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To: SCRA HC || Rostok Station - Printable Version

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To: SCRA HC || Rostok Station - Omicron - 10-12-2021

[Image: KAQ2z4i.png?1]

Rostok Incident

To the attention of Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army High Command.

Over the last few days, we had been coordinating a large scale security operation in Order space, concentrating on Coalition personnel present in Order space proper. To further elaborate, there is considerable and real threat of infestation among your personnel. News may have reached you as one of your convoys, designation ‘Kavkaz’ was cleared to depart after its crew tested negative. More concerning is the reason behind our actions. Lisbon station, the nearest Order base to Rostok had lost contact with the aforementioned station. The taskforce assembled to establish physical contact with Rostok was dispatched soon after fearing attack or catastrophy. To our surprise, Rostok itself and accompanying ships had opened fire on Order ships but fortunately the attackers were repelled.

Considering the presence of non-Coalition ships in the vicinity and unexplainably hostile reaction from the Coalition crew, we have to assume that it may have been infiltrated by the Nomads. Omicron Beta jumphole had already been blockaded, blocking any and all supply ships from reaching Rostok from Order space. Once the scans had concluded, High Command realizes this is an isolated incident and no major offensive operation is taking place against The Order at current time. It is also to inform you that should Rostok turn out to be in fact subverted by the Nomads, The Order will have to use any methods at our disposal to neutralize the threat to our northern flank which may result in loss of assets and equipment on your part.

As we understand, Rostok station is a relatively isolated and largely self-sufficient science outpost in regards to the Coalition's own supply chain. Until we can properly ascertain how many Coalition ships are present in-system, and to properly distinguish them from mainstay loyal Coalition, we have to enforce a temporary no-flight zone over Omicron Beta for the duration of reprisal operations on any ships under SCRA flag. We however invite the Commissariat to send its observers to Akabat - they may be instrumental in re-establishing control should we be able to retake the station. Alternatively, we want to ensure that no salvage will be left to be picked by unauthorized parties such as the Outcasts.

Full timeline of the incident is provided below.
Grand Admiral Michal Golanski
1st Battlegroup "Wargods", Black Fleet

RE: To: SCRA HC || Rostok Station - Commandantt - 10-12-2021

[Image: 5XDlzqZ.png]
[Image: h3xjRTS.png]

Sender: Head Commissar Lev Zabuzko
Recipient: Grand Admiral Michal Golanski
Source: Volgograd

Priority: HIGH
Encryption: I.S.K.R.A

Greetings comrade Admiral

I am Lev Zabuzko, Head Commissar of Sirius Coalition.

Premier's Office doesn't have time right now to look closer at this problem.

So I will represent Coalition while we resolve this situation.

I am was quite aware of the situation with Rostok before.

And I must say that after our Premier left his post as station commandant, he gave clear order to our government. So Coalition provides to this station more independence than our other station or planet has.

Due to this reason, they have only small army forces to escort rare transports and small patrol missions and no commissars at the station board.

I will personally fly to Omicrons to assist Order. I'm gonna use one of our Typhoons SCRA|CPW-Che.Guevara as my transport to reach Akabat.

Also, I gave orders to the captain of SCRA|CPW-Karl.Marx this ship is already in the Omicrons and he will take Akabat orbit to provide any required assistance.

It's all for now.

[Image: h3xjRTS.png]

Head Commissar,
Lev Zabuzko,
The Coalition

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