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Section 8 - Personal Logs - Printable Version +- Discovery Gaming Community (https://discoverygc.com/forums) +-- Forum: Role-Playing (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=9) +--- Forum: Stories and Biographies (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=56) +--- Thread: Section 8 - Personal Logs (/showthread.php?tid=190455) |
Section 8 - Personal Logs - Toaster - 11-14-2021 ![]() Section 8 Personal Logs Login ID: Hawkins Entry #: 01 Encryption: Fortress 14. Nov. 828 [REDACTED] suggested that I start writing personal logs again, like I used to. To "keep my head clear." I suppose he is right. So, this is entry number one. The Kepler situation has been relatively calm for some time. I have therefore requested command to let me redeploy the Nightfall to the Kansas system. "Corax" was able to verify the rumors he heard about the Turtle Creek Nebula and I believe investigating it may provide valuable intelligence. Command agreed. [REDACTED] was able to source hyperspace coordinates and a well-detailed, if rather outdated star map of the system from an information broker on Ames. Upon arrival in Kansas, I had helm set a course directly towards Turtle Creek. Our sensors were able to confirm the strange emissions that "Corax" had reported. They are, however, diffused and refracted erratically by the cloud's particulate matter, which made it practically impossible to determine a source. I ordered all hands to high alert and had the Nightfall enter the nebula. It took a few hours of more or less blindly coursing through the cloud - even the Nightfall's sensors are barely capable of penetrating the matter - but we finally reached what I assume is its center. ![]() Knossos-type jump gate, Kansas system We found an alien construct, Knossos-type. A derelict jump gate. It is badly damaged and may no longer be properly operational, but preliminary scans revealed that its power source is still active. Its proximity to Liberty space is disconcerting. We will need to spend some time performing further scans and analysis to determine its exact status and danger-level, as well as to calculate its destination. [REDACTED] is already hard at work. ![]() Ousia Research Outpost, Kansas system Within close proximity of the jump gate, we found a small station, Ousia Research Outpost. It did not respond to hails and detailed scans were rendered useless by heavy shielding. We could not even determine whether it is powered and / or inhabited or not. But it does prove that we are not the first party to stumble upon this jump gate. We also came across another Order operative - or rather, she stumbled upon us. Cassandra Hayes, callsign Empress, with Recon Unit Vigil - what a coincidence. She reported to have deployed a beacon some clicks away from Turtle Creek Nebula, which detected increased traffic in the area. She came to investigate. If her report is accurate, we will need to run tight security while deployed in the nebula. I wouldn't want us to be found by any unwelcome parties. Hayes will be operating within Liberty and its bordering systems, much like Section 8. I pointed her towards the Xeno Alliance for bases of operation and suggested that she stick close to Section 8 units when available. Command also instructed me to share with her a briefing of the Kepler situation - however heavily redacted. This new discovery in Kansas will likely keep us occupied for some time. I will leave the continued observation of Kepler in the capable hands of "Solemn" and other operations across Liberty to "Corax" and "Veles." That will be all for now. RE: Unto Nightfall - Personal Logs - Toaster - 11-15-2021 ![]() Section 8 Personal Logs Login ID: Hawkins Entry #: 02 Encryption: Fortress 15. Nov. 828 Ousia Research Outpost continued to remain silent, despite repeated attempts to hail it. My suspicions about the station, however, were proven accurate nonetheless, when an Auxesian cruiser - the Cepheus, Hel-class - arrived at the Knossos gate and opened fire on the Nightfall. We managed to escape unscathed, but were forced to perform an emergency hyperspace jump to the Hudson system. The Xenos on Barrow Base were unable to hide their surprise at our unscheduled appearance. At least we were fortunate in them having a supply of jump drive batteries available for purchase. I suppose I should not be surprised that the Auxesians have set up operations around the jump gate, nor that they will do anything to protect their "prize." Our own operations in the area will need to be adapted accordingly, but we cannot give up so easily. This discovery is too important for us to pull in our tail and leave it to our enemy - especially if it is somehow related to the Kepler situation. I have instructed "Solemn" and "Corax" to make contact with Revenant, if they can track her down. Perhaps they can assist us, though I harbor little optimism in that regard. In the mean time, we have little choice but to return to Kansas and continue our operations. We need in-depth scans of the gate. I will have the crew prepare for departure within the hour. Let us hope that we can perform our duties unhindered this time. That is all for now. RE: Unto Nightfall - Personal Logs - Toaster - 11-21-2021 ![]() Section 8 Personal Logs Login ID: Hawkins Entry #: 03 Encryption: Fortress 21. Nov. 828 Advising