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ok this fight in T-23 right now - Printable Version

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ok this fight in T-23 right now - ian - 04-08-2009

although it is EPIC! awesome RP from ALL sides _apart from the unfortunate Council pilot speaking OOC and telling other people not to interfere if they are in caps "this si a fighter-war only! stay out if your in cap!" -_- )

BAF, CR, OC,s OPG, Dragons, Zoners, IMG, Council, Phantoms, Hogosha, Junkers etc heck even a molly!

but seriously 5 hours now?? and its still going strong!! only about 7 deaths so far nevermind the fact probabl 1/2 of the server was there!

taken halfway, so not all participents are listed:(:

=CR=Chacon 52 Tau-23 Nyx
=CR=Daemon 53 Tau-23 Nyx
=CR=Hades 58 Tau-23 Nyx
=CR=Zulu 49 Tau-23 Nyx
[IRA]Kenneth_Branagh 40 Tau-23 Arrow
[OPG-GR]Leadcrows 55 Tau-23 Gladiator
OPG-M]Nestor 51 Tau-23 Titan
[OPG-M]Vilkas:. 48 Tau-23 Titan
[OPG-SM]Karolis.. 61 Tau-23 Praetorian
[RA]L&M 53 Tau-23 Falcata
[RoS]Silent.Assassin[V] 54 Tau-23 Sabre
[|]Ryohei_Uchida 79 Tau-23 Black Dragon
\CS\-Juliet.November 50 Tau-23 Virage
Albert.Rindfleisch 72 Tau-23 Nyx
BAF|Cdr.James.Hobart' 53 Tau-23 Templar
BAF|Ens.Richard.Bucket 57 Tau-23 Templar
BAF|Lt.A.Goodman 59 Tau-23 Templar
BAF|Lt.Cdr.Jacob.Carter 51 Tau-23 Templar
BAF|Lt.Cdr.Roger.Ring 54 Tau-23 Templar
Black.Rose 49 Tau-23 Raven Claw
CLN-S.S.Bourrasque 74 Tau-23 Council Cruiser
Ferres.As.Teretto 54 Tau-23 Falcata
Hitachi.Yamato 51 Tau-23 Chimaera
IMG|Comoros 83 Tau-23 Battlestar
IMG|Encheta.Shimoa[E] 55 Tau-23 Spatial
IMG|Ian.Davies[D] 55 Tau-23 Raven's Talon
IMG|Syana.Kyan[R&D] 50 Tau-23 Raven's Talon
magowy 76 Tau-23 Outcast Destroyer
QCP|Finn.Hopkins 55 Tau-23 Templar
Rodrigo.Morales[101st] 45 Tau-23 Sabre
Takao_Sasaki 58 Tau-23 Taiidan Bomber
Vendo.Calran.ger 40 Tau-23 Raven's Talon
{SOB}Loki[E] 51 Tau-23 Sabre
{SOB}Salvador,Perez 51 Tau-23 Sabre

ok this fight in T-23 right now - Cyberanson - 04-08-2009

Yeah, potential headline in the Discoverer.;)

ok this fight in T-23 right now - Kambei - 04-08-2009

I hate this kind of battles... completly boring, pointless, OORP, unfair, laging and time eating.

luckily I wasnt there or better said I was able to control bloodthirsty beast within me and not join it with my KNF.

ok this fight in T-23 right now - ian - 04-08-2009 was completly awesome RP on pretty much all sides (as i said) and it wasnt laggy at all!:Dand it was all pretty fair.

ok this fight in T-23 right now - Eppy - 04-08-2009 missed [101st]MNS-Maria.Ruth, foo.

EDIT: Speaking of which, I should change the name...

ok this fight in T-23 right now - Doom - 04-08-2009

yes...i am impressed of how low was the lag...almost non existant....but such many ships firing around me really put my computer to the time i really should deactivate anti aliasing and such stuff :laugh:

ok this fight in T-23 right now - mjolnir - 04-08-2009

If you like this kind of battles, go on. I think they very fast become retarded when everyone calls eveyone they know to "help". This is specially bad for those that were there from the start.

Personally I also don't see the "awesome RP" that comes from BAF + OC + Freelancers fighting CR + Corsairs + Hogosha +KNF. "Awesome PVP" maybe.

Also IMG is neutral to Outcasts? That's certainly something new.

I wasn't fighting btw.

ok this fight in T-23 right now - Salvador.P - 04-08-2009

Amazing battle! Eventually, however, I got really exhausted and had to quit. They're probably still fighting at the time of my writing.

- {SOB}Salvador.Perez

ok this fight in T-23 right now - Doom - 04-08-2009

that is true started as CR/BAF...when i got there there were only BAF and CR fighting along with two untagged ships...but later....i think only keepers weren't there and maybe few rheinlanders....

as for help i don't think anybody actually called for help...they simply started least i didnt hear anybody in CR group that called for other factions to join...naturally i dont know what was going on in private chats...

But there are alliances for a reason...

Anyway...i don't think anything of such scale will be repeated anytime soon...

ok this fight in T-23 right now - bluntpencil2001 - 04-08-2009

' Wrote:If you like this kind of battles, go on. I think they very fast become retarded when everyone calls eveyone they know to "help". This is specially bad for those that were there from the start.

Personally I also don't see the "awesome RP" that comes from BAF + OC + Freelancers fighting CR + Corsairs + Hogosha +KNF. "Awesome PVP" maybe.

Also IMG is neutral to Outcasts? That's certainly something new.

I wasn't fighting btw.
I must admit, Mjolnir has a point... but then again, if you don't like it, you don't need to sit and watch. Then again, I personally dislike certain things in-game which I can't avoid or change, apparently.