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Mercs... - NerdRage - 04-09-2009

It's fair to say that Mercs are everywhere,
it seems they are the new fashion along with AI and reseachers.

That's not so bad, but what i find is OORP and in balanced is:

They can fly any fighter or bomber

they can go anywhere.

They can do pretty much anything.

They can use any guns/equipment

This is what i'm concerned about, Mercs flying Thors, Mjolnir, gallic civ HF, nomad morphs (pre 4.85), Black dragons, recyclers.... This is OORP, how can mercs get these things?

Lots of ships, like the talon and wraith are restricted, and ive seen mercs flying them, especially waay out their normal ZOI

having a Thor parked outside Manhattan with Tarantulas or a Talon killing BHG outside malta with Tirzona del cids?

I reckon there should be more measures in place, the easily accesible Merc ID is getting abused.

Mercs... - Asgardian - 04-09-2009

Well, Liberty has a ban on any Outcast, Corsair, Order etc etc affiliated ships. Also, Bounties don't have to be paid to Mercenaries if their equipment or ship seems suspicious to the payer. eg: A Corsair wouldn't pay a Merc with Krakens if he took down an Outcast.

Oh, and I don't think they've got unrestricted access to all ships. For example, I'd have my suspicions of a Liberty Navy ship in the hands of a Merc.

Mercs... - Tenacity - 04-09-2009

Personally, I think Mercs should only be able to fly ships which are not specific to a faction. Things like the black dragon or talon (bastet) vhf as examples - these are ships that are high end and ONLY available to members of the specific faction which they are intended for.

I was on my gallia navy character the other day and saw a merc in a bastet order VHF fly through burgundy, and then proceed to attack me and another gallia player with no warning other than "die!".

Mercs, without special RP requests, should be limited to civilian-available ships and equipment. Same goes for freelancers, vigilantes, etc.

Mercs... - Jinx - 04-09-2009

at first - i had to snigger a little. - it sounds like the glorious start of a new "bad faction" - no more bash the BHG.

but really, the point of mercs IS that they can affiliate themselves with pretty much everyone. - they are generic, they can fly a thor with hessian stuff. - that doesn t mean that they get payed in liberty though - as the thor is identified as an unlawful product - and liberty might ( or might not ) want to pay such a person for whatever service.

that is a RP issue. - a merc that never gets payed for a job is ooRP indeed..... but no hunter can really afford what he is using / flying when he seriously only earns his money via jobs. like the military isn t really financed by taxes and the majority of the pirates don t finance themselves by - pirating.

if i was a lawful - and a mjolir SHF hung around manhattan with a merc ID, i would simply ask him to leave liberty.... escorted. - that merc aparently affiliates himself with the rheinland military or the rheinland police, - so there is no room for him in liberty. - he is not hostile, but will not expect to be payed for a job. - if he insists on staying, i can be a bit more forceful - if he fights back, he hasn t gotten the point and can be destroyed - problem solved.

a merc is a generic ID. - so we can deduce his further affiliation by what ship he uses, what weapons he has and what IFF he carries.

all that indicates that there is NO rule violation or any need for tighter rules needed.

Mercs... - Varyag - 04-09-2009

A lot of what you described are probelmatic loadouts. Now I wouldn't go yell SANCHUN Ah reportz U! but I would let the person know polietly and in PM that loadouts that don't match tag and ship are looked sideways at.

There really isn't any reason to get mad or anything, just gotta let them know. It does take a while for new players to find the forums sometimes... point em in the right direction.

-edit- Jinx put it well too

Mercs... - NerdRage - 04-09-2009

There are some mercs who are RP, have something like a 'sair tag and ship, Merc ID, and only cater to Corsairs and allies

But what i'm talking about are the problematic ones who rarely offer services, with OOrp loadout and ship, jumbled or no tag, and fly around touring everywhere doing everything,

What i'm also saying is about ships, there are some ships like the crow, civ line, sabre, sompe custom pirate ships,

but there are also some ships that are close to one or two select factions and would be very hard to get because you need rank or to be part of the faction, for example the blood dragon's infocard says its handed down from father to son ect,ect, and a merc just comes along and buys it. Or an arbeiter, that's rare among the LWB and you probably need rank to get it, then a Merc just skittles along with full pockets and flys off in it.

Mercs... - slashhammer - 04-09-2009

' Wrote:but there are also some ships that are close to one or two select factions and would be very hard to get because you need rank or to be part of the faction, for example the blood dragon's infocard says its handed down from father to son ect,ect, and a merc just comes along and buys it. Or an arbeiter, that's rare among the LWB and you probably need rank to get it, then a Merc just skittles along with full pockets and flys off in it.

Easy solution

for the ooRP loadout/ship combinations, make all equipment and ships need a good to very good
(80-90%) rep with the faction selling it to be able to buy them, big part of the problem solved.

On the otherside then there sure will be smart ones just order a ship at Sirius Shipyards or buy
weapons from an armsdealer, but there still would be less ooRP seen.

Or like already suggested, restrict unaffiliated Mercs to civilian line ships/weaps, same to
Freelancers and other generic ID users.


Mercs... - Benjamin - 04-09-2009

Mercs have an excellent use that the balance team sadly don't make use of!

You see what all the most irritating and oorp mercs are flying, and you nerf it. It's flawless.


More seriously though, mercs SHOULD be able to fly a lot of different ships, but they should be like the 'white' bars on those tech charts - they should have to post a bio or story on the forum. This would keep the oorp failures out, whilst letting legit mercs fly the ships that most fit their RP.

Mercs... - NerdRage - 04-09-2009

Can you do that? can you restrict ships to rep?

i'm not sure, if they could do that, if they could it would have been done ages ago, if they can it would solve a lot of problems.

If mercs were restricted to civ shiplines, we would need more multi-purpouse ships like the crow and marauder.

Mercs... - Jinx - 04-09-2009

when you re a merc, you enjoy more freedom of choice over a faction.

when you choose a faction, you agree to your limits - voluntarily. its bad form to them complain about those that do NOT subscribe to the faction and enjoy more freedom.

its like living with a neighbour. - you say to yourself " i hereby won t move more than 10 meters from my home ever again " - and then you say " and i hate my neighbour, cause he hasn t limited his movement and is moving all around the place "

so you limit yourself and hate those that do not limit themselves cause YOU think that they ought to limit themselves..... cause you have done it to yourself.

don t dislike people that don t put such limits upon themselves. - when you choose a faction, you choose it for a reason, you WANT to be limited in your ZoI, your choice and all. - when you choose a mercenary or a generic faction, you do NOT want the very same restrictions.

otherwise it would be like a xeno saying "we can only operate in liberty, - that sucks... look at those outcasts, they rae all over the place - lets nerf their ZoI, cause i think its unfair that they have such a large ZoI - and can also choose so many weapons, ships"

the solution is not to say "choose to be an outcast then" - the solution is to leave others their freedom - cause what others can do is not really your business. - you can make it your business... when they give you a reason in RP to do so... otherwise - leave them be.

and about the "bad apples" - there are some in every faction ( in EVERY faction, vanilla, custom, old, new ) - when i want to see those bad players, i see them. - its like those people that claimed that "they never saw a single BHG NOT in a warship" - they are right - you know.... they do not "see" the others that don t fly warships... call it selective perception. - you see problems much easier than things that go well. - and when i want to see ooRP people, i see them at every corner ... sometimes, just cause i want to see them.