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Hypothetical Question: Eastern Europe bloc Colony ship? - Fletcher - 04-08-2009

This has been bouncing around my head for a long time now.

At the end of Starlancer, if I remember right, Earth is controlled by the lovely Coalition. Now, France were able to construct Gallia colony capital ship. They're just one nation, however they are in the Alliance who have good space technology and capacity.

Now, the Eastern Europe bloc has a good amount of industry today, and is expanding with the help of the EU. Let us imagine that under the EU they prospered, and shared technology, and fought against the Coalition.

Whether they'd have space capable industry is purely unknown and all up to today's assumption. But what if they had united, moved to a remote location in Sol and slowly constructed a Sleeper ship under the guidance of the Alliance, but then betrayed as the same as the French/Gallia? I know that this is a recycled Gallia backstory in a sense, but I can't see it being too far fetched.

So would an Eastern Europe bloc be able to construct their own Sleeper Ship? If so, what would you name her? Were would they be in Sirius? (If there is anymore room on the map).:wacko:

And yes, I'm sorry for the hypothetical scenarios, but its a reasonable banter I believe.:nyam:

Hypothetical Question: Eastern Europe bloc Colony ship? - bluntpencil2001 - 04-08-2009

They didn't fight against the Coalition.

They were the Coalition.

Hypothetical Question: Eastern Europe bloc Colony ship? - Fletcher - 04-08-2009

' Wrote:They didn't fight against the Coalition.

They were the Coalition.
Wait what? :mellow: Shows how much I know.:( Is this in a Wiki somewhere?

EDIT: Even so, do you think they could make a Sleeper ship?

Hypothetical Question: Eastern Europe bloc Colony ship? - Jinx - 04-08-2009

the starlancer setting was rather simplistic - it was western orientated factions vs. eastern orientated ones ( mostly based on the cold war world separation, not on the present day )

while the coalition would certainly be able to build a sleeper / colony ship - its doubtful they have done so. - the whole conflict about starlancer was about owned space - so no matter what ending of the conflict we take ( the official one where the alliance breaks through and chooses exile by itself ... or the one where the nomads show up and blow everything up... ) - the coalition would probably not want to colonize the far reaches... at least not yet.

in the official version, they have won sol. - but sol is a yunkyard - they will take ages to rebuild, but they will focus on that, cause whats the point in winning when you abandon what you won afterwards.

in the unofficial version, the nomads blew up the system, including the coalition ( save one of their captains it appears... ) - so no sleeper ship for them either.

Hypothetical Question: Eastern Europe bloc Colony ship? - Xing - 04-08-2009

[Image: Tempest-1.png]

Volgograd Coalition colonial ship, reconverted into flagship.
A second one is named the JiangXi, though its fate is unknown...

*shrug* those are part of my version of the storyline, which is of course, unofficial.

Hypothetical Question: Eastern Europe bloc Colony ship? - tyro - 04-08-2009

' Wrote:They didn't fight against the Coalition.

They were the Coalition.


I am not the Coalition, and I am sure my country would never be.
The Coalition took us by force, because as always in history of Europe we were betrayed by western ' friends '.
I am sure that we are not rich and powerful enough to build Sleeper ship. But probably some of us would sneak into Rheinland, Bretonia, or even Coalition Sleeper ships. I saw NPCs with names from my language, and I see many players from my country and neighbours.
I think maybe some day we could find our own system, but we must pick together first.

Btw. Discovery server is located ~500km from my home.

Hypothetical Question: Eastern Europe bloc Colony ship? - bluntpencil2001 - 04-08-2009

' Wrote:I PROTEST !

I am not the Coalition, and I am sure my country would never be.
The Coalition took us by force, because as always in history of Europe we were betrayed by western ' friends '.
I am sure that we are not rich and powerful enough to build Sleeper ship. But probably some of us would sneak into Rheinland, Bretonia, or even Coalition Sleeper ships. I saw NPCs with names from my language, and I see many players from my country and neighbours.
I think maybe some day we could find our own system, but we must pick together first.

Btw. Discovery server is located ~500km from my home.

Your position on real life politics is irrelevant.

The Alliance was Western oriented. It was called the 'Western Alliance' for a reason, even though it had Japan in it. The Coalition is short for the 'Eastern Coalition'.

Hypothetical Question: Eastern Europe bloc Colony ship? - Linkus - 04-08-2009

Think Cold War.
Coalition = USSR friendly countries
Alliance = USA friendly countries

Basic, but that seems to be what the FL developers based it all on.

Hypothetical Question: Eastern Europe bloc Colony ship? - tyro - 04-08-2009

' Wrote:Think Cold War.
Coalition = USSR friendly countries
Alliance = USA friendly countries

Basic, but that seems to be what the FL developers based it all on.


My country was never USSR friendly, even if we were in their ZOI.
In game story we were destroyed and our country were occupied by the Coalition.
Now, all of that is of course irrelevant, since the Earth and the Coalition were destroyed by Nomads.

Hypothetical Question: Eastern Europe bloc Colony ship? - bluntpencil2001 - 04-08-2009

Yep, Eastern Europe would be Coalition. Nobody said they had to like it.