is subjugation or outright elimination of the Freeport.

Sabotaging the Tarrafal may also be viable. Perhaps utilizing one of their own kind against them may provide some shock value. But we must consider the future too. Utmost purity of the system, or assimilation?"

"If they're the ones that were at the battle for Gran Canaria, they won't be easily infiltrated, lowborn maggots or otherwise. They freely let anyone on it though, we could theoretically sabotage it."

"We must retain caution as we do not wish to tarnish the reputation with the scientific community of Ames."

"The Freeport is indeed a tricky one. It is for the best that we subsume the key figures to preserve their image of remaining Zoner. We could also approach the situation similarly to the Corsairs as they do Theta. But that is too prominent and loud. Tribute pay. "

"We could offer them citizenship in the Technocracy. The station holds orbit over a planetary body we could research for future projects. They're too far off the highways of Sirius to be sustainable where they are, and the Junkers steal all of their business as Xenos don't come out this far. This is not my preference but if we subsume their influential, then the influential can convince the rest."

Hachette turns her back on the rest of the room to stare at a wall in silence, deep pondering. The situation far more complex than she had initially realized upon her arrival to Inverness.

"We cannot integrate them into the Technocracy without conversion. Partnerships are possible. But their leaders refuse communication. Perhaps we can try again."

Hachette's lower lip quivers at the thought of a partnership, as if angered. She turns back around to look equals in the eyes again. He response slightly sadistic in tone.

"I am aware conversion is the only solution. The untrained eye does not recognize a false promise until it's guts have spilled out over the floor. What I meant to say is we convince them of an intention we do not hold, to put them in the position we want free of diplomatic incident and resource drain."

Her tone returns to normal, her right arm unfolding from behind her back as she raises her flattened hand outward to her right as if holding a plate, before curling her fingers inward as if to inspect them.

"I suppose at this point I merely waste breath, you've tried many things up until now and as I see it. You all have been... exceedingly patient with the common rabble. We have but two choices. Cause a diplomatic incident to rival Leeds... not that it wouldn't be fun. Or do as you suggested and take the minds of their betters to play the puppet master from within. So, which one would you have us start with?"

Although the heightened emotion was a shock to her, she was not phased. Their composure was maintained. Stavros shot a glare to the new member of the seat, silently assessing her.

Revenant glanced over to the other participants in the room for a brief moment, awaiting their response

Hachette looks over her own form before correcting her posture. Closing her eyes before re-opening them as if nothing had occurred. Looking from Stavros, to Revenant, before finally to Onyx, to await their input.

Statuette's face, which usually was expressionless, finally gave way to emotions as well. Ironic, elderly smirk and amusement. His fingers moved from temple down and pointed at Hachette.

"Leeds-size diplomatic incident sounds great."

With a deep breath, he shifted his position to a more comfortable one, grumbled a little while doing that and nodded to himself.

"Synthesize the ideas into one big conspiracy. Cause a diplomatic incident, something involving their capital asset, strip them of their defender. Use the opening to heavy-hand them into compliance, put our people in charge, 'be a puppet master' over defenceless and so on. With time, they will come to the realisation what is happening anyway so by this time - we'll be prepared for takeover."

Statuette looked over at Revenant and gesticulated with open palm, shifting from cold-stone voice to a more 'casual' one, with a bit crankiness and more of his original accent.

"We need to act fast and we need to consolidate Inverness. We need to leave no hiding holes for Crowns' spooks, and we need more resources and installations to diversify our operations. Freeport will act as base of operations for Forres experimentation, Junkers' installation - for shipbuilding and controlling the north-east sector of Inverness, the carrier - put in the Symi threshold, the, eh-h, Coronado jumphole sector. I see only advantages in blitzeinwirkung... the-the 'lightning-fast action'..."

A smirk puckered on Revenant's face, amused by Statuette's belief.

"Such haste. Do you know their focus? Their priorities? Let us not forget the Tau conflicts. As for the Zoners... Utilizing a direct approach will only rile them and others up. But I agree on your sentiment, we cannot leave gaps. Unfortunately, utilizing the Junkers for trade is something we must consider, rather than blindly taking assets. "

She hand gestured around, bringing up the virtual interface. Parting their hands, they transferred the holographic overview of the Inverness sector.

