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Plethora of Empty Systems - Printable Version

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Plethora of Empty Systems - Raven - 11-18-2006

If this is talked about elsewhere, please direct me to the spot.

I dont set myself up as a mod maker; this is just a common sense issue. If there is nothing in most of these systems, which seems to be the case, what is the point of them being there?

Before adding a system there should be:
1. Something to do there
2. A reason to go back
3. Commodities/ships/equip available or factions based there.

If its even remotely possible that some server lag (even 2-5%) is caused by these empty systems and their use then they should be pared away in a future update until they can be populated. If it could be proved they pose no lag issue, there should still be some justification for their existence. Wouldnt you think?

If we need empty systems for PvP and such we have Connecticut, and a number of other systems from previous versions. If we need ways to get in and out of existing systems holes can be added with no effect on lag/server stability.


Plethora of Empty Systems - Dab - 11-18-2006

The empty systems will be added onto by our system modders (Angel, Igiss, and myself) and will slowly be populated over the next versions. The reason we have them now, and not created then added has a few reasons.

One, as RP that shows how Sirius is being populated and constructed, not just spawning new systems out of nowhere..

Two, instead of having to integrate the modder's systems into discovery, they copy discovery and mod on their copy, then send it to Igiss. All he has to do is replace his files with ours for those systems and ta da its done. No having to change system code names (BR_07, KU_01, etc) or anything of that sort. Lot less work with having to add in the systems to Disco.

Three, more ways of getting to places. You don't have to take the normal route, and for some battleships the normal route just can't be done (because of asteroids). So these extra systems that are currently empty allow those BSs to get where they want to go, just having to take a longer route. And also, the empty systems are great for faction training, and faction fights if they sides don't want NPCs or nebulas/bases.

Plethora of Empty Systems - Sid - 11-18-2006

i personal like the voidness of those systems lol it fells like ur talveling the space between systems lol or someting like that lol.

u fell the lonelyness of space lol.

Plethora of Empty Systems - Vic - 11-18-2006

Dab contact me about system making. I can whip up nebula's and such for you. Because photoshop is for the win...*

Plethora of Empty Systems - Dab - 11-18-2006

I'm not going to contact YOU about system editing.. You know nothing about it, nor how to do it. All YOU can do is make pretty pictures in photoshop. :P

Plethora of Empty Systems - Virus - 11-18-2006

He means the backgrounds, you dolt. :P

At least... I think. >.<

Plethora of Empty Systems - Dab - 11-18-2006

Hence, why I said pretty pictures. The backgrounds are simply pictures. :P

Geez, your brain sleep-deprived tonight Vi?

Plethora of Empty Systems - Raven - 11-18-2006

I wondered how long it would take you to bring out the smart mouth after that relatively coherent first reply Dab.

Thanks for not letting me down.

Plethora of Empty Systems - Alpha 429 - 11-18-2006

Well now these says clans can buy these new systems so it gives factions many new oppertunities.

Also Raven i know your just back but things have changed, well there is the occasional spat at dab still these days they are rarer because simply there are more people on the forums these days that cant be a*sed listening to it (myself included) and as such they are not as tolerated as before so perhaps we should leave it there. That goes for everyone.

Plethora of Empty Systems - Virus - 11-19-2006

And then there's some of us (Hoodlum... :dry: ) who enjoy nitpickin' Dab.