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Laurette Silva <|> Guile - Printable Version

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Laurette Silva <|> Guile - Hemlocke - 09-13-2021

[Image: greenrogg.png]

Transmission received

Recipient(s): -Laurette Silva-
Sender: <|> Jim "Guile" Harrow <|>
Location: <|> ERROR <|>
Subject: <|> Dancing Partner <|>


"Just checking in to make sure the lovely lieutenant isn't in a hospital bed after the explosive introduction to my charms."

"I might've shot a 'little' off target at the end to ensure I can get another dance out of you. Call me."

~ Guile ~


Transmission terminated

RE: Laurette Silva <|> Guile - Tenshi - 09-13-2021

[Image: Silva1.png]

[Image: Webp-net-resizeimage-7.png]

Liberty Navy Fifth Fleet
Incoming Transmission

SENDER: Lieutenant Laurette Silva
RECIPIENT: Jim "Guile" Harrow
SUBJECT: Gratitude

-Beginning Video Feed


Thanks for checking up on me.

[She greets a person in the distance - off camera - for a moment.]

I woke up at the clinic just a few minutes ago, it seems that the rescue team and the ejection system both did their job quite well today and I ended up not suffering any injuries. Aside from my ego being broken, of course.

[She chuckles.]

I have to admit that when I saw you running off I wasn't that keen on just letting you go. It quickly became apparent that there would however not be any following you if you'd keep on disrupting the lanes behind you, so I had to say -something- to get your attention. And what's a better way to get a Rogues attention than to call them a coward in system-wide comms, huh?

[She rolls her eyes, clearly feeling silly about her idea, before looking away.]

I'm sorry about that, you know I didn't mean it, right? Just wanted you to get back and give me the attention I expected earlier, that's all.

Didn't notice you shooting off target just to not damage my ship too much, thanks. It was my first dogfight in... well... in a long time. You'll usually only see me on a gunboat, but lately I thought to myself that I should make more appearances on my snubcraft, so you should be seeing me around on 'em more often.


Anyway, that's my check-in... what about you?

[She looks towards the camera again, raising an eyebrow.]

[Image: Webp-net-resizeimage-7.png]

Lieutenant Laurette Silva
Liberty Navy Fifth Fleet

-Concluding Video Feed


RE: Laurette Silva <|> Guile - Hemlocke - 09-13-2021

[Image: greenrogg.png]

Transmission received

Recipient(s): -Laurette Silva-
Sender: <|> Jim "Guile" Harrow <|>
Location: <|> ERROR <|>
Subject: <|> Dancing Partner <|>


"Well, you really are full of surprises, Lieutenant. I know better than to prod bruised pride, so I'll drop the topic before you stop playing nice. I knew what you were doing when you taunted me, but I might have felt a little guilty about cutting off our exchange of words so soon, and no gentleman rightly refuses a call to his integrity like that. I aim to please."

[Guile chuckles, realizing he's going on about himself, his smug smirk turns to a smile of amusement and endearment as he addresses Silva again.]

"Takes a lot of guts to bite off such a large chunk, and still have the integrity to bite the bullet instead of tapping out. I can respect that."

[He scoffs a bit in response to Silva asking about him, rolling his eyes]

"Ship's a f*cking mess. Excuse my language."

[Guile moved out of camera view to show a Werewolf in the background missing nearly all the plating on the right side, its bottom fins and left engine, seems a nasty hit from the side is what finally took him down. He sat back down and chuckled]

"Most of that was from you, and those damn mines. My armor's a bit scorched and my joints hurt, not enough to warrant any concern."

"Call me impatient, but when can I see you again?"

~ Guile ~


Transmission terminated

RE: Laurette Silva <|> Guile - Tenshi - 09-13-2021

[Image: Silva1.png]

[Image: Webp-net-resizeimage-7.png]

Liberty Navy Fifth Fleet
Incoming Transmission

SENDER: Lieutenant Laurette Silva
RECIPIENT: Jim "Guile" Harrow
SUBJECT: Gratitude

-Beginning Video Feed


"You're full of surprises, Lieutenant," said the charming Rogue who, moments later, would be apologizing for his language.

[She clears her throat.]

The Rogue. The charming Rogue. Apologizing for his Language. The. Rogue.

[She bursts into a laughter that was cut short a second later by a pain that she felt at her chest. She sighs.]

All I did was my job, Guile. I will admit that calling you out like that and forcing you to come back was definitely not part of my job, though.

[She chuckles.]

Couldn't help it, your charm was far too great to let you go like that. Sorry about the ship, hopefully it gets repaired soon enough so we can have a chat again. As for when, I wouldn't know, not at this moment at least. We can talk about that after I'm done with the necessary check-ups and I'm cleared back to base. Just... ugh... keep in mind, as much as I hate to remember it, you're still a Rogue and I'm a Naval officer. There's only so much chatting we can do before we'll have to dance.

