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To: Minna Dietlinde-Vilke - Printable Version

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To: Minna Dietlinde-Vilke - Einbeck - 08-13-2021

Sender: Operative 'Dellingr', MND
Recipient: Minna-Dietlinde Wilcke, Büro Der Marineintelligenz
Location: Planet Weimar, Thuringia

Unwelcomed guests

As requested during our short meeting, I have attached the incident log and the footage to confirm that Crayter has indeed entered Rheinland space.

The incident took place at approximately 2200 hours near Planet Hamburg. Military pilots and another MND unit were on scene at the time I arrived. According to the pilots, the Crayter ships that entered our space were not aware that their presence is not welcomed.

They were promptly escorted out with a warning. Use this information as you wish, Generaloberinspektor. Inform me if there is anything else I could assist with.

Video footage of the Crayter ships

RE: To: Minna Dietlinde-Vilke - Minna-Dietlinde Wilcke - 08-14-2021

[Image: pQBt6FI.gif]
Minna-Dietlinde Wilcke
[Image: mnhfMji.png]

Büro des Marinenachrichtendiensts
Encrypted Video Transmission

.......● RECIPIENTS:.........Operative Dellingr.
.......● CARBON COPY:....--
.......● SENDER:-..............Minna-Dietlinde Wilcke, Generaloberinspektor
.......● LOCATION:............Carrier Saar
.......● PRIORITY:..............█ █ █ █ █
.......● SUBJECT:..............RE: Unwelcomed guests

To: Dellingr,

I see. The evidence is conclusive enough and leaves no doubts Crayter does not follow nor respect the laws of the Vaterland. They have clearly asked for a proper reminder that Rheinland laws are absolute in our Sovereign space.

Measures will be taken. Are you willing to take an assignment?


Minna-Dietlinde Wilcke,
Büro des Marinenachrichtendiensts

[Image: 6ZphKif.png]

Message End

RE: To: Minna Dietlinde-Vilke - Einbeck - 08-14-2021

Sender: Operative 'Dellingr', MND
Recipient: Minna-Dietlinde Wilcke, Büro Der Marineintelligenz
Location: Planet Weimar, Thuringia

New task?

Of course. One of the main reasons I contacted someone like you was for this.

What does this assignment require? I will await an answer.

RE: To: Minna Dietlinde-Vilke - Minna-Dietlinde Wilcke - 08-14-2021

[Image: pQBt6FI.gif]
Minna-Dietlinde Wilcke
[Image: mnhfMji.png]

Büro des Marinenachrichtendiensts
Encrypted Video Transmission

.......● RECIPIENTS:.........Operative Dellingr.
.......● CARBON COPY:....--
.......● SENDER:-..............Minna-Dietlinde Wilcke, Generaloberinspektor
.......● LOCATION:............Carrier Saar
.......● PRIORITY:..............█ █ █ █ █ █
.......● SUBJECT:..............RE: New task?

To: Dellingr,

Gather agents you trust, form a wing of them and deploy to Coronado, Barrier Gate, immediately. Arrive discreetly and acquire scrambled transponders - preferably, pirate. Quell the Crayter commerce shipping, any vessel should be deprieved of the cargo - by their own free will and a little push in the right direction... or forceful removal.

Keep a low profile and your affiliation with the Buro hidden. Any expenses the assignment demands will be covered.

I expect frequent reports on your progress.


Minna-Dietlinde Wilcke,
Büro des Marinenachrichtendiensts

[Image: 6ZphKif.png]

Message End

RE: To: Minna Dietlinde-Vilke - Einbeck - 08-14-2021

Sender: Operative 'Dellingr', MND
Recipient: Minna-Dietlinde Wilcke, Büro Der Marineintelligenz
Location: Planet Weimar, Thuringia

New task?

That is all the information I needed to know. In any case, I will do as required and set off to Coronado, with a wing of agents. Progress will be documented over this channel as soon as we locate our first target.