"This is our current situation. Entries to Coronado, Cortez, Vespucci. Present within the sector, our homeland, the partially dormant Hive, the wreckage of the Klaksvik Station - which remains under restoration efforts, and of course, the Freeport and the Junker shipyard. "

"At this moment of time, it is entirely possible that we may be pinchered into a corner. In theory, Liberty forces could surround the exits, Vespucci's Magellan or Kansas. In the event of overwhelming force, we must have a contigency. One that does not relay upon jumping an entire Planet ... Though in theory it may be possible. Yet the risks pose too much. "

"For now, we can construct obstacles to slow down our foes. We must also consider the Insurgency an indirect threat, incase of ideological instability. They may turn on us one day. "

Hachette smiled a bit, one of endearment, she had missed the rigorous planning from her military service. It never made her happy but it always felt right. Her smile faded as she turned her gaze up to the star chart that Revenant had lay bare before the gathering

"Our positioning does not allow for a survival contingency, we would have to have allies we could undoubtedly rely on to sacrifice their forces while our people fled. As it stands there's not a single group in sirius with ties that strong."

"People will be left behind in the event that threats from all sides close in. We'll awaken the hive and activate one of our many artifacts in the citadel. We'll jump who we can and the rest will be left behind to give a final farewell to our enemies. I would also recommend setting nuclear bombs all over the citadel, and the surface of Elgin. Every one of us left behind we'll be forced to fight so we can eliminate the risk of our secrets falling into enemy hands without killing our own."

"Perhaps it may be wise to re-focus on the endeavour of the gate project then? An escape route of sorts."

"Perhaps. Until then however I would prefer to have a contingency prepared, even if we don't plan to use it. Just as Leeds was the contingency if we lost the ability to hold it. Just as Leeds was shattered, we must scorch anything left behind, gate or otherwise. So that they cannot learn anything from us."

Hachette sighed, looking down to the palm of her hand before closing it into a fist

"My father and I had a strange idea while I was in the military academy. To use a miniature black hole as a weapon. This would all be so much simpler if such childish imagination were possible, hm?"

Revenant grimaced, recalling how Hunt desired and almost made such a thing.

"And so destructive too. It holds no prejudice in what it will consume. A good thing that it is of the imagination. "

"Well, Gallia views the use of such things in a different light as you might guess, Revenant."

Hachette turns her gaze up to who she deemed her better, even though all of their input mattered.

"Victory is a bloody cost, and stalemates are worse than failure. Atrocities are just another key to the puzzle, and if one has to sacrifice an entire fleet to take the king, then one must. I would gladly walk into my own demise if It would shatter our enemies."

Hachette chuckled a bit, shaking her head

"Of course you already knew that, this flesh still remembers the habit of talking too much. What will we require to begin construction of the gate."

"A lot of talking, and furthering our partnership with the Starfliers. Their project may assist us in the notion of creating a pin point drop vector for the anomaly. The Vagrants may be able to assist in this endeavour too, hmm...

Atleast the Orion group is settling in calmly. They have not been compromised in their goals. The EFL group has responded to our calls and have shown interest in collaboration. "

"I've heard disturbing reports that your ancient enemy, the Core. Has gained their assistance in creating jump trade with Rheinland. The Orion must find a port to call home soon before it is discovered. The trick isn't to remain in hiding, but make the enemy not want to assault the position."

"I am not an expert on jump technology, so I must refer to your better judgement. But why must a ring be constructed if this shall be a one-off engagement. Surely opening the anomaly itself is enough? Or is it like a rail to forward weaponry, stabilizes the outcome."

"The purpose of the ring is to stabilize the anomaly. It can cause dire effects to the sector, the users, and the other end. Or even destabilize all the connections in the system.

We would not want to lose any assets in the process, your latter statement holds true. We would have to inquire with our physics department regarding this. If one were bold enough, we could jump the entire world too. "

"While I would love to spit on the rest of the galaxy by achieving such a thing. I fear that would draw far too much attention, and we would have no way of predicting how the planet would settle into the system we take it to, whether it would collide with other planetary bodies, or even be able to handle the change in gravity of the star, if not two."

"A precise argument. The previous meeting had insisted on preserving resources and to artificially relocate the world. But it remains illogical for the most part. We have witnessed it happen in Tau-117 ... It is not far fetched, but the dangers pose too great. An entire climate instability may occur from the world entering the wrong lane.

Regardless, it remains an option, albeit a suicidal one."

Hachette puts her left hand to her chain and closes her eyes as she envisions a model, or waking dream of Valravn citadel, being turned into a focus for energy, perhaps being the key to activate the gate they build itself. So when they take it with them, it cannot be re-opened.

