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Section 8 - Mission Reports - Printable Version

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Section 8 - Mission Reports - Toaster - 11-16-2021

[Image: 9urGfE0.png]
Section 8

Mission Report

Login ID: "Solemn"
Entry #: SOL_01
Encryption: Citadel

16. Nov. 828

I deployed on a routine patrol of the Kepler system yesterday, 15. Nov. 828, at 1838 hours SMT. The route from Nome Base to Ames Research Station was clear, so I continued on to K1*. There I made contact with A/)-Revenant, who was already present and observing the trinary anomalies. As instructed, I inquired about any recent developments. Revenant denied there having been any of note.

At 1918 hours SMT, I was joined by Order operative callsign Empress. When asked as to what she was doing in the system, she replied that she had previously pursued Vincent Abrams into Kepler. I did not press the matter.

At 1943 hours SMT, we detected a spike in activity within K1*. I approached to perform EMR analysis but was warned by Revenant to stay away. When asked why, they replied only with "You're making it angry." I disregarded that. I continued to approach and let my sensors work. Radiation levels were high but within previously recorded parameters. I switched to gravimetric analysis and found gravitational fluctuations far in excess of what had been previously recorded. I requested Empress to approach and confirm, when a sudden malfunction caused by maneuver thrusters to go offline. The anomalies' gravitational well pulled me in before I could reboot the systems and I was...


At 1957 hours SMT, I found myself in unknown space. My navigational computer was unable to place my location relative to the Sirius sector. Shortly after, Vincent Abrams and Empress appeared as well. Abrams appeared very concerned with our new situation, but seemed familiar with the area. We entered a large dark matter cloud, following Abrams' guidance. He indicated that the storm had grown since his last visit, but I was unable to make sense of most of what he was saying.

Abrams led us into an area of concentrated dark matter. At 2014 hours SMT, we found the wreck of a large vessel. IFF identified it as the Canaan. How this is possible, I don't know. Abrams could not explain it either. The wreck was emitting several unintelligible signals, but our ships were rapidly deteriorating in the storm. We had to abandon any further investigation of the wreck.

[Image: frHbsnM.png]
Supposed wreck of the Canaan

At 2021 hours SMT, sensors detected a hostile contact - a Sentinel warform, similar to a Nomad Nammu-type form. Our status was too precarious to engage, so Abrams led an escape towards a jump hole anomaly he had found on previous visits. At 2024 hours SMT, we found the jump hole and proceeded to enter. The Sentinel warform did not pursue.

Empress, Abrams, and I exited hyperspace in the Sigma-17 system, near Planet Kurile in the Kunashir Cloud. We had little time to get our bearings, as two smaller Sentinel warforms appeared nearby and laid in for pursuit. We chose not to engage, and instead fled across the system to the Sigma-21 jump hole. Again, the Sentinels did not follow us through.

We were able to take a brief rest in 21 and decide our further proceedings. The Order listening post Port Said was nearby. Despite the risk of further pursuit by Sentinels, we decided to make our way there for emergency repairs and refueling before setting out for Kepler. At 2038 hours SMT, we made visual contact with Port Said. We found it under siege by a large force of Sentinel warforms, ranging from bomber- to cruiser-analogues. Disregarding by instructions to flee the area and return their gathered intelligence to our operations in Liberty, Empress and Abrams followed me into the battle in an attempt to secure the station. With the garrison, we were able to neutralize a first wave. However, a larger warform - similar to a Marduk-type form - appeared nearby. Unable to assist Port Said further and with no time to dock and resupply, Empress, Abrams, and I retreated towards Sigma-15 and Freeport 8.

[Image: N66u0yT.png]
Battleship-analogue Sentinel warform

There, we were able to refuel and perform field repairs before continuing our retreat through Rheinland space. I started suffering mild hallucinations, which I believe were related to increased stress levels. I cannot exclude the possibility that they may have been induced by Nomad - or perhaps Sentinel - telepathy.

We rerouted to the Hudson system. None of us were in a condition to cross Liberty space to reach Kepler. Abrams made port at his personal outpost while Empress and I set down on Barrow Base. I instructed Empress to forward a full report of the day's events to Captain Hawkins.

I will submit to a full examination once I return to the Unto Nightfall.

A full guncam recording of the events post-transportation and complete comm logs are attached below. I recommend immediate further analysis of K1* and questioning of Vincent Abrams, as well as an investigation into the apparent double-appearance of the Canaan.