Expected time to reach Coronado is several days, using a shortcut. We will then deploy to key areas in the system. Should there be other matters I can help with, do let me know. We will talk again soon.

RE: To: Minna Dietlinde-Vilke - Einbeck - 08-17-2021

Sender: Operative 'Dellingr', MND
Recipient: Minna-Dietlinde Wilcke, Büro Der Marineintelligenz
Location: Barrier Gate Station A, Coronado

Situation report

Generaloberinspektor, we've successfully arrived in Crayter space and acquired the scrambled transponders for this assignment. However, we ran into issues shortly after beginning the operation; the Coronado system is far from what we intially expected - Crayter ships do not venture further than designated corridors towards Tau 31 and the Cortez jump holes. Transport ships are few and do not go without heavy escort. Ambushing, let alone attacking, such convoys is out of the question as we lack heavy equipment to do so.

Warships from Crayter's Armed Forces patrol often near Planet Yuma - making an approach is not possible. We have also seen ships bearing Liberty Navy identification in the area, adding yet another possible threat to our operation in Coronado.

I am, therefore, requesting permission to return back to Rheinland together with the other agents. Spending any more time in this area is of little use taking into consideration the previously-mentioned factors.

That concludes my report.

RE: To: Minna Dietlinde-Vilke - Minna-Dietlinde Wilcke - 08-17-2021

[Image: pQBt6FI.gif]
Minna-Dietlinde Wilcke
[Image: mnhfMji.png]

Büro des Marinenachrichtendiensts
Encrypted Video Transmission

.......● RECIPIENTS:.........Operative Dellingr.
.......● CARBON COPY:....--
.......● SENDER:-..............Minna-Dietlinde Wilcke, Generaloberinspektor
.......● LOCATION:............Carrier Saar
.......● PRIORITY:..............█ █ █ █ █ █
.......● SUBJECT:..............RE: Situation report

To: Dellingr,

Granted. Return and relocate to Omega 7. You'll receive a new assignment shortly.


Minna-Dietlinde Wilcke,
Büro des Marinenachrichtendiensts

[Image: 6ZphKif.png]

Message End

RE: To: Minna Dietlinde-Vilke - Einbeck - 08-18-2021

Sender: Operative 'Dellingr', MND
Recipient: Minna-Dietlinde Wilcke, Büro Der Marineintelligenz
Location: Elbe Border Fortress, Omega-7


We have sucesfully returned to Rheinland. The trip was uneventful; the rest of the agents have returned to their previous posts.

Currently, I am on the Elbe Border Fortress. I will await the new orders and begin the next mission as soon as possible.

RE: To: Minna Dietlinde-Vilke - Minna-Dietlinde Wilcke - 08-20-2021

[Image: pQBt6FI.gif]
Minna-Dietlinde Wilcke
[Image: mnhfMji.png]

Büro des Marinenachrichtendiensts
Encrypted Video Transmission

.......● RECIPIENTS:.........Operative Dellingr.
.......● CARBON COPY:....--
.......● SENDER:-..............Minna-Dietlinde Wilcke, Generaloberinspektor
.......● LOCATION:............Carrier Saar
.......● PRIORITY:..............█ █ █ █ █ █
.......● SUBJECT:..............RE: Arrival

To: Dellingr,

I have been getting repeated reports from Omega patrols that a new anomaly have formed in Omega 7, although none of those specified it's location or what lies beyond. Locate it, survey the system and report back to me. The report should include points of interest, such as - system connections, bases and, most importantly - raw resources available for exploitation.