people to avoid the Kepler system seems to have the opposite effect - they just keep coming. Perhaps we should change tactics and invite them into the system. Maybe that would dissuade them. Overwatch operatives reported a Sentinel attack on Freeport 11, Omicron Delta. I can only hope they are mistaken and misidentified the attackers. Regardless, they are preparing for large-scale deployment into Kepler and the surrounding area. I fear doing so may only aggravate the situation and result in a catastrophe. We must assure them that Section 8 has the situation under control. [REDACTED] is compiling a report on the Sentinels as we speak; hopefully, it will suffice to appease Overwatch. I remember the days when subtlety was the Order's preferred mode of operation, not launching war fleets at any problem that presents itself. And now we have this new ... informant to contend with. Of course, their claims are of questionable veracity at best and are outright misdirection at worst; but if what they said is true, then everything we have done so far may have been for naught. We need time to consider our options. Time that we are desperately short on with everyone around us blindly rushing towards apparent doom. That will be all for now. RE: Unto Nightfall - Personal Logs - Toaster - 01-03-2022 ![]() Section 8 Personal Logs Login ID: Hawkins Entry #: 04 Encryption: Citadel 03. Jan. 829 [REDACTED] has once again reminded me not to neglect these logs. Kepler and the surrounding systems have been quiet ever since Abrams' relocation to Akabat by Overwatch. Continued observation of the anomalies and the region at large has revealed no further unusual activity. We were able to gather some data on the other, less potent anomalies spread across the Kepler system. K2 and K3 appear to be of particular interest; however, their gravity wells and radiation zones pose a serious threat to our snubcraft, rendering detailed scans and readouts difficult to obtain. I dare not risk deploying the Nightfall for the purpose, as these anomalies are far too close to traffic lanes. Captain Marquez has informed us that Overwatch is preparing for Abrams' return to Kepler. Security concerns, however, are causing delays. I have to admit, I am unsure on how to proceed. Our new "contact's" intelligence indicates that Abrams himself is responsible for the gateway events taking place in Kepler, as well as the Sentinel activity in the region. He appears to be - quite literally - the Key to this entire situation. Abrams returning on to the scene may therefore provoke further activity and, if the claims are indeed true, may spell catastrophe for the region. Collaborating with an Auxesian was already a considerable risk. This latest "partnership" with [REDACTED] may be taking it too far entirely. But if the so far provided intelligence and the promise of further information down the line pays off, it may well be worth the risk. Command has given me full reign of the situation as it unfolds. Regardless, I will not proceed with any of [REDACTED] requests until I receive the hard proof that I asked for. The aliens' machinations are as unpredictable as ever, and I feel as though we are perpetually playing catch-up. I can only hope that we are able to hinder their plans or, if failing to do so, are prepared to face the consequences. I fear only time will tell. RE: Unto Nightfall - Personal Logs - Toaster - 01-05-2022 ![]() Section 8 Personal Logs Login ID: Hawkins Entry #: 05 Encryption: Fortress 05. Jan. 829 I have not yet received any news from Marquez in regards to Abrams and his return. Delays were expected but this continued silence is becoming concerning. I will have to remain patient. There are other things to keep me occupied, after all. The Nightfall's hyperspace jump drive is malfunctioning and the jump computer is experiencing unknown errors. The drive nearly suffered a catastrophic failure yesterday during the charge-up process. Only [REDACTED]'s quick thinking and abortion of the jump sequence kept the ship and everyone aboard from being atomized in a failed hyperspace breach. Engineering reports that they cannot find any obvious causes for this malfunction in the drive's hardware. [REDACTED] has been sifting through the computer's error logs for hours and has yet to make sense of any of them, either. I suggested performing another charge cycle to see whether it was a one-off incident, but [REDACTED] insists on caution. He is likely right. We cannot risk damaging the Nightfall at this stage of operations. However, this means we are now effectively stranded in Kepler and Galileo. If Abrams returns now and K1* reactivates, we will be in the middle of it with no means of retreat. I have given engineering and [REDACTED] forty-eight hours to locate the problem and fix it before I contact nearby Order assets for assistance. Must this happen now of all times? RE: Unto Nightfall - Personal Logs - Toaster - 01-08-2022 ![]() Section 8 Personal Logs Login ID: Hawkins Entry #: 06 Encryption: Fortress 08. Jan. 829 Engineering was unable to find any faults with the jump drive, nor could [REDACTED] identify any of the strange errors the jump computer was outputting. Three-hundred-and-twenty-seven simulated jumps failed to reproduce them, either. Everything seems to indicate that the incident was a one-off glitch in the system. Nevertheless, I am hesitant to