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A question, Liberty Navy and Smugglers - Printable Version

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A question, Liberty Navy and Smugglers - Weedalot - 04-06-2009

I know it was asked many times before but i cannot recall a definite answer.
i will give like 3 examples.
1) A capital LNS ship sits outside Manhattan and a smuggler comes with a full load of Cardamine/Artifacts, Can you open fire.
2) A cap ships patrols tradelans and spots one going somewhere, but not with any proof it is going to dock at any lawful base.
3)What if it is a non cap LN ship. with same two examples.

And last question

Does it make any difference if its guard ID'd LN or not a guard.

A question, Liberty Navy and Smugglers - Guest - 04-06-2009

I must remind that LN id owners cannot demand cargo in core liberty, its not their job. The LPI is

A question, Liberty Navy and Smugglers - Zapp - 04-06-2009

No, no, and no. Get an LPI ship or call the LPI.

A question, Liberty Navy and Smugglers - Grimly - 04-06-2009

For me, 1 and 2 comes with the 3 since a single capital ship with no escort should never be.

Also the smuggling is mostly the concern of the police and the security forces so the navy should not really sit at manhattan.
To 1) I'd say no

Then, on a patrol, if the navy comes to scan an illegal loadout, he should halt him and warn the police for it's being fined. But since a smuggler will mostly flee the police, then that makes the smuggler do not follow navy orders and here the navy ships should shot him down for disobeying their orders.

We should mostly see the navy in Texas or zone 21 right now since New York, California and Colorado should belong to the police patrol path.

Being guard or not do not makes so much differences for me. Both are cool if you are libertonian and "dangerous" if you comes from the rheinland

A question, Liberty Navy and Smugglers - Weedalot - 04-06-2009

' Wrote:No, no, and no. Get an LPI ship or call the LPI.
well i stopped an IND last night with cargo full of counterfit, asked to hold for scans.
He tried to run so i CD'd
he stopped and i tried to get the LPI, no one was around.. it wasn't in core of liberty it was Ontario.
now i made him wait to the LPI.. they never went on, he suggested he drops it, i said its not my job to process the goods that he is holding but they are showing as forbidden in our lists.

eventually i let him go.

A question, Liberty Navy and Smugglers - Asgardian - 04-06-2009

I'm not sure if the Navy Guard ID specifically states that you're not allowed to stop smugglers in the core of Liberty. However its late here and I could be wrong...

A question, Liberty Navy and Smugglers - Saigo.Watanabe - 04-06-2009

I think the LN Guard ID allows you to stop and demand cargo from factions you are at war at, obviously the IND are not but what i would do in that situation is take screenshots and send them to someone in the LPI for them to sort out.

A question, Liberty Navy and Smugglers - Zapp - 04-06-2009

Quote:Liberty Navy Guard ID

Pilot carrying this ID is in the Liberty Navy Guard, who:

* Can destroy traders in Liberty who belong to corporations headquartered in Houses that Liberty is at war with if the trader refuses to drop all cargo and leave Liberty.
* Can escort traders
* Can operate within Alaska and Nomad infested systems (excluding Omicron Alpha and Gamma)
* Can only demand allied pilots and destroy ships if they refuse to hand them over
* Can hunt pirates and terrorists within their Zone of Influence
* Cannot ally with any unlawfuls except with the Xenos against non-Liberty pirate or military invasions
* Cannot participate in any unlawful actions
* Cannot fulfill bounty contracts
* Cannot use any transports with more than 1000 cargo

Allied pilots and factions at war only.

A question, Liberty Navy and Smugglers - Boss - 04-06-2009

Even so, it probably doesn't apply to caps.

A question, Liberty Navy and Smugglers - Benjamin - 04-06-2009

Yes, caps can't fire on transports ever unless they are being fired upon.

It leads to weird situations, sure, but I'd take those weird situations over LNS caps blowing up junker salvagers 'for the lulz'