[She looks back towards the distance, nodding at a person off-camera, seemingly worried for a moment.]

I... gotta close off for a few hours. I'll reply whenever I'm cleared outta here, okay?

[Image: Webp-net-resizeimage-7.png]

Lieutenant Laurette Silva
Liberty Navy Fifth Fleet

-Concluding Video Feed


RE: Laurette Silva <|> Guile - Hemlocke - 09-13-2021

[Image: greenrogg.png]

Transmission received

Recipient(s): -Laurette Silva-
Sender: <|> Jim "Guile" Harrow <|>
Location: <|> ERROR <|>
Subject: <|> Dancing Partner <|>

[Guile chuckles amusedly, he was sitting on an ammo crate this time, no longer with a background view of a hangar. The camera had been turned and was off center, implying he was propping something up in a makeshift manner to be seen. Sitting with his left leg down, right knee up with his right arm lazily laying over it like it was propped up. He had a dumb smile on his face as he listened to Silva burst out in laughter.]

"Yes, I suppose this is quite the enigma for you. There was a time when cutthroats like me were more common, oh there was a time."

[Guile's gaze trails off for a moment before re-focusing on whatever he was using for the video feed.]

"Yeah... calling me out like that wasn't the brightest idea, could've come back with a full pack at my back. Though I do digress, my dear Lieutenant. I think we're getting a bit ahead of ourselves, we only just met and you learned my name a few minutes ago, yet we're already reminiscing like long-lost friends. If I didn't know any better I'd say we skipped first and second base in a single night. You're not that kind of woman."

[Guile couldn't take all the flattery, he shook his head and resisted blushing, being on the receiving end of all the charming snide compliments wasn't doing him any favors for the dastardly rogue persona.]

"You hate to remember who we are? Maybe my roguish charm is paying off. The beautiful irony of polar opposites, order and chaos, sometimes the thrill is enough to make you forget yourself. Variety is the spice of life, doing things you're not supposed to is half the fun, it's all so dull if you do the same old thing day after day."

"Walk off the pain, Silva. We'll dance again."

[Guile gave a bit of a wave to the camera with a smirk.]

"Be seein' you."

~ Guile ~


Transmission terminated

RE: Laurette Silva <|> Guile - Tenshi - 09-13-2021

[Image: Silva1.png]

[Image: Webp-net-resizeimage-7.png]

Liberty Navy Fifth Fleet
Incoming Transmission

SENDER: Lieutenant Laurette Silva
RECIPIENT: Jim "Guile" Harrow
SUBJECT: Gratitude

-Beginning Video Feed


[Laura stared as she found out that Guile was sitting on a cargo crate, letting out a slight giggle at his makeshift chair and his pose. The place she was in was different than what it was at her last transmission. It was evident that she was out of the clinic and currently at an undefined naval station's central area - possibly a cantine or a restaurant.]

I had to take the risk to call you back. Worst case scenario; you'd bring a whole pack with you and I'd see if you had any plans of keeping it fair, if not I'd just dock.

[She took a more serious look.]

Yeah, we really are getting ahead of ourselves. I tend to forget you're a Rogue, Guile, and I have to admit I wish you weren't - but you probably wish I wasn't a naval officer as well. Unfortunately there's not much we can do about that.


You wouldn't be willing to, and I wasn't going to ask you to leave the Rogues. Same applies for me, of course. That being said, you're good company and I'll continue being more friendly towards you than the rest of your pack, but our meetings will be needing to end in a dance.

[She looks around her a few times, continuing with whispers.]

I don't want to be getting into trouble with my job or anything, I'm sure you understand.

[Image: Webp-net-resizeimage-7.png]

Lieutenant Laurette Silva
Liberty Navy Fifth Fleet

-Concluding Video Feed


RE: Laurette Silva <|> Guile - Hemlocke - 09-13-2021

[Image: greenrogg.png]

Transmission received

Recipient(s): -Laurette Silva-
Sender: <|> Jim "Guile" Harrow <|>
Location: <|> ERROR <|>
Subject: <|> Dancing Partner <|>


[Guile was spinning a custom revolver in his hand, seemingly showing off his hand coordination. Though his face was far from smug, a genuine smile on it as he listened to Silva.]

"Aw, taking a risk for me? It's enough to melt a murderer's heart. Yeah, I suppose it's easy to forget I'm a Rogue. I don't immediately cash out, I savor the moment."

[Guile laughs at the mention of docking and fairplay.]

"Oh come now, Lieutenant. You wouldn't really cut ol' Guile off so soon would you? I wouldn't let the boys touch you, you'll find I utterly despise sharing, don't play well with competition. Besides, those monkeys in a power keg cramp the hell out of my style."

