RE: »TO: Listed Friends - Kauket - 11-18-2021

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Revenant

[Image: unknown.png]


Shikoku it is then. Our faces are a tad bit too familiar with Erie. Though, we may need to fabricate some fake identities to keep spooks off of us.

Oh, and be aware, a nice little Rogue told me that there's an Order hit squad after Nenet, we may need to keep that in mind.

You really did rile them up. Proud of you.


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RE: »TO: Listed Friends - Nenet - 11-18-2021

[Image: JLcpsw3.png]

Shikoku it is, then. I should be able to make it in time, hopefully. I shouldn't be notorious or infamous over there just yet.

A hit squad? Groovy. Just imagine if they paid me, or better yet, didn't start insulting me. Would have saved them a few headaches. Guess I'll have to call in for a few favours.

See you lot there.


RE: »TO: Listed Friends - Kauket - 11-20-2021

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Revenant

[Image: unknown.png]


I overheard the argument with the "Cassandra Hayes" - thanks to the Fifth name dropping them - against Nenet, and you Locke.

Are you both well? It went on for half a day at least. Did it work out in the end at least? Are the Order going to keep their ego in check? I did not see them chew up Nenet when that Hunter was on her.


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RE: »TO: Listed Friends - Nenet - 11-20-2021

[Image: JLcpsw3.png]

I'm going to keep the end of the deal I agreed to. Which is to ignore them for the most part. Doubt they are satisfied with that, and expect to see my head on a pike. Says more about them than it does about me. They didn't want to go for an apology, thus they won't receive one from me. I know their type. Give them a hand and they'll take an arm. At least you'll know which of us instigated when things snowball out of control once more.


RE: »TO: Listed Friends - Darkstar_Spectre - 11-20-2021

[Image: Lc48rCo.png]
[Image: Lc48rCo.png]
☠ Incoming transmission.
☠ Signal source: Barrow Base, Hudson
☠ Opening video feed...

[Image: Atka.png_1.png]

Sender: "Ridgenose"
Recipient: Revenant and Co.
The arguement.

I'm fine. You don't need to worry about me.

☠ Transmission signal lost.

RE: »TO: Listed Friends - Kauket - 11-20-2021

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Revenant

[Image: unknown.png]


Bring some assurances to the meeting. Incase we get jumped in space or on station. If you can, buy some personal protective mesh to conceal on your person before coming over.

If you think you're being followed, give heads up.

The Order is known for their abrasive mannerisms, you sure they won't pull strings against you for standing up like that, Locke?


...transmission complete
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Discovery Gaming Community
»TO: Listed Friends - Printable Version

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»TO: Listed Friends - Kauket - 11-17-2021

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Revenant

[Image: unknown.png]


To; Vincent Abrams, Locke 'Ridgenose', Nenet Mido, Artist "Black Tulip", Lazurith, Hachette.

I would like to cordially invite you all for a social meet up to have a drink, so that we all get to know each other a little better for what's to come and to ultimately have a little distraction from the on-going problems we are faced with.

At the moment, Nenet, Tulip and I thought that Kusari would be the best place to go, since nobody there will recognise us, plus, relatively short distance. Shikoku comes to mind for distance and ease, namely that gamblers den, Noshima. Otherwise, we'd have to smuggle ourselves on-world to one of the cities.

Unless any of you have a better suggestion. Liberty is not exactly the most welcoming of places, but it would certainly be less alienating than Kusari. Maybe we can sneak onto Erie. Although I'm not quite initimately familiar with the local politics of Liberty, but I do believe the influence of the Goverment forces there is far considerably less overbearing than the other regions.

I'm open for alternatives, as long as it has Wine available and no Order "spooks" - I'm partially not too fond of Kusari myself, but it's one of the few choices we have. Or Gallia. Maybe Erie is marginally better, but our faces a little well too known.

If you're all up for it, meet up this Saturday, 7PM SMT.


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RE: »TO: Listed Friends - Hemlocke - 11-17-2021

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Hachette

[Image: unknown.png]


Unfortunately, my dear. I find myself in agreement over Noshima, there is not a better alternative that comes to my mind.

I will make the necessary preparations, and meet you there.

Do notify me if you require something before then.


...transmission complete
...terminating stream

RE: »TO: Listed Friends - Darkstar_Spectre - 11-17-2021

[Image: Lc48rCo.png]
[Image: Lc48rCo.png]
☠ Incoming transmission.
☠ Signal source: Barrow Base, Hudson
☠ Opening video feed...

[Image: Atka.png_1.png]

Sender: "Ridgenose"
Recipient: Revenant.

Kusari might be problematic on the recognition front for me, but I should still be able to make it. I'll just have to find another way in to avoid having a gunfight with most of the station.

☠ Transmission signal lost.

RE: »TO: Listed Friends - Ashlyn Gearing - 11-17-2021 stream detected...
...establishing connection...
...translating data...

[Image: HSSo1HQ.jpg]
>> SENDER: Ashlyn "Black Tulip" Gearing
>> RECIPIENT: Revenant and Co.
>> SUBJECT: Meeting

Beginning Encrypted Feed...


You know I'm up for it. Maybe I could let my connections play back on my home Denver. Borrowing a Freighter craft from my father with a clean ID. He has ties to Universal Shipping, so maybe we could sneak onto the Planets with using such a vessel, if I manage it to get one. After all we could need some shift of scene, hanging out in some more interesting area, but if you prefer to remain a low profile that is fine too. Noshima isn't half bad. just make a bow around the Hogosha agents with their wary eyes.

Unsure if Erie would work out though. But yeah options appear scarce. Gallia could be interesting too, but unsure if some would have a problem with that. I just don't know much about that house, so can't help much either, but it remains an option. Up to you.

Best Regards,

Ashlyn Gearing

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