Minna-Dietlinde Wilcke,
Büro des Marinenachrichtendiensts

[Image: 6ZphKif.png]

Message End

RE: To: Minna Dietlinde-Vilke - Einbeck - 08-20-2021

Sender: Operative 'Dellingr', MND
Recipient: Minna-Dietlinde Wilcke, Büro Der Marineintelligenz
Location: Elbe Border Fortress, Omega-7

Survey report

As requested, the survey of the new anomaly that has appeared in Omega-7, along with the system beyond it, has been carried out and completed. The survey revealed that the newly-discovered system is in fact, part of both Omega-49 and Omega-47. The new system has been classified as Omega-48; it appears to contain stations and planets from the two previously-mentioned systems. Omega-48, after the system has been scanned, appears to be connected to several other system, but as of current time, only the location of the Omega-7 anomaly is known. Using the limited information available at the current time, the following points of interest have been marked and scanned accordingly:
  • Location of the Anomaly
    The search started in the northern area of the Omega-7 system, however nothing of interest has been located in said region. Following extensive searches into the southern part of Omega-7, the anomaly has been located in sector 7D, near the old location of the Omega-11 jump hole.
    The discovery of the anomaly
  • Coalition presence in the system
    Almost as soon as leaving the Walker nebula, scanners picked up the signature of a large Coalition warship, in orbit of a nearby planet. Whilst the carrier has been identified as being the CPW Ben Warner, the planet appears to be an undiscovered one up until this moment. Scans revealed that the Coalition has built a docking ring, along with a mooring fixture. It is possible that the Coalition has settled on the planet, however details are unknown. Such a matter must be investigated further.
    In orbit of Tangier, another installation has been found, however it is nothing but a wreck. What purpose it had is not known beyond the fact that it has been identified as Viernheim Base.
    CPW Ben Warner
    Planet Tangier
  • Zoner installation and Planet Gran Canaria
    After leaving the perimeter of the Coalition base, the next discoveries were of relatively low interest. In the northern region of the system, Planet Fuerteventura has been located, which holds in orbit Lanzarote Station. While of little interest to us, it is important to note that the Zoners that lived within Omega-49 have fought back the Bretonians. Future operations in this system should therefore prepare for Zoner resistance in face of any potential incursions, be it from our own forces or other militaries.
    Not far from Planet Fuerteventura lays Gran Canaria. It is of little use to use, as the planet is situated at the middle of a combat zone between Coalition, Core and Corsair patrols. In orbit, a Core installation has been located; it appears to be recently buit.
    Planet Fuerteventura
    Lanzarote Station
    Planet Gran Canaria
  • Core base in orbit of Gran Canaria
    In orbit of Planet Gran Canaria, The Core seems to have built or acquired a large terminal for their operations in the Omegas region. While details about this installation or the reason why The Core would use such a large station in Omega-48 are unknown as of now, patrols belonging to their organization have been seen across the system, often fighting the Coalition or Corsair forces.
    Grand Vista Orbital
  • Corsair base and battleship
    Completing the scans of the northern region of Omega-48, I have ventured towards the El Aaiun asteroid field. Near its outskirks, Planet Rabat has been located. Although the planet appears to be lifeless, this has not stopped the Corsairs from building a large station in its orbit. Defending it, Battleship Athos, a Corsair warship of Order design, has been located. This appears to be the starting point of all Corsair patrols within the system and a well-defended location, much alike Planet Tangier.
    Planet Rabat
    Casablanca Base
    Battleship Athos
  • Resources
    The Omega-48 system contains several large asteroid fields and a significant part of it is covered by the Barrier and Walker nebulae respectively. The most important of these being the El Aaiun and Melilla fields.
    El Aaiun asteroid field is situated within the southern region of the system, close to the Corsair installations. Frequent patrols of Corsair and Coalition forces have been sighted in this area, heading further into the field. Detailed scans of the asteroids revealed they contain a large quantity of silver ore.
    Melilla asteroid field is located near Planet Tangier; it contains a significant amount of cobalt ore. Unlike El Aaiun, this area is patrolled often by Core pilots, yet even with so many patrols, Coalition snubcraft launch raids upon the mining area.
    The two mentioned asteroid fields contain resources Rheinland needs to continue our rebuilding and militarization efforts. Exploitation of them should be the top priority of Daumann and Kruger.
    View of the El Aaiun field
    View of Melilla field

That concludes my report. I have returned to Elbe Border Fortress and will await further orders.