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Module list for your Starship - GTWO - Printable Version

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Module list for your Starship - GTWO - Mere_Mortal - 11-06-2021

This is legit, no joke. You're very welcome!

Love you, Nia!

        INTERNAL    EXTERNAL    USE        DEF        OFF        LOG        DIS        ADV        REQ LEV            INBUILT (age)

POLARITY    Positive    Negative    !    !    +    -    -    +    !    !

HULL        Cloak        Photon        ^    +    [+    +]    -    +    +    ^    ^    !    +++        0    10        3
SHIELD        Graviton    Neutron        ^    ^    [+    +]    ^    !    [+    +]    !    +    +++++        0    10        3
TACTIC        Defence        Offence        ^    ^    [+    +]    -    ^    +    ^    -    +    ++        0    10        6
LOCK        Defence        Offence        ^    ^    +    ^    -    +    +    !    !    +    +++        3    10        12
ENGINE        Pulse        Tachyon        ^    ^    [+    +    +    +    +    +    +    +]    +++++++        0    0        0
POWER        Fission        Fusion        ^    ^    +    -    [+    +]    +    ^    [+    +]    +++++        10    12        12
SYSTEM        Modular        Cellular    +    -    +    ^    -    +    !    -    !    +    +        0    0        0
NETWORK        Client        Server        +    ^    +    ^    -    ^    [+    +]    +    ^    ++++        3    8        15
SECURITY    Antivirus    Firewall    +    ^    [+    +]    ^    +    +    ^    !    +    +++++        0    0        0
STORAGE        Database    Overwrite    ^    -    +    !    ^    +    +    -    !    +    +++        0    10        0
MEMORY        Validate    Exploit        +    -    [+    +    +    +    +    +    +    +]    +++++++        0    10        3
DATA        Creation    Deletion    -    +    ^    +    !    !    -    +    !    !    ++        10    10        
FORENSICS    Heuristics    Polymorphism    +    ^    [+    +]    -    -    [+    +]    !    +    ++++        0    0        0
SIGNATURE    Random        Targeted    +    -    [+    +]    !    +    +    -    [+    +]    ++++        0    10        12
COVERT        Defence        Offence        ^    +    [+    +]    -    ^    [+    +]    -    +    ++++        0    10        9
SCANNER        Infrared    Microwave    ^    +    [+    +]    -    -    ^    !    [+    +]    +++        10    20        12
INDENTIFIER    Simulator    World        ^    +    [+    +]    ^    +    !    +    [+    +]    ++++++        0    20        9
COMPANION    Self        Remote        [+    +    +    +]    -    -    [+    +    +    +]    +++++++        0    20        3
MONITOR        Radar        Illusion    +    ^    [+    +]    -    +    +    -    -    +    +++        0    20        12
TARGETER    Self        Remote        ^    ^    [+    +    +    +    +    +]    !    !    ++++++        0    0        9
COMMS        Receiver    Transceiver    ^    ^    [+    +]    ^    ^    [+    +    +    +]    ++++++        0    0        6
DISPERSION    Counter        Jammer        ^    ^    [+    +]    -    -    [+    +]    !    +    +++++        0    10        3
DIFFUSION    Ion        Electron    [+    +    +    +    +    +    +    +    +    +]    ++++++++    10    10        12
WEAPON        Plasma        Nuclear        ^    ^    +    -    [+    +]    +    -    +    ^    ++        10    20        15
LOGISTICS    Defence        Offence        [+    +    +    +]    -    -    !    !    +    !    ++++++        0    10        12
LOGIC        Coherence    Strength    +    ^    +    -    !    +    [+    +]    +    ^    ++++        0    0        6
MATH        Addition    Reduction    ^    ^    +    !    ^    +    ^    ^    ^    +    +++        10    10        
DIRECTION    Reverse        Forward        ^    ^    [+    +    +    +]    !    !    [+    +]    ++++++        0    0        3
ENGINEERING    Defence        Offence        ^    ^    [+    +]    -    -    [+    +    +    +]    ++++++        0    10        12
AVATAR        Fighter        Trojan        +    -    +    !    -    +    [+    +    +    +]    +++++        10    10        
SCRIPT        Defence        Offence        ^    ^    +    -    -    +    [+    +]    !    +    +++        0    10        12
TELEKINETICS    Defence        Offence        +    -    [+    +]    -    -    +    -    !    +    ++        0    30        3

NOTE: External not available until aged 15!

Properly formatted in the attachment...

RE: Module list for your Starship - GTWO - Corile - 11-07-2021

scourge of schizoposting lately around here

RE: Module list for your Starship - GTWO - Mere_Mortal - 11-07-2021

What's your problem? Do you even know what this is? I'm guessing you actually do.

I post some technical data and you call me schizo. What in the absolute fuck?

RE: Module list for your Starship - GTWO - Thunderer - 11-07-2021

I think you may have possibly posted in a wrong subforum by accident and thus got our friend Corile confused...

And who is Nia?

RE: Module list for your Starship - GTWO - Mere_Mortal - 11-07-2021

So you're saying it should be in Flood? I believe it's rather apt in this section.

If it got Corile's attention and she don't like it, quite frankly I don't give a flying toss.

As for whom Nia is, that's a personal message which is for the attention of very few others.

Try me.