"Tell me, Revenant. Do you think we could construct our own gate... somewhat following the final act of the nomad war? Turning Valravn into a focus point much like the nomad city, that stabilizes a ringless gate where we point it?"

"I'm afraid I am no scientist, but my optimism blinds me. Perhaps it is. Perhaps it is not. Or perhaps we can simply allow the Gate to be only accessed by those who are of Technocrat origin. It would mean that someone would have to stay behind, deactivate the relay, and go into hiding. Perhaps that is where Klaksvik will come in handy. It is hidden. "

"I've escaped entire nations out for my head before. If that time comes, I will stay behind. I'm sure we're all confident in Stavros' ability to organize our military assets and defense patterns. Valentine is perfectly capable of organizing assault groups. There are plenty more of us where I came from. He might even learn to trust me if I do that."

Hachette's gaze turns to Stavros, staring into his cruel gaze to discern what his intense studying of her had concluded. Though she was not the best at reading people, and certainly not such an intense character.

Stavros remained stone cold, analyzing the two. He certainly had his distrusts for Revenant, possibly still holding disdain for her choice of acting as an ambassador to the Vagrants. He kept his hands interlocked, leaning on his elbow.

Revenant continues, "As previously mentioned, our best bet is illusions and trickery of our enemies. Wit, is the key. A previous project we once had in mind, as ... humorous as it sounds. Ice sculptures. Fake signatures. False ships. Embedded with bombs.

Various other ideas were had in mind from the Directorate at the time. Drone swarm. Disruption arrays. Scrambling beacons. Anything to play mouse with an uninvited force."

"Mmm. It's good to know that Stavros is with us, we would all be failing in our duty to the Technocracy if we blindly trusted anyone, including each other."

Hachette's gaze returns to Revenant, listening in on the ideas with a small smirk as she heard of the ice sculptures.

"Not a bad idea, using ice sculptures. Though I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to give up my dignity long enough to play with ice. Fake signatures and False ships could easily work. Especially if we perhaps find a way to create a scanner disruption field around Valravn and Elgin. Embed the area with a minefield in addition so they have trouble navigating through it. Hide weapons platforms within it as well, or perhaps small drone hives that are small enough to avoid triggering the mines."

"Perhaps... But the purpose of this is to slow them down. Delay, or play. The entries are the concern. Disruption platforms are also an additional investment we may look into... Hm.

The Drone swarm would be a costly one. But it would certainly slow them down. "

"I've witnessed your cloaking disruptors before. Is it possible to enhance the effect into an EMP shockwave that disables ship's weaponry?"

"Potentionally... "

"I never trusted EFL, but I must admit they're most likely the least dangerous pool to drink from for our resource requirements. Rheinlanders are very professional, care only for business not politics. I'm not sure how long we can rely on DHC, but they're the only other construction outfit willing to aid us."

"I imagine Stavros will object, but I wish to acquire nomad materials for our plans."

Revenant perked, "Elaborate. Nomad materials?"

Stavros remained silent, still observing the meeting for now with his stoic mannerism.

"Power cells, possibly dangerous artifacts. I want to find a keystone, or map as we would conventionally know it. Remains. Power cells serve an obvious purpose. Keystones could elude to systems that no human has stepped foot in since the great exodus all those years ago, if we find a dormant system, which would also serve an obvious purpose."

"The remains, I wish to further hybridize our technology for any upcoming conflicts. Naturally, I've had far too little experience with our personal technology. With our recent acquisition of my homeland's civilian assets, I am now entirely within my element to tinker. However, if we deem it a waste of time I will abstain from my pet projects."

"We must tread carefully as to not anger Harbinger. What do we intend to with such ambitions? We have utilized hybridizing our technology already. An amalgamation of theory of Gammu, Nomad and Humanity. "

Hachette's left hand extended outward to her left and the same happened with her right hand.

"Machines. Are easier to create, than men. Machines that think for themselves, think better than men. Machines have no reason to use limited Sirian or Gallic, that being human technology. If they could utilize alien weaponry instead."

"We have a plethora of such materials, but the point stands, for what purpose?"

"To supplement our limited number with numbers we can create."

"We shall discuss it another time. Perhaps we could proceed with the creation of a war machine, synthetics with the lust for war. But another time. "

Hachette weighed the response in her head for a time, as if in disagreement, she eventually leaned forward slight and gave a downward tilt of the head, a more formal nod. Falling back into silence as there was nothing more to be said unless prompted.