[Guile raised an eyebrow and stopped twirling the revolver, placing it down on the same surface he propped the camera up on, resting his arms on his knees and tilting his head with a smirk.]

"Leave the Rogues? Good company? Now, if I was a presumptuous fellow, I dare say that might'a sounded like an invitation to a night out with a lovely lady. I assure you my company is considerably better in person."

"Oh lord. No. You treat them like you treat me I'll get jealous, and they'll start drooling like mutts down with rabies. Then I'd have to kill somebody, not that it wouldn't be fun of course. Besides, even if I left the Rogues, criminal past follows, and let's just say I won't be too happy if I only get to see your beautiful eyes from behind a set of bars."

[Guile gets a rather sinister grin.]

"S'pose I could always drag you out into a field and take your pod. Would give us time alone."

[Guile sighs at the mention of getting caught]

"Yeah, we probably should stop the communication, don't want you getting caught."

"Unless it's by me."

~ Guile ~


Transmission terminated

RE: Laurette Silva <|> Guile - Tenshi - 09-13-2021

[Image: Silva1.png]

[Image: Webp-net-resizeimage-7.png]

Liberty Navy Fifth Fleet
Incoming Transmission

SENDER: Lieutenant Laurette Silva
RECIPIENT: Jim "Guile" Harrow
SUBJECT: Gratitude

-Beginning Video Feed


[Laura raises an eyebrow, looking at the revolver in his hands. Seeing what she assumed was a genuine smile on his face she lets out a soft sigh, wondering what she got herself into for a moment.]

You'll hopefully have many moments to savor, provided your pack doesn't get too jealous and maybe take me down for good some day. Heh, nah... you'd never let that happen.

[She chuckles for a few moments as Guile continues talking.]

An invitation to a night out? I-... Ugh... That's not what I intended to mean, at all. I don't wanna be too rough with you or anything but it's too early for -that-.

[Her gaze averts to the distance, evidently staring at nothing for a few seconds, silence following.]

Sorry if I gave you any false hope, I didn't mean to. Now don't get too sad on me, okay? Ya never know where things lead us to.

[She looks back at the camera, smiling genuinely.]

Maybe sometime we'll go on a walk together.

[Image: Webp-net-resizeimage-7.png]

Lieutenant Laurette Silva
Liberty Navy Fifth Fleet

-Concluding Video Feed


RE: Laurette Silva <|> Guile - Hemlocke - 09-13-2021

[Image: greenrogg.png]

Transmission received

Recipient(s): -Laurette Silva-
Sender: <|> Jim "Guile" Harrow <|>
Location: <|> ERROR <|>
Subject: <|> Dancing Partner <|>

[Guile's demeanor had changed as he noticed how Silva was behaving almost instantly, he watched with neutral expression, noting the sigh.]

"You're right, I wouldn't let them kill you. Sources of entertainment and meaningful conversation are hard to come by."

[Guile grimaces as Silva rejects him.]

"Yeah.... that's not what I meant. Poor choice of words on my part, kind'a awkward now."

"Like I said, you're not that kind of woman. Didn't mean to put you in that position. Sorry."

[Guile spoke genuinely without any cockiness to his tone, and no snide remarks. like he did with the last apology. He didn't comment on the walk.]

"See ya in space, Lieutenant."

~ Guile ~


Transmission terminated

RE: Laurette Silva <|> Guile - Tenshi - 09-13-2021

[Image: Silva1.png]

[Image: Webp-net-resizeimage-7.png]

Liberty Navy Fifth Fleet
Incoming Transmission

SENDER: Lieutenant Laurette Silva
RECIPIENT: Jim "Guile" Harrow
SUBJECT: Gratitude

-Beginning Video Feed


[Laura instantly notices that Guile didn't greet her with the classic 'Yo' at the start of his transmission, worrying. She notices the change in his attitude as he spoke, her own smile slowly fading away as she realizes that she made him sad with her earlier comments. She takes a few breaths, looking for a way to cheer him up again.]

I like to believe I'm more than just a source of entertainment and fun chatter to you, Guile. In any case, I knew I'd make you feel bad with what I said, just had to clear it out as I still don't want you getting any false hopes for stuff that may not - or may - happen.

[She softly smiles at the camera.]

I was thinking... What's your opinion about Fontana? I'd like to take a walk with you around the station, spend some time together and all. To clarify, I don't mean -now-, nor today. Just... a thing to keep in mind in general. I'd like to hang out with you sometime in the future, maybe make up for making you feel sad.

[She raises an eyebrow.]

And don't get any silly ideas about that, okay?

[Image: Webp-net-resizeimage-7.png]

Lieutenant Laurette Silva
Liberty Navy Fifth Fleet

-Concluding Video Feed
