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cruise disruption. - darthbeck - 04-08-2009

meny times i have seen people open fire as soon as you CD them. the rules say it counts as attacking. i would like to for this to be changed.

Quote:5.2 If a player is attacked*, he has a right to defend himself regardless of who is attacking. There are no restrictions for self-defense.

*For purposes of these Rules, an attack is draining shields to 50% or lower, or hull damage, or when a Cruise Disruptor is fired. Intentional ramming of any large ship is also considered an attack.
i say that we change the top rule, so that it reads

Quote:5.2 If a player is attacked*, he has a right to defend himself regardless of who is attacking. There are no restrictions for self-defense,except for cruise disrupting.

we also would need something else for CD attacking rules.

it would encourage RP

cruise disruption. - kindred - 04-08-2009

A CD can do harm to a lot of vessels, specialy light fighters. I've even used Train CD's as a final blow weapon when the opponent had almost no hull left. Considering the damage done to certain vessel class, shooting a CD is a form of attack.

cruise disruption. - NerdRage - 04-08-2009

Well, the whole reason to CD is to catch up to them and either scan them or blow them up, depending on what you are using it for i think it should not be attacking.

well, any char that needs to defend their turf uses TCD for scanning. someone looming around , so you persue him and he tries to run away. you CD him, if nothings wrong you just carry on and let hi do his buisness.

cruise disruption. - darthbeck - 04-08-2009

' Wrote:A CD can do harm to a lot of vessels, specialy light fighters. I've even used Train CD's as a final blow weapon when the opponent had almost no hull left. Considering the damage done to certain vessel class, shooting a CD is a form of attack.

not if you fire one just to stop them. in combat..... IT DOESENT MATTER!
but if you are smuggling. and they CD you. technicly you can open fire ebcause you are in"SELF DEFENSE"

cruise disruption. - hack - 04-08-2009

If you weren't looking for combat, why did you fire a Cd at them? Certainly not for the laughs. That would be like tossing out tire strips in front of someones car and complaining that they got out and beat ya for it....

cruise disruption. - JovialKnight - 04-08-2009

' Wrote:If you weren't looking for combat, why did you fire a Cd at them? Certainly not for the laughs. That would be like tossing out tire strips in front of someones car and complain that they got out and beat ya for it....

More like putting a timed speed lock on their engines.
As for the reasoning, Nerdrage has it spot on.

cruise disruption. - DragonLancer - 04-08-2009

Just fire a CD to a station and watch what happens...

Anyway, firing a CD is a violent act because you force someone to do something (drop out of cruise speed) therefore it is an attack.

cruise disruption. - Agmen of Eladesor - 04-08-2009

If I'm in my trader, and I see a pirate - both IFF'd and ID'd - coming up at 4K from me, and all of a sudden I see a CD coming my way...

That may be like the old shot across the bow as a warning, but at that point I'm pretty much hitting my /8 on my preset messages and depending on the specific situation, getting him in the crosshairs of my 12 turrets.

He just attacked me - pure, plain, and simple. And unless I'm badly outgunned, in which case it's yes sir, how much did you want, then he's going down.

Now - if I'm in my trader and a MILITARY or POLICE vehicle CD's me - they just attacked me, but they may also be checking my cargo to make sure I'm not smuggling or breaking an embargo or whatever. As a lawful trader, I have nothing to fear from them - other than harrassment back at the donut eaters and biscuit munchers for bothering me in the first place. (I love RP!)

cruise disruption. - Quorg - 04-08-2009

CDing should most certainly be considered an attack. You wouldn't blow somebody's tires out on purpose and expect them to react well, would you?

The only times anyone ever uses a CD is when that person intends to either scan the victim destroy him if carrying contraband or force the victim to either pay up, drop cargo, or turn back under threat of annihilation. There is no such thing as a friendly CD.

cruise disruption. - Derkylos - 04-08-2009

If a CD counts as an attack, does it therefore need to be preceded by an engagement notice? ("CDing X"???...I know when I'm firing CMs...). What about in a piracy situation? I recall from somewhere that CDing in this situation did not count as an attack and, seeing that one can pirate anything, CDing even a fighter in this case is not an attack.