"It should be noted that our ... Capital vessels are still in production. The Erdhenne, and the "Twins" -- Thanks to Stavros, we have established communications with the DSE organisation. They will provide insight, with ample costs to satisfy them. "


Hachette grimaces at the thought of the Libertarians and their horrid mockery of pride. Though she relents and does not voice her opinion. Simply taking note.

"Is there anything else to discuss here, Revenant? Stavros?"

Revenant chirped a smile,

"I know, the Libertarians are unbearable, but we can utilize their capitalists struggles for our bidding. We must also discuss the purpose of the Twins, and the Erdhenne. The Science Department has been compelled to invest into Dark Matter manipulation. Energy creation. Are we objected to the proposal of the Erdhenne and the Twins to be purposed to guard the projects and her home?"

"I am opposed only because all of the named vessels are designed as light supporting assets. Their synergy put together is lacking considerably. Whereas the Ixion and Cepheus, alongside the Erdhenne, would give the Erdhenne frontal vanguard to better utilize its supportive role, and the Twins alongside the Achyls' overwhelming strength would allow the Twins a large margin of safety while providing their supportive capabilities."

Hachette arms cross once more behind her back, she looks to Stavros.

"Would I be incorrect?"

"We cannot afford these assets to remain public. For now. Their aggressive firepower may allow us to strip the structure if deemed unsafe.

Until further chaos is ensued, we cannot draw too much attention to ourselves. For now, they shall be held back. "
"Our forces remain as one. The Capitals are to not depart our homeland. "

"I am in agreement. Especially considering the safety of the Citadel was the primary focus of this gathering. Clearly we can't afford to spread ourselves thin."

"However, the inquiry remains. Who shall Command what? And to what directive? Assigning the Carrier to oversee the Dark Matter investigation may be prudent. A sleak escape with jump drive technology, and the treated hull to decrease chances of detection will go far.

The project will require a guardian to oversee it."

"Stavros has more experience with the Technocracy than I do, I was stationed in the homeland during the war, mobile defensive measures are my specialty. I'll serve as the projects' guardian. As long as Revenant fulfills a personal audience with me prior to my departure."

"Are you certain you are up to the task? The manners of deception, precision, and coordination - are a risky one in the field with such a large ... vessel. "
Stavros opened up, with a firm yet simple voice, offering only his approval in a short and concise answer.

"She may. "

"The way to treat a vessel you don't wish to lose, is as if you are flying a vessel immediately down from it in class, so that you cannot overestimate your capabilities."

Hachette responded, looking from Stavros to Revenant.

"I won't harm the Technocracy by signing up for something beyond my ability due to ego."

Revenant spoke up, "Until the vessel is complete, perhaps you and I could take a walk on what is proposed to be the layout. There, we shall discuss more on directives. "

"But nevertheless, as for Gammu, we cannot do much at this moment of time. Our teams in position have been maintaining overwatch at the perimeter. "

"Very well, taking out two birds with one stone, directives and familiarizing myself with the vessel is an excellent use of time."

Hachette chuckled and shook her head as if he thought the Gammu foolish.

"The Gammu rival Brigands and Rogues for the throne of most inconsistent gathering in the two sectors."

"Our ... 'cousins ' - are quite erratic. But they leaderless. Without hope. Without desire. Without ambition. But even though they remain fairly feral, the vaults are still something we need to consider protecting. We cannot allow for Humanity to pervert them. "

"Harbinger was right in one regard, if they are without a leader, without passion, they will simply die out like animals. They are lost. "

"I don't see how their survival is our responsibility. Assimilate them are their vaults are the only concern."

Hachette responded with a neutral tone

"Assimilation will not go lightly. It is an act of betrayal, of aggression. We will attempt to make contact with the major nodes, if any at all are left. "

"They have no one else to turn to, I doubt they would refuse merging into the Technocracy's fold if given the opportunity to gain purpose, and unity. Even the most idiotic groups agree to such things, namely the Gallic "Union"."

Hachette's form was physically disgusted by the mention, changing her tone a bit but there wasn't a hint of disgust in here eyes, just indifference.

"The Union ... an unstable formation, but a formation regardless. We will see. But it must be noted that every action has a consequence. If we are to integrate them seamlessly, our priority would be to return stability, and to connect the two worlds, somehow. "

"I see your point."

"And if we were to unite them, well... the locals would certainly be upset. They would turn and pressure us to overextend. Even if we were to do it in secrecy, they will note change. "

"It seems to me that we are in agreement over every order of business aside from the local zoners."