RE: Section 8 - Mission Reports - Toaster - 02-05-2022

[Image: 9urGfE0.png]
Section 8

Mission Report

Login ID: "Corax"
Entry #: COR_01
Encryption: Fortress

05. Feb. 829

After "Solemn"'s report about his brief encounter with our friend, Abrams, on his way out to the Taus, I received orders to perform a fly-by of the Kepler anomaly, K1*. I launched right away from [REDACTED] and made my way to the Kepler system. I was able to reach K1* unhindered - disregarding the pounding my ship took from the dark matter storm.

Worryingly, I must confirm Abrams' claims about unknown structures having appeared around K1*: Two structures consisting of central sections with six tapered pillars extruding in each cardinal direction. Detailed surface and deep matter scans resulted in inconclusive readings concerning their material composition, however, whatever they are made of renders them practically invisible to sensors. This would explain why our remote probes failed to detect these objects earlier.

[Image: hqR4KIn.png]
Object K1*(a) in immediate proximity to K1*

Visuals suggest similarities to structures of K'haran or Daam K'Vosh origin, such as Knossos-type gates. But I am no expert on xenoarchitecture or engineering and will leave that to those who know something about it.

My sensors did not detect any radiation or energy emissions originating from these objects. At the time of my investigation, they seemed completely inert. I have no guesses as to what their purpose may be or, for that matter, how they even got to where they are. Unless they have some form of powerful propulsion, I cannot imagine them being able to escape K1*'s gravitational pull.

[Image: J52UYgd.png]
Close-up visual scan of object K1*(b)

I will continue close observation of these unknown structures but also advise that the Nightfall herself be deployed to the area. Maybe her sensor suite will be able to make something of these things where my ship's failed.


RE: Section 8 - Mission Reports - Toaster - 02-05-2022

[Image: 9urGfE0.png]
Section 8

Mission Report

Login ID: "Corax"
Entry #: COR_02
Encryption: Fortress

05. Feb. 829

At the CO's request, I launched immediately for another fly-by of K1*.

On the way there, I encountered two Overwatch vessels - callsigns Lily and Dark Warrior -, who passed without so much as a greeting. Nothing out of the ordinary there. I approached the Prophet anomalies, where I found Vincent Abrams himself, the Auxesian Revenant, and two minor Nomad forms, one of the Adad-type and one of the Nammu-type. I remained cloaked and settled in to observe from a safe distance.

Abrams appeared to be completely unresponsive, his ship powered down. And just when the Nomads started communicating amongst the gathered group, the Overwatch vessels reappeared out of cloak, right on top of it all. I immediately advised them to retreat to a safe distance - advice that they of course chose to ignore. And just then, K1* started to show activity.

These new, unknown structures seemed to channel energy from the gravitational anomalies at K1*'s center, expending it in a sudden burst. Abrams was gone right away, presumably transported through the resulting gateway - like "Solemn," when he was caught in the anomalies' well.

Both Overwatch vessels started fooling around K1*, of course, ignoring any further warnings I offered. Lily managed to trigger the gateway, too. Followed promptly by Revenant, who decided to pursue Abrams as well. [Side note: Revenant was openly collaborating with the present Nomads.] Dark Warrior managed to escape the anomalies' gravitation pull, only to return immediately and - of course - pass through. Honestly, these people are hopeless. One of the Nomads, the Adad-form, followed through the gateway, as well, leaving only me and the Nammu-type warform to observe K1*. The alien managed to detect me and attempted communication, which I did my best to keep at a minimum.

I remained on overwatch for thirty minutes, waiting for any further activity or a return of the vessels that passed through the gateway, but in vain. Fuel running low and the dark matter storms growing more violent, I set course for [REDACTED] and vacated the area.

It seems Abrams was not exactly telling the truth when he spoke to "Solemn" about abandoning his activity in Kepler. However, something clearly was not right with him either - who in their right mind would power their ship down that close to the anomalies? Add to that the presence of Revenant and Nomads... I am afraid the CO's informant was telling the truth all along. I recommend we act on this ASAP. With any luck, the Overwatch operatives survived their adventure and can corroborate our intel.

Video and communication logs attached below.


RE: Section 8 - Mission Reports - Toaster - 02-10-2022

[Image: 9urGfE0.png]
Section 8

Mission Report

Login ID: "Errant"
Entry #: ERR_01
Encryption: Citadel

10. Feb. 829

Captain Hawkins,

The strike against Vincent Abrams was a success.

Commander Cobra and his men were able to preoccupy the target outside of his research station while operative Empress and I prepared for the attack. The Commander was unable to keep him distracted for long, however, forcing Empress and I to approach separately. Luckily, this proved not to be an issue. Empress arrived shortly after me and we engaged the target together, with assistance from the Xenos.

