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»TO: The Edwards - Printable Version

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»TO: The Edwards - Kauket - 09-07-2021

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identified: Keeper Revenant

[Image: unknown.png]


I need a favour, and I'm willing to pay a huge amount for it. Five Hundred Million Credits amount of huge.

Are you able to get a carbon copy of what was reported on Ridge, and or me? The poor kid doesn't need to be dragged in with my name. I need to clear it up for him, or otherwise get them distracted off of him. I was not entirely joking about causing a ruckus within Liberty, you know.

So, are you willing to help? Or are you going to play it safe?


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RE: »TO: The Edwards - Akhetaten - 09-07-2021

[Image: 113cbb7e5d67b92ef404413c3110d9cd5f-3.png]

[Image: Webp-net-resizeimage-7.png]

Liberty Navy Fifth Fleet
Incoming Transmission

SENDER: Commodore Christopher Edwards
RECIPIENT: Keeper Revenant
LOCATION: Akhetaten, New York system
SUBJECT: Your request

Beginning Video Feed


Silverstone trusted me with the forwarding of the intelligence that he had gathered. Needless to say, the information he's sent to me is rather useless to us and the Security Force considering the events took place outside Liberty Space. That being said, the fact that the information forwarded will end up not being used does not mean that Silverstone's trust towards me will be forgotten.

I wouldn't be very happy with myself knowing that I betrayed Silverstone's trust just when I was beginning to think that perhaps I was wrong about him and he's not entirely a deadweight to Liberty.

If -he- ends up proving me wrong himself, then you should expect a different outcome to your request. As things are right now, however, I will not be forwarding any of the information provided to me.

On a last note, if I was going to do it I'd do it for free, Revenant, I wouldn't accept a payment of 500.000.000 S.C. Perhaps I'd accept something more symbolic, like 5.000.000 S.C., but that's a matter for the future to discuss.

That is all.

[Image: Webp-net-resizeimage-7.png]

Commodore Christopher Edwards
Liberty Navy Fifth Fleet

Concluding Video Feed


RE: »TO: The Edwards - Kauket - 09-08-2021

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Keeper Revenant

[Image: unknown.png]


My dear, ratting on people with a twisted story requires no trust at all. Images and data speaks for themselves, it is how he construes this data to tell what story he desires. Perhaps I'll enlighten you to the truth that he was once a close friend of Ridge, until he decided to backstab him in petty revenge.

The reason why he started this?

He does not take 'no' for an answer. He does not respect privacy. He was told to stop intruding territory, and repeatively told previously to stop stalking female individuals. Of course, that set him off into aggression. Silverstone is a perverted individual with no morals beyond preying on women, the only ambition he has is to get as close as people as possible, and then break them down. Or did you perhaps forget that he is infested by a rogue autonomous AI that seeks to assimilate all other beings, that has conveniently chosen a hedonistic pervert as a host? While he retains full autonomy until remote execution, he himself isn't exactly an innocent individual in all of this.

People who drive upon sloth, lust and revenge are not particularly trustworthy individuals. Had he never been told to respect people's privacy, he would have never done this, Edwards. He is a child, stomping his feet because he was told "no". There is no idea of loyalty here. If he was, he would have told you things regarding Cobra months ago.

I already know what he could possibly show you, but what I am interested in is what he told you and what story he has construed. Maybe you don't want to help me to help the kid out, fine, but at least consider protecting the females of your nation. If you think a thing like that deserves 'rights' and 'fairness' ...

Hahahahahah... Well. I wouldn't know what to say to you, Edwards.


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RE: »TO: The Edwards - Kauket - 09-12-2021

RE: »TO: The Edwards - Akhetaten - 09-12-2021

[Image: 113cbb7e5d67b92ef404413c3110d9cd5f-3.png]

[Image: Webp-net-resizeimage-7.png]

Liberty Navy Fifth Fleet
Incoming Transmission

SENDER: Commodore Christopher Edwards
RECIPIENT: Keeper Revenant
LOCATION: Akhetaten, New York system
SUBJECT: Your request

Beginning Video Feed


I cannot see how any of the events you spoke about regarding Silverstone's backstabbing towards Ridge are in any way connected to said act. The stuff you described are mere mentions of Silverstone's actions over the past years, all of which are admittedly disrespectful. I'll choose to believe you in that Silverstone and Ridge were friends and that Silverstone's actions went against their friendship, seemingly without any reason.

I have decided that you are right about him and that putting trust into him will only lead in him taking advantage from that fact. You will find our entire communication window attached below - well, a copy of it - as well as a direct file upload of the visual proof he's forwarded to me.

All of the intel I am providing you with is entirely useless both to me and the Republic. The payment of whatever amount of million credits you wished to send me will not be accepted under any circumstances, so make sure I don't see any weird transactions connected to my account.

I hope you put that data to good use, Revenant.

That is all.

[Image: Webp-net-resizeimage-7.png]

Commodore Christopher Edwards
Liberty Navy Fifth Fleet

Concluding Video Feed

To: John Silverstone | From: Christopher Edwards
Visual proof

RE: »TO: The Edwards - Kauket - 09-12-2021

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Keeper Revenant

[Image: unknown.png]


I thank you dearly for the help. Are you sure you don't have an off-state account? I am more than happy to repay you.


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RE: »TO: The Edwards - Akhetaten - 09-12-2021

[Image: 113cbb7e5d67b92ef404413c3110d9cd5f-3.png]

[Image: Webp-net-resizeimage-7.png]

Liberty Navy Fifth Fleet
Incoming Transmission

SENDER: Commodore Christopher Edwards
RECIPIENT: Keeper Revenant
LOCATION: Akhetaten, New York system
SUBJECT: Your request

Beginning Video Feed


I -do- have an off-state account that would be near impossible to track back to me, that's not the issue. The issue is that I do not wish to drain you of your cash for offering to you information that was of no use to me, the Fifth Fleet, or the LSF.

If the information was more valuable to us I would certainly be asking for compensation. If said compensation would end up being in the credit form of things then I still doubt that five hundred millions would be a proper price, it does sound like too many credits just for some information.

In any case, you're welcome. Glad I could be of assistance.

That is all.

[Image: Webp-net-resizeimage-7.png]

Commodore Christopher Edwards
Liberty Navy Fifth Fleet

Concluding Video Feed
