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ALG-Strassenfeger and its Crew - Printable Version

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ALG-Strassenfeger and its Crew - Schattenkralle92 - 08-22-2021

[Image: 1jqzsmb.png]
The Strassenfeger is one of ALG`s oldest vessels still in service. The ship has been upgraded several times to keep up with the more modern vessels deployed by ALG.
For example has the outer hull been reinforced with more durable hull plating, allowing the vessel to operate in radiation areas for longer duration.
The Cargo bay has been equipped with latest Hazmat technology from Richter Station to allow for a completly safe transport of toxic or radioactive freight.
Furthermore this allows for a quick cargo change. When transporting safer cargo the Hazmat containers are retracted deeper into the ships hull, this and the quick cleanup with the new "Superkärcher-15" cleanup set allow for minimal downtime between single cargo runs.

Multiple turrets have been removed in favor of mining arrays, which allow the Strassenfeger to recycle most of the debris field it comes across while operating in its designated area.
Though not a designated mining ship, the Strassenfeger scavenges Debris fields often in it's never ending mission to clean up House space.

OOC: Mistakes and Spelling errors can be sent via PM. I tried to keep it as good as I could and doubled checked with online Spellcheckers but sometimes I just overlook things.
Feedback is welcome.

RE: ALG-Strassenfeger and its Crew - Schattenkralle92 - 08-25-2021

[Image: onuucqY.png]


Name: Hermann
Surname: Meier
Physical details:
Height: 168cm
Weight: 82kg
Hair Color: dark brown
Eye Color: Brown


Hermann was born in 799 A.S. on planet New Berlin.
His family had recently left Stuttgart as their farm there wasn't lucrative enough anymore. They had sold their assets to Synth Food Corp.
and decided that it would be the best to leave planet before facing some wrath of the Landwirtrechtsbewegung.

Working in a small shop close to the New Berlin Spaceport his father barely made enough credits per week for the family.
Hermann was pressed into working in his free time as soon as he turned 12.
Delivering Pamphlets for Orbital Spa and Cruise to the more wealthier residential areas in New Berlin.

As it became clear that his family couldn't afford to send him to university at all, Hermann instead looked for jobs off world.
Not wanting to stay on New Berlin for the rest of his life, he hired with ALG Waste Disposal as a worker on the Dortmund Station.

Life wasn't to bad there, enough room for him and his colleagues, enough to eat and even free beer on the weekends. Work was hard
non the less, countless toxic canisters and barrels had to be unloaded every day, filled with waste from Liberty battleships
or bretonian stations.

Days and even years passed by quickly and Hermann began moving up the career ladder. Taking multiple workshops in waste management and
machine handling he soon was working as "Vorarbeiter" (something similar to a foreman) for a small group of five people.

Tony, Tina, Udo, Jens and Franzi became more than his subordinates, working and living together on Dortmund for a couple of years they all
became true friends.

It was always a sight to see when the girls, brave by one to many beers, started a singing contest in the living quarters, while dancing
on the metal tables in barely any clothing or just their underwear right away.
Countless debates between the guys on which team would win the Rheinland soccer league would be as much a daily event as much as
all of them sitting together in the canting for their extended "Brotzeit" (similar to an american brunch).

Life was indeed good for Hermann, but all things do change over time and so it came that restructuring on the Dortmund facility forced
Hermann to take a position on an ALG freight convoy.

Traveling to Kusari in 826 A.S. the convoy was more than surprised to hear the news of the Rheinland Civil War erupting back home.
For safety measures their convoy stayed in Kusari way longer than planned and when finally returning to Rheinland the entire convoy
was redirected to Wismar in Sigma-15.
Hermann could only watch in shock as a news broadcast showed him the utter destruction of Dortmund station.

He learned one of the hardest lessons in life that day.
Overwhelmed with emotions about the loss of his "home" and most of his friends there he resigned from ALG service for some time.
Now that the war has concluded and ALG is in dire need of veteran pilots and workers Hermann makes his return as Kapitän of his own
Transport vessel. The ALG-Strassenfeger.

Keen to see what life has in store for him this time.