Vincent Abrams was dispatched quickly. He must have not expected the Xenos to turn on him and was completely unprepared. Sensor sweeps of the vicinity revealed no signs of an escape pod. The asteroid field may have interfered with our scanners, but I am certain that the target was successfully terminated.

Commander Cobra revealed that he had access codes to the research station and agreed to board it for a brief scan of its interior. The sections he was able to access revealed nothing of note.

Communication logs and a blackbox confirmation of Ridge's destruction are attached below.

My job here is done. I will return to my duties elsewhere.

Good luck, Captain.


RE: Section 8 - Mission Reports - Toaster - 04-02-2022

[Image: 9urGfE0.png]
Section 8

Mission Report

Login ID: Hawkins
Entry #: HAW_01
Encryption: Citadel

01. Apr. 829

As expected, the Gauls reached out to the Order for assistance with the deployment of their new "inhibitors." With permission from command, the Unto Nightfall was deployed to Issoudon Shipyard, the site of the initial deployment, to observe and secure the area against Nomad attacks. We were joined by a squadron of fighters launched from the Amenta and the Aya.

As [REDACTED] and I anticipated, criminal elements from Gallia and Bretonia caught wind of the Gallic Navy's plans and conducted raids against the shipyard. I gave orders not to interfere with the senseless violence between the Gauls and terrorists. As expected, the inhibitors' deployment also attracted the attention of the local Nomads and we were quickly involved in heavy combat with a significant force of large alien warforms. Fortunately, the human forces were able to lay their differences aside - for the most part - and joined in the battle against the alien threat. Equally as fortunately, no Sentinels were detected. Had their advanced warforms been present, losses on our side would have likely been catastrophic. In their absence, however, our joint forces were able to fend off several waves of attacks.

Notably, the Nomads were joined by two infected human vessels: the GNS Talence, a Gallic battlecruiser, and the Ki'Shar, a Gallic battleship. Visuals and sensor analysis indicate that the latter has been heavily modified with K'haran augmentations. I myself have never seen a vessel hybridized to such an extent before. Perhaps the Overwatch databases will contain more detailed information on this vessel. The implications of two Gallic capital ships having fallen to Nomad infestation are very concerning.

Allied forces suffered repeated casualties; however, the proximity of Issoudon Shipyard allowed for rapid emergency repairs and redeployment of damaged vessels. The Unto Nightfall suffered moderate damage, primarily to the hull and weapons systems. While the Amenta has been able to provide necessary repairs to maintain operational readiness, the Nightfall will need to return to [REDACTED] soon for more extensive repairs and resupply.

The crew suffered four more fatalities, caused by a hull breach on the forward engineering decks. These brave men and women performed their duties valiantly and admirably and gave their lives in service to humanity. Their sacrifice will not be forgotten.

Ultimately, the battle was a victory. The Nomad forces were routed and the inhibitors successfully deployed. Order forces retreated from the shipyard before hostilities between the Gallic Navy and present criminal elements could reignite. What effect these prototype inhibitors will have on the local alien presence remains to be seen.

Hawkins, signing off.


RE: Section 8 - Mission Reports - Toaster - 06-07-2022

[Image: iO7z9dm.png]
Section 8

Mission Report

Login ID: "Solemn"
Entry #: SOL_02
Encryption: Citadel

07. June 829

I deployed to New York at Captain Hawkins' order to investigate the disappearance of Emissary.

My first course of action was to locate witnesses to corroborate the contents of Emissary's last transmission. I found 5th Fleet Lieutenant Commander Silva of the Akhetaten and Michael Evans, freelancer, both of whom were present at the engagement with the Rheinwehr cruiser RNC Einbeck in the Pittsburgh Debris Field. They confirmed Emissary's presence at the scene. According to their testimonies, she did not get directly involved in the incident and departed immediately after the Einbeck was neutralized. Neither Silva nor Evans know where she was headed.

These reports match the delay between Emissary's last transmission and loss of her signal. I assume she was able to cleanly escape the Pittsburgh Debris Field but was ambushed by as of yet unknown hostiles on her way to her base of operations on Manhattan. Location data of her last transmission indicates that the encounter with the Einbeck concluded roughly 30 to 40 clicks below New York's solar plane. Assuming she set a direct course for Manhattan, Emissary would have had a flight of circa 100 clicks ahead of her. Considering the delay between her last transmission and her signal cutting out, I believe she would have been roughly half-way to Manhattan.

I will retrace her route and search for any trace of Emissary.