"Indeed. The situation is dire, but for us to implent an insider, we need to first coax the head out. First, we should attempt contact. "

"I believe it possible OSI abandoned the structure when the storm settled in. Then the Tarafal Militia pulled it out and the Tarafal's commander took over as the administrator. I assume you only attempted contact with OSI previously?"

"We can try again. "

"I would attempt contact with both the Freeport and its guardian the Tarafal. We either find the administrator, or find two different leaders. Admittedly it would complicate things, but nobody would suspect anything if a militant and a pacifist began to clash ideologically over the destiny of the freeport."

"The Farseer holds no predictions, but in the event of the Freeport having no administrator to hail, what do you propose as the next course of action? Sterilization?"

A cruel grin crept onto Hachette's face, seemingly involuntarily.

"I believe you already understand the gravity my response to a leaderless band of peasants afflicted with mange and entirely lacking guiding principles, entails. Nevermind their complete void of respect for the native powers they owe their existence to."

"Hmph. Just confirming. Perhaps the first task of our forces shall be to ... dispose ... of these threats before perusing their scientific deeds. However. It must be noted that Forres is a current candidate for one of our climate adaption project. "

The grin on Hachette's face vanished as quickly as it had appeared with the shift in topic. It's possible the augmentation process was not as seamless as they would've liked.

"I read the archives, I was going to mention Forres but its importance is null until the time the Zoners have been dealt with. I hadn't deemed it a necessary mention."

"The possibility of settlers on world remain. And within our course of fury, should we apply it, that we should avoid causing too much ecological damage to the world. Though not all can be avoided. "

"Then I would be forced to suggest the less... intriguing option. Of infiltrating the twin infestations above Forres with assassins, it would effectively remove all threat without destroying the station or carrier respectively."

"Possible. But let us at least affirm our options first. We shall convene again shortly. For now, we observe."

"As you wish."
"Our position with the Gammu is on hold until further notice, we shall remain in observation of the local insects until their fate is hopefully decided within the next convention. I will become the Guardian that watches over the scientific division's dark matter project with which shall be defended by the Erdhenne and the Twins. I will make do with that lack of efficiency. The protection and final contingency of the Citadel has been decided to be a gate of which we can possibly rely on EFL, DHC and.... DSE... as well as the Starfliers for coordinate tests. Warping Elgin with our escape has been deemed a fantasy at best and further fortifying the Citadel is likely a large waste of resources."

Hachette looks up from the floor after recounting the conversations that took place.

"Did I miss anything?"

"We may need to erect communication jammers to prevent the Zoners and other ... unwarranted organics from sending transmissions from this sector informing of our intent to move in on the Zoners, as well as blockading the exits. "
"In addition, the Vagrants will be able to assist in theoretical knowledge regarding hyperspatial travel. Or, rather, may. It will depend. But they will certainly be convinced if we assist them in destroying the Bretonian grip upon the relic in Newcastle. No gate. No assistance, for we will be cornered."

Premise of further observation and delays was not very enticing for Statuette. His forehead wrinkled and then he rubbed it, for a moment closing his eyes. And then he shrugged.

"I'll pin down possible positions for jammers to make sure that no cry of help will go out, personally. I'll relocate most of R-and-D personnel to start working on the gate project, my side projects are not that urgent. Thought, need to prioritise something - Forres or the gate, splitting the manpower will hinder any kind of progress. And, uh-..." Statuette waved his hand around. "I'll-I'll make sure the Erdhenne and Twins will be ready for action, and send the reports when everything will be in order and ready."

Revenant grinned in response, knowing that Statuette was more so for action than she is these days.

"They will be ready when the collaborators agree. I believe that is all for now. Oh, and ensure our security patrols evict any Phoenix from the Inverness sector. Best to be sure. "

Hachette gave one last look of endearment to the older man. Many of the older men in her Gallic military circle were more for rank and title than actually getting things done. Having something in common with an older soul was a different experience she appreciated. Hachette turned her gaze to Revenant to say one last thing before departure.

"Let me know when we will inspect the Erdhenne, and when I can expect a private word."

Hachette folding her arms behind her once more, before turning and walking from the chamber to resume her interrupted duties. Her walk formal and elegant, but quick and long stride without the theatrics noble born often display. The courts had dismissed their parties, shutting down the terminals to conclude their session for now.

"Session concluded. Secondary convention requirement noted."