DSAceCleaner - sane - 08-29-2021
I wrote a python script to clean and filter the DSAce chatlogs so you don't have to manually do that, stuff's tedious.
Inspired by @Corile's Log Filter. That one didn't work for me, for whatever reason, so I made my own.
The latest compiled releases:
v1.2 (NOT compatible with Windows 7 and below, due to a mixture of Python 3.9 not running on Windows 7 and Nuitka apparently not liking it.)
v1.2a (compatible with Windows 7 and below, compiled with Python 3.5 and PyInstaller.)
The source can be found here.
Since I can't be bothered to re-write all the instructions, I've included the ReadMe in this thread (please tell me if it's any good):
DSAceCleaner DSAceCleaner is a Python-Script to remove junk/unnecessary lines from Discovery Freelancer's DSAce chatlogs.
Usage Start the script:
Code: python .\DSAceCleaner.py
OR Code: start DSAceCleaner.exe
Follow the given instructions:
Code: Input Path for DSAce log file("default" for .\DSAce.txt):
Output Path for cleaned DSAce log("default" for DSAce_cleaned.txt):
Include timestamps (y/n):
With the introduction of config-file support, this entire proccess can be automated.
The config-file includes the following keys:
Code: inputFile
The in- and outputFile keys are self-explanatory. They take the in- and output path of the DSAce file. The includeTimestamps key also is. It defines whether to include Timestamps or not. It takes either 'y' or 'n' as values.
The exclusions key is a bit more special, it defines what is to be included in the cleaned file and what is to be filtered out. It can take multiple values, all of which must be seperated by a comma and space (', '). Each value must end with either [0], [1], [2] or [3].
Code: [0] = Exclude value from Name List.
[1] = Exclude value from Content List.
[2] = Exclude value from both Lists.
[3] = Exclude value from and if at the beginning of Content List. Used for filtering ooRP messages.
An example of how the config file looks can be found in the DSAceCleaner/config.ini file.
The script can also be used as a library, acting as a parser. It'll return a list of the Names and another of the Message Contents.
Code: from DSAceCleaner import parser
parsedList = parser('DSAce.txt', True)
# ^Input File ^Include timestamps
nameList = parsedList[0]
contentList = parsedList[1]
Compiled using Nuitka.