perform an actual jump. The drive has never failed this dramatically before; had [REDACTED] not aborted the sequence, we would all be dead. I have tasked [REDACTED] with running additional simulations, observing them for any unusual data. Engineering will continue to keep a close eye on the drive, cycling it through power states to stress test it. For now, until I am certain that we will not encounter any further issues with the jump drive, the Nightfall will stay put. Operations outside of the northern independent systems will be delegated to "Solemn," "Corax," and the headhunters. RE: Unto Nightfall - Personal Logs - Toaster - 01-14-2022 ![]() Section 8 Personal Logs Login ID: Hawkins Entry #: 07 Encryption: Fortress 11. Jan. 829 Neither [REDACTED]'s simulations nor engineering's test runs yielded any further errors or failures of the jump drive. This morning, I ordered a live, in-system jump. [REDACTED] reported unusual fluctuations in the hyperspace breach's gravimetric readings, suggesting a potential instability of the wormhole. Analysis, however, indicated that the ship's mass rendered it insignificant. The sequence was continued and the jump performed without incident. The jump computer reported no errors; engineering found no faults with the drive. It seems whatever issue plagued the jump drive was, indeed, a mere one-off glitch. Nonetheless, I will have [REDACTED] keep an eye on it, just in case. Back to focusing on more pressing matters. RE: Unto Nightfall - Personal Logs - Toaster - 02-11-2022 ![]() Section 8 Personal Logs Login ID: Hawkins Entry #: 08 Encryption: Citadel 11. Feb. 829 The operation was a success. "Errant," with Empress' and the Xenos' assistance, executed Abrams outside of his personal station. While we do not have a body to confirm for certain that the man is dead, I have no reason to believe that he could have survived the strike. According to the report, it was over and done in mere seconds. I can only hope that eliminating him was the right course of action. Really, I had no choice. The risk of letting him live was simply too great, the stakes too high. With this, hopefully, we have prevented - or at least delayed - catastrophe. It is only a matter of time before Abrams' associates learn of his death. When they do, there will be reprisals. We must prepare, perhaps reach out to contacts in Liberty and Overwatch. But, more importantly, we must make good use of the time we bought and continue our investigations of the Kepler anomalies and the alien structures surrounding them. With Abrams out of the picture, now is our best chance to do so without triggering further gateway events. I have contacted our informant about the mission's success. Perhaps they will be able to shed some light on the situation, though I hardly trust them to keep their word. One must not trust the alien. RE: Unto Nightfall - Personal Logs - Toaster - 03-04-2022 ![]() Section 8 Personal Logs Login ID: Hawkins Entry #: 09 Encryption: Citadel 04. Mar. 829 Three weeks have passed since Abrams' assassination. We have vigilantly continued out observation of the Kepler system. The situation seems to have - as expected - calmed down. There has been no further notable activity around K1*, with the exception of the Liberty Insurgency flagship Harmony snooping around the vicinity. "Corax" reports that one of the two unknown structures around the trinary anomaly has vanished without a trace. Further indication that with Abrams' death the threat of the Sentinel gateway appears to have diminished. The Unto Nightfall and her crew need a respite from this region. We have spent months remaining hidden in the midst of this awful dark matter storm, cut off from proper resupply and maintenance. With Kepler now seemingly returning to a more secure state, I believe it is time for us to depart - if only temporarily. With command's approval, I have decided that the Unto Nightfall will redeploy out of the northern independent systems and make her way towards the Taus. There we may rendezvous with "Solemn" and further investigate the sudden appearance of Nomad forms in the region. Depending on how long we will be occupied there, we may yet turn south and return to the Omegas. Command recently lost contact with a team of headhunters; perhaps we will find out what happened to them. Of course, I do not assume that the events in Kepler are over yet. "Corax" and "Veles" will remain in Kepler and Liberty to continue observation of the situation. We have also acquired fresh hyperspace coordinates in case we must return for an emergency. But for now, I dare be cautiously optimistic that we may have succeeded in thwarting the Sentinel threat... For the time being. RE: Section 8 - Personal Logs - Toaster - 06-05-2022 ![]() Section 8 Personal Logs Login ID: Hawkins Entry #: 10 Encryption: Citadel 05. June 829 We just lost contact with Emissary. Her last transmission did not make any sense - a report about a Rheinland cruiser interfering with naval operations in the Pittsburgh debris field. Her signal cut out minutes later. I fear the worst: She may have been captured in the chaos of whatever was happening in New York. With any luck, she will have self-terminated first. If she does not reestablish contact within twenty-four hours, I will deploy Solemn to investigate what happened. This could not have come at a more inconvenient time. |